So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 555: Relationship relaxation (6)

"Who was Miss Kiyi just now?" Director Piccolo, who was sitting opposite, suddenly asked Ji Anning. He raised his head and glanced at the direction Ji Chicheng was leaving, and then asked: " He was the one who came up last time, right?"

"Yes, I'm a...friend."

Ji Anning nodded and replied perfunctorily, a little embarrassed, she lowered her head again.

I feel uncomfortable.

So in the second half of the dinner, she basically didn't make a lot of noise. Fortunately, Qi Helian understood her and took the job of greeting the director of Piccolo.

After a meal, when Ji Anning got up and felt dizzy, she realized that she had drunk several glasses of wine.

She held the table and lowered her head to brew.

Qi Helian took a look at her, leaned close to her, and asked concerned, "Drink too much? Can it work?"

Ji Anning stretched out a hand and shook it at him, "It's okay."

Shaking her head lightly again, she stood up straight and walked towards the restaurant gate with Qi Helian.

Director Bick walked in front of them, and when they reached the door of the restaurant, they performed foreign etiquette and embraced and said goodbye.

After watching Director Bick away, Ji Anning and Qi Helian walked towards the parking space. The weather in late autumn was very cold at night.

Ji Anning didn't wear much. The wind was blowing, she was a little cold, and she folded her arms tightly and curled her neck.

"Is it cold?" Qi Helian asked, reaching out and quickly unbuttoning his suit.

When Ji Anning realized his actions, he had already taken off his suit and put it on her. Ji Anning frowned, "Aren't you cold after taking it off? Our women are actually a bit more resistant to freezing than your men."

"One little girl." Qi Helian turned his face, looking at Ji Anning's beautiful face with makeup, his eyes reflecting the lights of this city were as bright as stars.

He was unsuspectingly illuminated by her empty heart.

Ji Anning smiled, "I've been in the world for several years, and I'm still a little girl."

Qi He curled his lips, "In my mind, you will always be a little girl."

A persistent, stubborn, and patient little girl.

Qi Helian had put the clothes on her body, and had retracted her hands, and after putting it on, her body was really warmer.

Ji Anning didn't think much, so there was no hypocrisy.

They walked slowly into the open-air parking space of the restaurant, and their cars stopped a few cars away.

Qi Helian's car stopped in front, he stopped, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and looked at Anning, "You have a drink, go back to bed early."

"Be careful on your way." Ji Anning raised a hand and waved to Qi Helian.

Then turned around and walked in the direction of her car.

After not taking a few steps, Qi Helian suddenly called her, "Anning."

Ji Anning turned around in confusion, "Huh?"

Between them, at a distance of two or three meters, under the light, Qi Helian's indescribable face was amazing.

Ji Anning is the same, she sighed in her heart, how could a man be so beautiful.

In her mind, she couldn't help but think back to the scene when Ji Chicheng called Qi Helian "Qi Meiren" when she was a child, and she couldn't help smiling.

When she thinks of Ji Chicheng, she always can't help herself.

Qi Helian looked at her and said, "He was drunk and ran to find me that day. That was the second time I saw him cry."

When Ji Anning heard the words, her heart was tight, and she looked towards Qi Helian blankly.