So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 1097: You are my father and enemy, right? (two)

There is also an understanding of J.C and Belleville through Wu Tezhu and Beige.

Fortunately, the beautiful city is always managed by the hired CEO, which saves her a lot of heart.

"I didn't expect Miss Four to be even better than we thought."

At the end of the video, Wu Tezhu said with emotion.

Ji Anning sighed, "Hey, it's really hard work for her."

She suddenly felt that all of this might have been planned long ago.

My uncle has always been indifferent to everything about Ji's family, and can't touch it. Even if his grandfather is dead, he takes J.C back from Ji Jingfeng's hands, and he also chooses to drive the ducks to the shelves and drive Ji Mingyue to the post.

Call Wu Qingsong back, stay with Ji Mingyue, in the shortest time, cultivate the tacit understanding between the two at work.

At that time, his starting point may be because the relationship between the two of them is difficult for the world to accept, and it is impossible to sit in such a high position, but he did not expect it to happen.

In fact, even if my uncle is the son of grandpa, he may not be suitable to sit in the highest position of J.C and go to the mall.

However, among the rest of the Ji family, Ji Mingyue is indeed the most suitable.

She thought, this is probably also Grandpa's last wish.

With such an analysis, Ji Anning felt more relieved.

So she really admired the man's ability. If it weren't for his superb management and vicious eyesight, then after he fell, the beautiful city and J.C. would have become a piece of sand.

She looked at Wu Te assistant again and asked, "How is her leg recovery?"

Wu Te helped replied: "She insists on taking rehabilitation classes every day. As you know Miss Fourth, she is very strong. Now she travels every day with her crutches on her own, not in a wheelchair, and without assistance."

Ji Anning felt very distressed, but very helpless.

She and her uncle are selfish people, selfish for love.


"President Ji."

Wu Te helped hang up Ji Anning's video, and when he looked up, he saw Ji Mingyue standing at his desk.

It was late now, and they were still working overtime at the company. As soon as he was busy, he wanted to send a video to Ji Anning to find out about her situation.

Unexpectedly, Ji Mingyue was finished so soon.

Wu Tezhu didn't know when Ji Mingyue came, but he must know that he was videoing with Ji Anning just now.

He thought about how to explain, Ji Mingyue raised her eyebrows and asked him coldly: "What? Ji Chicheng recognized that old **** as his father?"

After Ji Mingyue knew that Ji Chicheng was Char's son, she never asked Ji Chicheng about anything, and at Ji's house, she didn't let anyone mention it.

Therefore, Wu Tezhu and Ji Anning's video were all secrets from Ji Mingyue.

Ji Mingyue hates Chaer for one reason, and the biggest reason for not accepting that Ji Chicheng is not her brother should be.

No one thought that the young master of the Ji family, who was placed on the table by the father since childhood, was not the father's biological son, nor was he from the Ji family.

For Ji Mingyue, it was better than knowing that Ji Jingfeng was not in the Ji family. After all, after the death of her brother and sister, she cherished the younger brother Ji Chicheng very much.

Wu Te helped Ji Mingyue stand up in a hurry, and slightly nodded, "Young Master He has not recovered his memory yet."

Ji Mingyue snorted coldly, and did not stay on the topic of Ji Chicheng, "Isn't Ji Anning planning to come back?"