So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 556: Relationship relaxation (7)

"A person so big and so proud, he actually shed tears." Qi Helian showed distress in his eyes. He said: "The first time I was ten years old, I Go to Ji’s house to play, see him hiding at the corner of the stairs on the third floor of Ji’s house, his eyes are red from crying.

Hearing this, Ji Anning was heartbroken and couldn't help himself.

She bit her lip and flushed her eyes. In the bright eyes, the light became more and more shining.


Holding her breath, Qi Helian responded, and then she immediately turned around.

The wide suit enveloped her petite body, and a gust of cold wind blew straight into her body.

Holding her arms, she walked faster and faster, and found her car. She opened the door of the passenger seat and bent down to get in.

"Let's go."

Ji Anning said to the assistant who had been waiting for her in the car while wearing the seat belt.


Suddenly, a small figure emerged from behind.

Ji Anning was surprised, she turned her head, her tearful eyes looked at the back seat, and she was surprised again.

How is he in the car?

Ji Chicheng sat in the back seat, his body pressed against the right window, one arm resting on the car window, and the back of his hand stroking his forehead.

Looks very tired.

The assistant in the driver's seat explained: "Mr. Ji seems to be drinking too much, and the car can't be driven anymore, just to go back with Sister Nian in your car."

Ji Anning heard the words and nodded with a ‘oh’.

Then she turned back and couldn't help but lifted her eyelids to look in the rearview mirror. Her footsteps happened to see most of Ji Chicheng's face.

‘That day he was drunk and ran to find me. That was the second time I saw him cry...’

What Qi Helian said to her just now echoed in her ears, and her heart was pumping pain again.

The assistant started the car.

In country M, there is not much traffic jam. At this point, there are no cars on the road, so I can get home without hindrance.

The car stopped steadily in the yard, Ji Anning turned and looked back, his heart softened.

They all lay down on their seats and fell asleep, with their heads resting on Ji Chicheng's thighs. Ji Chicheng's eyes were also slightly closed, as if he was asleep.


The helper pulled off the seat belt and was about to say something to Ji Anning. Ji Anning hurriedly made a'hush' gesture to her and motioned her not to say anything.

The assistant nodded, closed his mouth, then gently pushed the door and got out of the car.

For fear of awakening the father and son behind him, the assistant just closed the car door gently without closing it tightly.

Before getting off the car, she was afraid of lack of air, so she opened the windows and skylights specially.

The car was turned off, and there was no light in the carriage. The lights in the yard outside came in, dim and dim, adding gentleness and serenity to that warm picture.

Ji Anning leaned on the seat, looked at the man's sleeping handsome face tenderly, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

Don't think about those ethical and unethical, and don't care about those who are morally immoral. Isn't it good for them to live here like this?

In my heart, I suddenly threw myself a question like this.

As time passed, Ji Chicheng showed no signs of waking up, and the little girl lying on his lap didn't even know that she was awake, sleeping like a pig.

Gradually, Ji Anning's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and she couldn't support it. She gave up struggling and closed her eyes.

The man opened his eyes and looked at the little woman who had just fallen asleep. In his deep black eyes, there was a gleam of dark birds.