So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 596: This B, she pretended it! (One)

She is an actor with good looks and good acting skills, with a generous smile on her face, without any flaws.

Ji Chicheng was not polite, nodded, stretched out a good-looking hand, and took over the menu. Ji Anning stared at his other hand that was scratching the screen, feeling very nervous.

This meal will eat up the rhythm of her pay for a play.

I don't know what Ji Chicheng ordered, but he only saw his fingers and kept tapping on the screen.

Are they all ordering?

"Uncle..." Ji Anning blurted out.

Ji Chicheng stopped his movements and raised his head to look at Ji Anning with a puzzled look.

A few words of mercy under his hand, rationally stuck in his mouth and did not say it, Ji Anning smiled, "Don't order spicy food, you can't eat it."

"that's it."

Ji Chicheng ordered a few more dishes, then handed the menu to the waiter.

Ji Anning looked at the waiter walking towards the kitchen with the menu, opened his mouth nervously, and finally closed his mouth helplessly.

Then, another waiter brought a bottle of red wine and put it on the table elegantly.

Ji Anning glanced at the brand of the red wine immediately, and took a breath.

She was very impressed with this brand. At the end of the menu, a bottle seemed to be worth 200,000.

She watched as the waiter took the corkscrew to open the bottle of red wine, which was more expensive than gold, and the moment the cork was pulled out, her heart twitched.

The heart hurts, and the meat hurts too.

"Will the red wine be poured now?" The waiter asked Ji Chicheng with a slight smile.

Ji Anning frowned and expressed dissatisfaction.

Wipe Wipe, she spends the money, she is the sponsor of this meal, OK? Why don't you ask her?

Thinking about it, her voice rushed in front of Ji Chicheng, and said to the waiter: "Up!"

Very heroic tone.

Anyway, the wine has already been opened and cannot be returned. It is better to eat more quickly.

"Please enjoy."

The waiter poured the wine for them, then stepped back and stood a long way from them.

Before the dishes came, Ji Anning picked up the wine glass and looked down at the red liquid inside, as if looking at the blood flowing out of her heart.

Put it to your lips, take a sip, and slap your lips. This taste is no different from the red wine in the Potong restaurant. Why is it dozens of times the price of others?

Each box is an independent kitchen, you can see the chef cooking in it, the whole process is transparent, but no sound can be heard.

There is one box, but there are two chefs, as well as small workers, waiters, etc., so the service fee and box fee are sky-high.

To put it bluntly, eating here is the quality and service of the food.

The dishes are fast, one after another.

Many people love to eat, the little girl is unceremonious and just grabs it.

"Be careful of hot."

Ji Anning hurriedly pulled the chair to her side, grabbed her little hand, dropped all the food she was holding, and dropped it on the table.

She took the napkin and wiped off the soup from the little girl's hand, and the fork helped her put a few into her bowl.

"Eat with a fork, not with your hands."

As she said that she stuffed the fork into the little hands of Zhuan, when she turned around, she glanced at the big lobster meat that had just fallen from the hand of Zhuan, she picked it up without hesitation and stuffed it into her mouth.

With the soup on her fingers, she stretched her tongue and licked it in a natural movement.