So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 530: Be jealous (1)

Ji Anning did not expect that he would wake up suddenly, caught off guard, open his mouth and did not know how to explain, "I..."

She tried hard to withdraw her hand.

But Ji Chicheng clung to it tightly.

"I asked what you wanted to do just now?" Ji Chicheng said coldly again.

There was a strong smell of wine in the breath.

Facing his red eyes, Ji Anning's eyes were also red, "I just...just..."

She hesitated and couldn't speak cruel words.

"Get out!" Ji Chicheng suddenly let go of Ji Anning's wrist and pushed her back hard.

Ji Anning might as well, leaning back suddenly, her waist hit the corner of the coffee table, her eyebrows twitched in pain, she gritted her teeth and didn't let herself scream in pain.

The man followed her angrily, "You can try to challenge me again."

"I know it was wrong."

At this time, she really couldn't bear to irritate him again, it was too late for her distress.

After apologizing, Ji Anning lowered his eyes, admitting his mistake.

Ji Chicheng stretched out his hand to push her, "Go away, I will let you go."

He said, turning his face away, not wanting to see her.

Ji Anning pressed her lips tightly and nodded gently, "Okay."

The impact on the waist just now was very heavy, and she was still in pain, holding the coffee table with one hand and the waist with the other, and stood up with difficulty.

She didn't know that she had hit the vein, and her legs were so painful that it was difficult to lift her legs. She dragged her feet and walked towards the stairs.

"Miss Anning, the sober soup is ready."

Just as Ji Anning walked to the top of the stairs, she came out of the dining room with the steaming sober soup in beige and looked at Ji Anning.

"You can feed him a drink." Ji Anning replied faintly, holding the handrail of the stairs, Ji Anning went up the stairs with difficulty.

She was holding back the severe pain in her waist, already sweating on her forehead.

"Miss Anning, what's wrong with you?"

Perceiving that Ji Anning was acting abnormally, Bei Se followed her two steps, and asked with concern.

Ji Anning turned her head and gave Beige a reassuring smile, "It's okay, don't worry about me."

Then she continued to climb up.

Because she was worried about Ji Chicheng, Beige couldn't care too much, so she looked at Ji Anning uneasy and went to Ji Chicheng with the sober soup.

Ji Anning spent a lot of energy before climbing to the second floor. She held on to the wall with her hand and touched her own room.

Lying on the bed, the little person next to her breathed evenly. Ji Anning pressed close to her, with the tip of her nose pressed against her pink face, sniffing the scent of infant milk on her body, a cold and lonely heart. In the middle of the night, by the side of this little guy, the temperature can get a little back.

I won't feel so lonely.

This night, Ji Anning didn't sleep much, because he was thinking about Ji Chicheng who was drunk.

The next day.

When it got dark, she got up, opened the door, and the door opposite was still tightly closed.

Suddenly, the sound of TV came downstairs.

Who is watching TV so early?

Ji Anning frowned, stepped cautiously and involuntarily, walking toward the stairs, her waist still hurts, she supported her with both hands when she walked.

Waiting in the living room, Ji Anning walked to the top of the stairs and looked in the direction of the sofa. The TV was on and there was a person curled up on the sofa. She held the handrail downstairs.

Approaching the sofa, she was surprised when she saw the person lying on the sofa, "Mi..."

It's beige, why did she sleep on the sofa.