So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 521: The awkward cohabitation life (1)

This is clearly making Ji Chicheng stop making trouble.

Ji Chicheng's fingers really shrank back instinctively. When he reacted, it was too late.

The smile on his face froze, and his face sank in the next second. He reached out and took them away from Ji Anning, looking at Ji Anning coldly: "Think about it before making a decision."

Then he raised his foot and walked into the gate.

‘I’ll give you the opportunity to live here, but after entering this gate, you don’t want to take one step, otherwise you don’t want to see them again. ’

Ji Anning watched Ji Chicheng enter the house in a hug, and the conditions that Ji Chicheng had offered her echoed in her ears, and she stood there hesitantly.

There were voices shouting at her from the room, the tender voices, one after another, becoming more and more anxious, hitting her unshakable heart.

‘I will give you two months, if you don’t return, I will do it myself. ’

He loves them so much, if one day, they will be taken away from him, for him, it must be another serious injury.

But now Char is so anxious, if she doesn't follow his actions, she doesn't know what the overwhelming Charr will do to Ji Chicheng.

The cold wind blew in waves, and Ji Anning stood in place, clearly thinking and thorough analysis, but his heart was chaotic.


There were shouts from the room again, Ji Anning raised his head, took a deep breath, and raised his foot to walk inside.

Although she didn't know exactly how powerful and powerful her uncle was, she didn't dare to take risks, and she didn't dare to threaten him a little bit.

Ji Anning approached the bright living room in the footsteps. Everything in the house was exactly the same as it was two years ago.


Seeing Ji Anning entering the door one after another, jumped off Ji Chicheng and ran towards her happily.

Running to her side, she stepped her feet, hooked Ji Anning's hand, dragged her into the house, "eat, dinner..."

She used Chinese for a while and English for a while.

Chinese is not as good as English.

At Char's house, Char is not allowed to learn Chinese. She has always called her mummy. Just now she called "Mom", and she called Ji Chicheng just now, as if she also called "Dad".

She used to teach her to call "Daddy".

Ji Anning was surprised at all speaking Chinese, then she raised her head to look at the man sitting on the sofa, his gaze also happened to look at her.

"Since you have come in, it proves that you have considered it clearly. Starting today, you are not allowed to take a step out of the yard, otherwise you will never want to see them again." Ji Chicheng warned Ji Anning and stood up.

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the restaurant.

Ji Anning looked at his cold back and blurted out, "Why?"

After asking, she asked herself in her heart, why did she ask him why?

What kind of answer does she want from him? Or what is she expecting?

Ji Chicheng paused and didn't turn around, "Because I don't want a mother who has scandals and chaotic private lives to affect her growth."

After speaking, he started again and walked into the restaurant.

Mother with scandal and chaotic private life...

Ji Anning's other hand hanging on his leg, clenched his fist, as if clenching her heart, clenching tightly.

The little man next to her is still looking up at her, her face always holding a smile.