So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 531: Be jealous (2)


Beige did not sleep very deeply, and the sound on the TV was a little louder, she woke up, opened her eyes dazedly, and saw Ji Anning standing next to her, she was also surprised.

Rubbing her eyes, she got up and sat lazily, "Miss Anning, why are you so early?"

"You... why did you sleep on the sofa?" Ji Anning looked at the beige and asked puzzledly.

Beige smiled, "Because of the frequent drunkenness of the boss in the past two years, I am used to it."

After speaking, she raised her hands, stretched her waist, and then looked at Ji Anning and said: "Since you are awake, Miss Anning, then I will go back first and go to work during the day."

‘In the past two years, the boss was drunk frequently...’

Every time I learn about the details of Ji Chicheng's life in the past two years, Ji Anning's heart can't help but hurt.

Beige's words echoed in her ears, and she was stunned for a while, and then recovered, Beige had already reached the gate, she looked at her, suddenly a little guilty and a little bit sour.

I don't know why I feel guilty, I only know that I feel sad because I love beige.

Compared with her, she is really far behind.

Sitting on the sofa and feeling shocked for a while, it was still early, Ji Anning touched into the kitchen and used the ingredients in the refrigerator to make breakfast.

When she was in Ji's house, she could not cook. Later, she moved to the apartment where Jiahao lived for her, and only then began to learn from simple to complex.

"Miss Anning."

Ji Anning had just prepared all the ingredients to be prepared, and the aunt came in.

Seeing that she was busy with breakfast, the aunt was very nervous, and hurriedly went over and said: "I will do all these."

As she said, she stretched out her hand to take away the spatula in Ji Anning's hand. Ji Anning gently pushed her away, "No, I haven't cooked breakfast for a long time. Let me do it. Go and do something else." ."

Hearing that, the aunt's scramble stopped, "Then...well."

She retracted her hand, glanced at Ji Anning worriedly, then turned around and gave her the kitchen.

She often cooks breakfast with her own hands in L City, and she has reached the stage where practice makes perfect. Because of the waist injury, she spent a little more time.

Looking at the three breakfasts she carefully cooked on the table, all matched in accordance with balanced nutrition, Ji Anning felt full of accomplishment and a sense of happiness that could not be suppressed.

It's like knowing that the matter is wrong, everyone doesn't recognize it, it will harm many people, but I am selfish in it.

"Miss Anning, you really know how to do it." The aunt was worried, and came in to take a look. Seeing Ji Anning's work on the table, she was full of praise, "This trick seems to have appetite."

Ji Anning smiled modestly, "It's not as good as you."

As she took off her apron, she suddenly thought of something and explained to her aunt: "By the way, don't tell Mr. Ji this is what I did, just say you did it."

"Why?" the aunt asked curiously.

Ji Anning curled her lips and smiled bitterly. "If I said he would not eat it, he would probably not eat it, so just do as I said."

I didn't feel sleepy all night, and after busying in the kitchen for a while, it would be sleepy.

She folded her apron and placed it on the dining table. She was worried, and told her aunt again, "Don't tell sir."

The aunt nodded in understanding.

They slept in the room one after another. Ji Anning was afraid that going upstairs would wake her up, so she simply lay down on the sofa, and the beige blanket was still on the sofa when she slept.