Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4233

Wang Chunfeng and Wu Weihua came to dinner together. After dinner, they chatted for a while and then went back to have a rest.

Fu Yijing and Wen Xiangjin are also tired. Wu youyou doesn't go home with him. They live in a hotel together.


Chen Pingzheng with Wu Meimei and Xiaoyi also went back to Ma Qiuhua.

Ma Qiuhua is very generous tonight. She bought some meat and cooked a large table of dishes to welcome them home.

Because it was early when they came back, they had a little rest and began to eat.

In fact, when Xiao Yi came back here, she was still a little afraid. She had been nestled in Wu Meimei's arms and didn't speak.

"Xiaoyi is OK. I'm not afraid. My parents are here. No one will bully you. Moreover, grandma has become better and will not scold Xiaoyi any more. Don't worry about it." When Wu Meimei looks at Xiaoyi or is so afraid, she still has some hatred in her heart, but she still coaxes Xiaoyi patiently.

Small according to black eyes to see Wu Meimei, Wu Meimei gentle smile at her: "it's OK."

Next, Xiao Yi looks at Ma Qiuhua's attitude towards her is also much better, just slowly relax.

"Come, come, eat, eat." Ma Qiuhua can't wait to eat up. God knows how miserable she has been during this period.

While eating, Chen Pingzheng's father, Chen Baoye, looked at Chen Pingzheng and asked, "a Zheng, did you mention our family affairs to them?"

"Dad Now we don't dare to mention that they hate our family deeply. Thank God that they don't come to trouble. How dare I dare? I'm afraid that if I mention it, I'll arouse their hatred and then retaliate against you. It's not good for you. " Chen Pingzheng's tone is still a little cold.

"You and I have come up with a solution for you. You can't go out to work now. Then you can order vegetables and buy them in the town. You have hands and feet. I believe you will not be unable to survive. Maybe you don't sell much, but you can always afford a little living expenses, right? You also know our situation. If you ask us one thousand this time and another thousand next time, we can't afford it. Besides, how long can you spend this thousand yuan? How long can a family spend a thousand dollars, and we don't have any. " Chen Pingzheng looked at them seriously and said.

Chen Pingxing had a good point when he heard what Chen Pingzheng said. What's more, Chen Pingxing thought his idea was very good: "yes, I think elder brother's is very correct. We can plant some vegetables to sell in the town, and the vegetables in the town are easy to sell. Moreover, our own vegetables should be sold better. Moreover, as long as we do them well, the income is OK. We will undertake them at that time If we are willing to do so, we will certainly have income. "

"Yes, not bad, not bad. That's a good idea, but Are they OK over there? Although they can't tell everyone that they don't want to buy our vegetables, there are many ways to stop them if they don't want us to sell vegetables. " Chen Baoye looks at Chen Pingzheng and asks.

"Don't worry. You've already said hello to them and begged them. They will." Chen Pingzheng sighed.

"Well, if they agree, let's grow vegetables. I'm sure we can." Chen Pingxing thought it was very good.

"You see, people don't all get rich by vegetables in greenhouses. Maybe we can get out on this road." The more Chen Pingxing said, the more excited he was.

"Well, I think so." Chen Baoye also agreed with Chen Pingxing.

"This is Meimei's idea. I think it's a good idea." Chen Pingzheng said.

"Cut How much profit can you make and how much money can you sell Ma Qiuhua some discontented said.

Because if you grow vegetables, Ma Qiuhua will definitely help here. It is impossible for them to grow vegetables. Ma Qiuhua stays at home alone and plays.

I can't live without work any more. Alas

In fact, Ma Qiuhua regretted driving Wu Meimei away. How good it was before. Wu Meimei did all the housework, and Wu Meimei paid the living expenses. Now she has to do everything by herself, and she has no money.

Now Ma Qiuhua really hates Chen Pingnan. She really hates her.

Ma Qiuhua knew that it was all because Chen Pingnan was abetting her to do this or that in her ears, so she let her blind believe Chen Pingnan's words and drove Wu Meimei away. It's really a pity.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world, only regret.

Now Ma Qiuhua also hates Chen Pingnan. She really hates her. However, it is too late and useless.

"What are you going to do? It's better to have a few money than not to have one? " Chen Baoye angrily roared at Ma Qiuhua: "do you dare to say that if it wasn't for you, our whole family would be so miserable?"

"I tell you, I will work hard, or I will kill you. Or get out of here. " Chen Baoye roars at Ma Qiuhua angrily. Only Chen Baoye can cure Ma Qiuhua.After Ma Qiuhua heard this, she shivered: "I know, I know, I didn't say anything, I said, this There's no money. "

"Mom, don't underestimate vegetable growers. Besides, even if you don't have money, you can get a little money, as dad said. It's better than being like this, with no income at all? " Chen Pingxing urged Ma Qiuhua to say, "Mom You really have to think about what you're going to do next. If you don't change, I think I'll be a bachelor all my life, and no one will marry me

"You What you said If you can't find your daughter-in-law, it depends on me. " Ma Qiuhua some discontented said.

"Isn't it?" Chen Pingxing said discontentedly: "people look for the right image, will not go to check the situation of your home? As soon as you are asked about this situation, who dares to marry me

Ma Qiuhua was said by Chen Pingxing, there was no more to say.

It's all wrong. I'm in line, isn't it? Ha ha Well, it's all my fault. It's all my fault. " Ma Qiuhua said discontented and continued to eat.

Stop talking. Eat. Just keep eating.

Looking at Ma Qiuhua, we don't say much.

At this time, Wu Meimei's mobile phone rang. Seeing that it was grandma Wu calling, she quickly picked up the phone: "Hello, grandma." , the fastest update of the webnovel!