So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 506: One after another, my daughter (21)

"Aren't you following me in a car?" Qi Helian stopped, turned and looked at Ji Anning suspiciously, and then looked at the car behind his car, Ji An Ning's assistant stood there, frowning displeased, "Get me this broken car."

Ji Anning: "..."

Where did he see someone's car broken? Although it is not as good as his luxurious RV, it is also millions, okay?

At first she thought it was nothing, but when he said that, she would be embarrassed.

She looked at the driver who came to pick her up. The driver looked embarrassed, and she raised her foot to walk over.

Qi Helian noticed her motive, walked up to her in two steps with long legs, grabbed her arm, and raised an eyebrow at the driver coldly, "Have you heard you drive away?"

With a enchanting face, he became angry with a bit of majesty. The driver did not dare to neglect any more, and quickly nodded, "Okay."

"Girl, we will be the biggest names in the future." Ji Chicheng took Ji Anning's arm.

Don't shy away from protecting shortcomings.

In this way, Ji Anning swaggered into his car.

There is Qi Shao in the mask, and the stylist, costume artist, makeup artist behind him, etc., use the best.

Ji Anning was originally just one of many ordinary guests, and she was only invited by the general director of Fashion Magazine to shoot one of the themed covers of the tenth anniversary of Fashion.

The sense of existence is relatively weak.

But at the moment, traveling with Qi He in the same car, the attention is immediately different.

Wearing a long red tube top dress, holding a small silver-white handbag in his hand, a soft long hair is draped on her back, and her skin is extra white against her. It is beautiful and natural in itself, and there is another one beside her. Qi Helian is such an excellent foil.

Let her earn enough eyeballs as soon as she comes out, and the camera lens is close to her.

In addition to her and Qi Helian, there are also **** female stars who have appeared on the international red carpet.

After stepping on stage, Qi Helian was invited to the special guest position. Ji Anning sat with other **** actresses, and beside them were stars from other countries.

In addition, **** actresses have been on the international red carpet and have had contact with the stars of other countries. They gathered together and talked freely.

Ji Anning was a little boring sitting aside.

She turned her face and looked at Qi Helian's side. He and a pair of foreign male and female celebrities, and the CEO of Fashion, did not know what they were talking about, and looked very happy.

"I have seen you in China, did you originally call Ji Anning?"

Suddenly, the Chinese actress sitting on her right came to her ear and asked her with a smile.

When asked abruptly about the past, Ji Anning was a little embarrassed. She turned her head and smiled slightly at the actress, but did not answer.

But the other party did not give up talking to her, "At the charity auction that year, you were photographed for a kiss by 20 million people, and the limelight stood above Wan Yueer. I am still impressed."

Ji Anning still just smiled.

The entertainment circle is intriguing. Everyone, on any occasion, racks their brains to suppress others. When taking a photo together, they must think about how to show more to steal the spotlight.

Therefore, "Misfortune comes out of the mouth, and many words must be lost." These eight words, she has kept in mind these two years, whether behind the scenes or in front of the scene.

She never thought of stepping on other people's power, and she would not let others have the opportunity to use her.

So no matter if the woman around her is ridiculing her, or trying to please her, or is really low in EQ, it is not kind.