So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 1098: You are my father and enemy, right? (three)

Wu Tezhu said: "They are going to school over there, Miss Anning will take care of her."

Ji Mingyue didn't say a word, turned around coldly, and walked outside the door with her crutches.

Wu Tezhu looked at Ji Mingyue's limping back and sighed in his heart.

Hey, the more you are afraid of losing, the more you pretend to have it or not.


They were forcibly arranged by Char to attend a noble kindergarten nearby.

The house she lives in country Y belongs to the Char family, to be she is also from the Char family.

But this still has to wait for my uncle to recover memory and make a decision to see if she is Ji Ji or Char Ji.

After falling asleep, she sat on the balcony and looked at the night sky, only one or two stars, looming.

Two and a half months.

Didn’t you remember anything about me, uncle?

We have been together and experienced so much, there is no one thing in the same scene, remind you of me?


With a sad sigh, she retracted her gaze from the night sky, turned her head and looked at the tablet computer on the table next to it, which looked like a nine-square grid.

Her gaze stayed at the center of the frame, and the man came out of the bathroom, wearing a large bathrobe, covering his body especially thin.

"Uncle, why don't you wear shoes?" Ji Anning suddenly noticed that Ji Chicheng had no shoes on her feet. She stretched out her hand distressedly and touched the screen.

Suddenly, on the screen, the man's footsteps stopped, and he suddenly turned his head, his eyes were probably staring at the camera, as if staring at her.

Ji Anning was startled, and then picked up the tablet excitedly, "Uncle."

With a soft cry, the man turned around again and walked to the balcony in the picture.

Ji Anning's eyes were moist, watching Ji Chicheng walk to the balcony, holding the rattan table in his hand, stooping hard, and sitting down on the chair.

Ji Anning stretched out his hand, only the screen was touched.

She was so painful that she could not breathe, raised her head, tears in her eyes, she gritted her teeth, put down the tablet, walked quickly to the bed, bent down and lay down, hugging the sleeping little man on the bed.

In the world of love, everyone is selfish. Because she loves her uncle, she bears ethics and morality, and she bears all those who love her.

Charr would rather bear everyone because of his love for his son in order to get a son.

So is this her retribution?

"Go to Char's residence."

After the delivery, Ji Anning returned to the car and ordered the driver.

The driver looked at her in surprise, she knew why, just because she knew the reason, she was even more irritable, frowning and repeating, "Go to Char's Mansion, didn't you hear it?"

The driver nodded immediately, then started the car and drove towards Char's Mansion in accordance with Ji Anning's instructions.

Along the way, there were scenery everywhere, one by one flashing past Ji Anning's vision.

I don’t know how many times I’ve been to Char’s Mansion since I’ve been here, but every time I can only see the palace-like house in the big courtyard from a distance, there are no missing figures among the walking.

As soon as the car stopped at the gate of Char's residence, someone came up and asked who they were. They only relaxed when they saw Ji Anning.

However, the door was not opened for her as before.

Ji Anning stood at the gate of the yard, looking inside.

Uncle, it would be great if I could fly away.


The sky outside is so blue, the clouds are white, everything seems to be fine, but what about those he forgot?