So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 588: His temperature (13)

Ji Anning leaned on the seat, tilted his head, and looked at the man in the next seat. She didn't wipe off the rain that blocked her sight, just staring at him dimly.

I have never had peace of mind and peace of mind before.

When they got home, they were already asleep.

Auntie was guarding in the living room. Ji Anning's head was dizzy and a little confused, and she greeted her aunt and went straight upstairs.

Ji Chicheng followed her and watched her go upstairs. He stopped for a while, then turned around and entered the kitchen.

He opened the refrigerator and looked up and down.

Auntie also followed, to see what he was looking for, she asked: "Mr. Ji, what are you looking for?"

"Is there no Coke?" Ji Chicheng straightened up, looking at his aunt and asked.

The aunt said: "Just one bottle, let Miss An Ning cook the **** soup for you at night."

Ji Chicheng frowned, "What?"

"Miss An Ning cooked Coke and **** water and sent it to you." The aunt said as she walked to the refrigerator and flipped through it, "No more, there is not a bottle."

Suddenly, Ji Chicheng flashed behind her like a gust of wind.

"This kid!"

The aunt felt inexplicable and whispered in the kitchen.


Ji Anning returned to the room, took off his wet clothes, and stood under the shower, drenched in hot water.

The body is relaxed like never before.

Her head became more and more confused, and she was starting to get a little uncontrollable. She stepped back and leaned against the wall.

After brewing for a while, the drowsiness seemed to be relieved. She didn't take the towel, put on the bathrobe, and walked out of the bathroom barefoot.

Holding a dry towel, wiping his wet hair while walking.

Afraid of waking up, she sat cross-legged on the small sofa. She was too weak, so she wrapped her hair in a towel and didn't want to worry about it.

"Ji Anning."

Suddenly, there was a familiar shout, a familiar man's voice.

She opened her eyes in a daze. She couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality. She smiled and stretched out her hand, trying to touch the tall figure in front of her, "Uncle, my head hurts."

"Drank this."

The gentle and magnetic voice bewitched Ji Anning.

Ji Anning nodded obediently, "Okay."

Opened his mouth, took a sip of what the man brought to her mouth.

Warm, sweet, spicy.

The mixture of several flavors made her a little awake. She raised her head, and the man looked down at her, with dark eyes that were bottomless.

Can't see any emotions.

"Is this coke **** syrup?" Ji Anning lowered his head in a daze, looking at the bowl in Ji Chicheng's hand.

"Hold it." Ji Chicheng stretched his hand forward, letting Ji Anning carry the bowl by himself.

Ji Anning nodded, "Oh", and reached out to take the bowl. The bowl was warm. She held it in her palm, lowered her head and took a sip, and then finished it in one breath, even the few **** threads in it Eat it.

She also licked the corners of her mouth eagerly.

The man saw her behavior in his eyes, his deep gaze warmed a little.

He stretched out his hand to take away the bowl in Ji Anning's hand, looked at her wet hair wrapped in a towel, and said in a commanding tone: "Hair dry before going to bed."

Ji Anning nodded, "Yes."

Ji Chicheng glanced at her deeply, pursed his lips, and turned around.

Watching his tall figure leave, Ji Anning leaned back and leaned down completely, murmured unconsciously, "Uncle blow my hair."