So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 587: His temperature (12)

Suddenly, Ji Chicheng stretched his hand forward, grabbed her hand, and dragged her toward him, "The car you drove out of my house, drive back by yourself."

He forced the car key into Ji Anning's hand.

Ji Anning raised her face in surprise, and the handsome face of the man was in her blurred vision, dimly as if they were separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

"Don't you think she is dead?"

At this time, Char's voice suddenly came from the door abruptly.

Ji Anning's nervous fingers snapped away, grabbing Ji Chicheng's hand, and turning to look at Char.

He stood on the steps of the gate, under the door lamp, he was more like Satan who came to rule the world, with a pair of gloomy blue eyes, looking at Ji Chicheng next to her with an unclear smile.

Ji Chicheng also looked at Char with a look of disdain, "I just asked her to come and drive the car from my house."

As he said, he raised his eyebrows at Char again, "Isn't the borrowed things supposed to be returned to the original owner?"

"Seeing that you are her son, I can give you a choice. The car is the same as the person." Char said: "You can leave your car and take her back in the rain, or you can have one How do people come, how can they go back alone."

After speaking, he waited for Ji Chicheng's reaction with a smile.

Ji Chicheng twitched the corner of his mouth coldly, and replied without showing any weakness: "I am a person who hates the beginning and the end, so today I will take the car and the people together."

After hearing this, Char's face suddenly changed, "Little handsome guy, no one has dared to be so rampant to me yet."

As he gritted his teeth, Ji Anning felt a touch of coldness at such a distance.

"Uncle, get out of the way!"

Her eyes flashed and she reached out and pushed Ji Chicheng hard.


A gunshot filled the rainy night with murderous intent.

Ji Chicheng was pushed a few steps away by Ji Anning, when he heard the gunshots, he blindfolded and turned around.

Seeing Ji Anning standing there safe and sound, he lost control of his emotions and yelled at her: "Ji Anning, are you crazy?"

Before everyone could react, Ji Chicheng stretched his hand over and snatched the gun from one of the female bodyguards.

The thunder could not cover his ears, holding a gun at the man standing at the door.

'boom! ’

The bullet swept over Char's shoulder and hit the door.

"Mr. Char."

The two bodyguards glanced at Char nervously, and saw that he was fine, immediately turned their heads and swept toward Ji Chicheng with murderous eyes.

"Go away."

Not waiting for the two bodyguards to take action, Char suddenly gave an order.

The two bodyguards looked at Char in a puzzled look, but backed off.

"You can take her away, the car and the people." Charl looked at Ji Chicheng, and there was a little sadness in his dark blue eyes. He said, "For nothing else, just because you are better than Ji Zhengdao, you are capable. Have the courage to protect her."


Ji Chicheng snorted coldly, threw the gun in his hand to the ground and turned into the car.

Ji Anning was still standing in the rain, glanced at Char who turned to enter the door, and felt loneliness and desolation from him for the first time.

After getting in the car, Ji Chicheng started the car. The lights came on, interrupting Ji Anning's thoughts. She reacted, without hesitation for a second, and immediately turned into the car.

The heating is on and music is on in the car.

An English-style piano music, with a gentle melody, reminds people of quietness and relaxation.