So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 507: One after another, my daughter (22)

She can't have too much deep communication with her.

The actress again said in her ear: "I worked with Qi Shaoyou in the last play. His acting skills are superb, and playing with him is really not tiring at all."

Ji Anning finally heard it, her tone was a little flattering, because Qi Helian had a chat with her.

Only then did she discover that it was Qi Helian who was really messing with her.

What is their relationship? How did it get fried?

At this moment, an immature voice came from the audience.


Ji Anning was taken aback, she looked over, the small figure rushed towards her quickly, and the assistant couldn't catch up with him.

Obstacles in sight and the little girl's footsteps always make people feel stumbling and stumbling, making people frightened.

Ji Anning was stunned, stood up instinctively, holding the skirt of the dress, and greeted the rushing people, "One after another."

When she arrived in front of her, she bent over and picked her up.

I finally saw Mommy. The little girl was very happy. She wrapped her small arms around Ji Anning's neck, and touched Ji Anning's neck affectionately with her pink cheeks.

Suddenly, her gaze saw Qi Helian sitting in the special guest table again, Shui Ling's big eyes measured, and then she shouted excitedly, "Dad, Dad..."

Now... the material is fierce.

There was a lot of discussion on the field, and the reporter's camera was facing Ji Anning and Dian, flashing non-stop.

Ji Anning hurriedly covered their small mouths, and nodded awkwardly to the reporters around her, for fear of fright, she wanted to leave.

But the reporter blocked her and she couldn't walk at all.

Ji Anning regretted that she shouldn't condone Qi Helian's joking in the morning. This is a big joke.

Upon seeing this, Qi Helian dashed to their mother and daughter, shielded them with his arms, and sternly scanned the media surrounding them, "Stop filming, this is just a joke."

"Shao Qi, so Miss Ji Anning disappeared in the past two years just to have a baby?"

"Your baby is so cute, what's his name?"


Questions one after another, the flashing light did not wait for a while, which was a headache, Qi Helian ran away, "Go away, I said this is just a joke..."

But before he finished his angrily explanation, suddenly another tall figure rushed in.

For Ji Anning, it was as if death had descended, before he had time to react, his hands were snatched away.

She looked at the man holding the man who was squeezing out of the crowd quickly, and she was shocked for a while, until she heard the crying and calling her, she didn't react.

"Uncle." She carried the skirt, ignoring that she was wearing high heels, and caught up.

But the man ignored her at all, his heavy footsteps, faster and faster, taller back, getting colder and colder.

At the elevator entrance, the man stopped.

Ji Anning ran too fast. When she was about to stop, her feet tilted and her body lost her center of gravity. She instinctively reached out and grabbed the man's strong arm.

Enduring the pain, I borrowed some strength from him to stand up, and then looked at him with tears in his eyes, "Uncle, you are scared all the time, okay?"

"Wow... Mommy."

They are still looking up and crying.

Just now Ji Chicheng suddenly appeared and snatched her from Mommy's hands, which really frightened her.

Ji Chicheng turned his head and looked at Ji Anning coldly, "They are my daughters, you Li Nianjia, you are no longer qualified to be her mother."

(The next one is in the evening. Recently, Kavin is a bit powerful, so Yang will try to update it at a fixed time.)