Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4232

"Hey, hey..." Wu youyou smiles, and then puts her arms around him.

"What's wrong with you?" Wen Zeyang dotes at her and points her lovely nose.

"I'll ask you for something." Wu youyou said with a smile at Wen Zeyang.

"What's the matter? Who called you just now Wen Zeyang tightened his eyebrows and looked at Wu youyou.

Wu youyou smiles: "guess?"

Wen Zeyang frowned. Finally, he shook his head: "I don't want to guess. Tell me, who? What's the matter? "

"It's Meimei. You should know what I want from you." Wu youyou looked at Wen Zeyang with big watery eyes and laughed: "she told me that her mother-in-law asked her for money, because the whole family had no income, and there was not much savings." Wu youyou leaned against Wen Zeyang's arms and said, "and now I don't have any money."

"Well, then?" It seems that Wen Zeyang is reluctant to tighten her eyebrows.

When he mentioned Wu Meimei's wife's family, he was not happy.

After all, it was Wu Meimei's mother-in-law's family who did not have her children.

If Wu Meimei didn't have deep feelings with Wu youyou and helped Wu youyou when she was a child, maybe Wen Zeyang would not let go of Wu Meimei and Chen Pingzheng.

Wu youyou looked at Wen Zeyang's face and knew that he was not happy. He sighed: "Alas You see, you are not happy. I haven't said it yet. You are not happy. Don't say it. "

"I don't want you to be upset." Wu youyou looks at Wen Zeyang gently and says.

"Go ahead. I don't want you to be unhappy. I know that if you don't say it, you'll be unhappy Wen Zeyang lay down with Wu youyou and played with her fingers.

If you don't want to quarrel with me, don't let me get angry Wu youyou said this on purpose. It seems that all these are trying to coax her.

"Good, good, good No anger, no quarrel. " Wen Zeyang kisses her forehead and smiles.

"Well, now Meimei's mother-in-law has no money. Ask them for money. If they want money for a long time, they will never have money. Do they always want money? Or, never give money and watch them hungry? That can't be, can it? " Wu youyou said.

Of course, what Wu youyou said about Wen Zeyang is that he knows all these things.

"Well So, they both gave his father-in-law and his mother-in-law an idea to plant vegetables and sell them in the town, so as to increase their income. " Wu youyou said.

After hearing this, Wen Zeyang was actually quite shocked: "I didn't come to ask you. Let me let them go and let them look for something."

"Yes, No. at first, when she told me about this problem, I thought she came to ask me. Let me tell you, can you forgive them and ask them to find jobs? In the end, Meimei said no. She said she didn't want to forgive them so soon, so that they could suffer a little more. In fact, Meimei is also very guilty about this matter. I can see it and feel it. " Wu youyou said.

"Well." Wen Zeyang nodded.

"So, Wu Meimei is calling to ask you to tell me whether they can sell vegetables, right?" Wen Zeyang got it.

"Well, yes, that's what it means." Wu youyou nods.

"How about it? Do you promise? At the beginning, they were not allowed to find a job, so they did not have income. Would you like them to grow vegetables and sell them? Otherwise, the burden is really all on Meimei's body, and we can't really let them starve to death, can't we Wu youyou said.

"What else can I say? Besides, I can't go and threaten the people in the town that they are not allowed to buy their vegetables? I don't care about them, do I? " Wen Zeyang said with a smile.

After hearing this, Wu youyou happily held his handsome face, and then gave him a kiss: "ha ha You are willing to let them go. That's why you say so. Otherwise, if you don't want to let them go, you must have a way. "

Wu youyou knows Wen Zeyang.

"If you're smart, you're smart." Wen Zeyang said with a smile.

"By the way, are you going to treat them When... " Wu youyou said this without going on.

"What do you think?" Wen Zeyang looks at Wu youyou and asks.

Wen wants to know what Wu youyou thinks.

Wu youyou shook his head: "I don't know. It's up to you. You can do whatever you say."

"I haven't thought about it yet, but I can't let them go in the near future. Let them grow vegetables for a few years first." When Wen Zeyang said this, Wu youyou understood that it was impossible to let them go in a few years.

Otherwise, it is impossible to say that they should be allowed to grow vegetables for a few years."Well." Wu youyou nodded: "in fact, I don't think we can let them go so easily. Wu Meimei also says that we can't let them go easily, and let them suffer more for several years."

"Well. Now that everyone thinks so, let them continue to grow vegetables. " Wen Zeyang said with a smile.

"Well, I called Meimei and said you agreed." Wu youyou picks up her mobile phone and is about to call Wu Meimei. She looks at Wen Zeyang.

Wu youyou is still waiting for Wen Zeyang to nod.

Wen Zeyang also knew that Wu youyou was waiting for him to nod. So he nodded: "OK, tell them."

"Hey It's very kind of you, "Wu youyou kisses him again.

So, Wen Zeyang let go of Wu youyou and got ready to go out: "I'll see if there is anything to clean up."

"OK, you clean up first. I'll go and see it later." Wu youyou nods and calls Wu Meimei.

Wen Zeyang went out and the phone was picked up over there: "hello..."

"He agreed. Don't worry." Wu youyou said with a smile.

After hearing this, Wu Meimei was really moved, especially moved: "you, thank you, you are so nice."

"Are you stupid? It's all over again. " Wu youyou smiles.

"You didn't quarrel with him, did you?" Wu Meimei asked with some concern.

"Don't worry, am I so unreasonable? Certainly not. " Wu youyou said with a smile.

"Well, that's good. I'm worried that you two will quarrel. It's ok if you don't have it." Wu Meimei said with a smile.

"Don't worry, it won't be. He dotes on me, and he's not unhappy. Don't worry." Wu youyou comforted.

"Youyou, you are really good. Because of you, we have the opportunity to come to the big city of imperial city. Because of you, we still have the opportunity to work in this big city and live here. Really, thank you for all this." Wu Meimei said gratefully.

"You see, what's going on here? It's starting again. In fact, I'm selfish too. I have such a good relationship with you. I also want you to come here to accompany me. Besides, when you come here, grandma will come too. Isn't that good? " Wu youyou said with a smile: "you, Wu HAOSI has a burden in his heart."

"I don't have a burden in my heart. I think it's all up to you. It's good to have you. Well, I don't want to say any more polite words. In fact, I also understand that even if we come to the Imperial City, grandma will be sent to the imperial city by you and Linlin, right? " Wu Meimei knows that.

"Ha ha ha Well, I don't want to say that. I don't want to say anything about it, so I won't say it. " Wu youyou said.

"Well, no more." Wu Meimei also laughed. They talked for a while. After that, they hung up the phone to see if there was anything else to clean up, and then they had to rest early.


The next day, the Wens took a lot of things with them. Two business cars were full.

This woman's family is really good.

Grandma Wu has been saying that her family is really good, especially for Wu youyou.

There was a lot of talking and laughing all the way.

After arriving, Wen Zeyang opened a room to let Fu Yijing and Wen Xiangjin live in the hotel and have a rest. Then they reserve a box and have a meal. , the fastest update of the webnovel!