So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 590: His temperature (15)

Ji Anning smiled and gave her a thumbs up, "Awesome."

After receiving the praise, the little girl seemed to have tasted the sweetness, and turned a page. On the screen, a pair of kissing men and women pointed their little fingers at the English words, "Daddy, Mommy."

Just as Ji Anning was about to nod her head to praise her for being great, the little girl suddenly said, "Daddy and mommy kiss."

She covered her mouth and smiled shyly.

"Ha..." Ji Anning laughed awkwardly, and Yu Guang secretly glanced at Ji Chicheng, his cheeks could not help but flush.


However, what caused Ji Anning to play was that the little girl actually took her and Ji Chicheng and let them kiss each other.

The blush on Ji Anning's face quickly dissipated. She looked at Ji Chicheng, but he was quite calm and sat there calmly.

"One after another, we're going to eat delicious food." She tried to use food to divert her attention.

Unexpectedly, the little girl inherited the obsession of her and Ji Chicheng, and forced them to "kiss."

She was holding Ji Anning's sleeve in one hand and Ji Chicheng's sleeve in the other.

Ji Anning frowned, staring at Ji Chicheng awkwardly, "Ahem."

With a dry cough, Ji Chicheng still did not respond.

Nothing, she couldn't stay awkwardly, so she just got up and didn't plan to pay attention to the little girl.

"Ji Anning."

Ji Chicheng suddenly called her.

She paused, then turned around in the next second, stepped forward in front of Ji Chicheng, bent over, and dipped water on his lips.

Then she frowned and looked at the little girl and asked, "Mommy kisses the daddy, can you?"

The little girl nodded in satisfaction. She put down the book in her hand, got up, and stood on the sofa. She also hugged Ji Chicheng on the neck and kissed him on the mouth.

There was a ‘chip’, very loud.

And also left sparkling saliva.

Ji Anning frowned, pouted, and was very dissatisfied, so she kissed gently.

Ji Chicheng glanced at her, a faint smile appeared in his eyes, calmly retracted his gaze, and hugged one after another.

Thinking of something, he said calmly to Ji Anning: "I have enrolled in a language class. Every Wednesday and Friday at 9 am, you take her there."

Ji Anning was stunned when he heard the words, Ji Chicheng had already walked past her, and she reacted slowly, "Okay."

She replied, her lips curled up happily, and Pi Dian'er followed.

The active figure has different footsteps, and the corner of the man's eyes is dyed with a smile.

"Mr. Ji, Miss Anning, the **** soup is ready. When you go upstairs, remember to bring it upstairs to drink."

When the dinner was about to end, the aunt broke two cups of steaming coke and **** syrup and gave Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng a drink.

Ji Anning looked at the two cups of **** soup together, and the scene of Ji Chicheng feeding her and **** soup flashed in his mind last night. Then... it shouldn't be a dream.

After thinking about it, she nodded with a beautiful smile, and responded to the aunt: "Okay."

Seeing her laughing stupidly, the aunt couldn't help but say something more, "Miss Anning is in a good mood."

"Ha..." Ji Anning's expression stiffened with embarrassment, and then nodded with a smile, "It's okay."

Very good, now this feeling is really good.

Then, she looked at her aunt and said, "Auntie, sit down and have some food together."