So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 520: Mom and Dad together (10)

Live here!

When Ji Anning heard these words, her heart moved involuntarily, but how could she live here?

Living here, can she still control her own heart?

Ji Anning looked at the man in front of him, facing the bright light.

His handsome face, even if it is full of hatred, his breath, even if it is gloomy and violent, but he is still that dazzling Ji Chicheng.

For more than two years, she still has no resistance to his face, his tall figure, and his breath.

The only thing that can force her to control herself is the phrase ‘he is your brother-in-law, and you are your nephew and uncle’.

In the silent night, only the sound of the car engine.

Suddenly, a crisp and tender voice came from the courtyard, breaking the cold atmosphere.


Dressed in colorful pajamas, holding fluffy dolls, happily rushing towards the gate of the yard, Ji Anning's eyes lit up with excitement, and his painful heart was full of blood and resurrected.

She immediately stood up straight, ran past Ji Chicheng, greeted them one after another, "One after another."


They opened their arms and plunged into Ji Anning's arms, hugging her neck affectionately, and kissing her left and right on her face.

Ji Chicheng turned around and looked at the two mothers and daughters. The warm picture made him lost, lost direction, and heart in an instant.

Almost walked over to hug their mother and daughter.

But the reality immediately rushed into his mind. She abandoned him cruelly and threw herself into the arms of other men. She abused herself, why should he follow her to abuse herself?

He used to work so hard to explore the truth, but what can he change after exploring?

Is there something more important in her mind than him?

After the change, she loves him, isn't she so reckless?

Has she ever moved to abandon his heart?

He once told her so clearly that he loves him and he wants her, no one can stop him.

What is the difference between her and the one who abandoned him?

‘I don’t want a rich life, I just want to be with my mother. ’


He was buried deep in the deepest part of his heart, and the painful memories that he didn't want to think of, and didn't want to mention, were rushing into his mind like a flood.

Suddenly the little girl yelled at him crisply.

Interrupting his thoughts, he raised his head and looked over, smiling at him innocently, waving her fat little hand.

Ji Chicheng's cold heart melted in an instant, his dozingly curled lips blinked gently at the cute little person.

They still waved to him, "Dad, eat."

Ji Chicheng was surprised that she actually learned new words, two words for eating, which she would not have said before.

He couldn't help but walk over, and walked in front of their mother and daughter. His eyes were only on the little faces from beginning to end.

"Eating? Is the meal delicious?" Ji Chicheng raised his hand, slender fingers, and gently poked her cheeks twice before poking her neck again.

Can't be spoiled.

One after another, he was itchy, shrinking his neck and giggling, his body trembled and twisted exaggeratedly.

Her body is getting heavier and heavier, and Ji Anning can't control her a little bit. It's a bit hard to hold for so long.

She supported her backs with both hands to prevent her from leaning back, frowning at her and said: "Stop making trouble, I'm going to fall."