Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4209

Some things in the heart of discontent is good, must say it is not shameful ah.

Now, Wu Youyou, a big tree, has offended her. She is really angry.

Chen Xiaoxian is no longer in charge of Wang Chunfeng, and enters the room together. Wu Miaomiao also tears wrongly.

"I don't know what you mean. Today is a long and happy day. As a result, you cry here, ha ha If you want to go back, you can go back first. You can go back where you love. " After Wang Chunfeng finished, she left and was too lazy to argue with them here.

She's going out to eat delicious food.

She has never seen such a big scene. She has not eaten so many delicious food. Therefore, don't waste time here.

"What do you mean?" Wu Miaomiao was so depressed that he roared angrily.

"You are really stupid. What are you doing at this time? What's wrong with you? Do you grow up eating excrement? You You really piss me off Chen Xiaoxian is so angry that she shivers all over her body. If she scolds her, she doesn't taste good.

"Mom, it's them who bully me now. I'm wronged. What are you calling me for?" Wu Miaomiao said angrily.

"You said they bullied you. How did they bully you? Did they ignore you or beat you and scold you?" Chen Xiaoxian still glared at her and asked.

"They They... " Wu Miao Miao didn't know how to say it. Anyway, her heart was miserable.

"Ha ha What's wrong with them? You don't care about yourself. What feelings do you have among the three of them? Can you compare them? In the past, you looked down on them and didn't play with them. OK, now youyou is developed. You pasted it in the past. It's not wrong. Then you should continue to please. What's your temper? They don't owe you. Besides, they are nice to you. Just let them go. You want to melt them completely and let you treat Meimei as well as Linlin. How can it be Don't talk in your dreams, OK? That's absolutely impossible. You only got in touch with them recently and started to walk around. You were completely unfamiliar before Chen Xiaoxian scolded angrily.

"You really don't have a brain. Where's your brain?" Chen Xiaoxian scolds more and more angry, continues to scold.

"Mom Have you scolded enough? " Wu Miaomiao angrily roared: "originally my heart has been very aggrieved, very wronged, as a result, you still a force in here scold me, you do not comfort me, do not seek justice for me even, you..."

"You're really hopeless. Do you want justice? What justice do they owe you? " Chen Xiaoxian is really angry.

"Mom, what are we going to do now? What do they say? Did Wu youyou say anything to coax me? It's mainly because Wu youyou doesn't have time to coax me. Wu Linlin, does Wu Meimei come to coax me?" Wu Miaomiao looks at Chen Xiaoxian and asks.

"You really think too much. What's in your head? To coax you, how can it be? They said that if you want to go back first, go back first. The people of the Wen family also said that they didn't do anything sorry for you. If you want to leave, they won't ask for it. " Chen Xiaoxian hated staring at her and said, "now you can go back if you want to go back."

"Mom..." Wu Miao Miao didn't expect that everyone didn't pay much attention to her.

"Who do you think you are? They can't have a wedding without you? Can't they get engaged without you? Do you value yourself too much? " Chen Xiaoxian stares at her: "you say, this Wu youyou good thigh is so offended by you, you are really, I don't know how to scold you."

"I..." Wu Miaomiao is only now aware of the seriousness of the matter.

"If Hong bin knows about it, he will blame me. What to do, mom, what to do now. " Wu Miaomiao was a little flustered, and his face began to look ugly.

"Oh, I don't know what to do. If you want to go back earlier, don't make a fool of yourself here. Anyway, you said you wanted to leave. Just now, the people of the Wen family politely wanted to stop you. They wanted to know about the situation and ask what happened to you. As a result, you ignored others, and all the arrogant people came to ask for you. Now, they let you go. Go now. " Chen Xiaoxian still said indignantly.

"I..." Wu Miaomiao died of anxiety.

"You tell me, I should do it now. What's the use of cursing me all the time?" Wu Miaomiao said angrily.

"You should go to find Wu youyou and apologize." Chen Xiaoxian angrily scolded: "how can I give birth to such a stupid daughter as you. I'm really pissed off. If you look at the leisurely life of others, you'll see you again. "

"I'm sick to death. You're still talking about it here." Wu Miaomiao said angrily.

"Hum..." Chen Xiaoxian stares at her: "hurry to find Wu Youyou, while Wu youyou is still in that room.

"I see. Then you can help me to see the sunshine." At this time, Wu Miaomiao really wants to ask Wu youyou.

"Hurry up. It's a lot of business." Chen Xiaoxian roared at Wu Miaomiao angrily.Wu Miaomiao sighs. She thinks it's a shame to go to Wu youyou now, but there's no way. Even if it's disgraceful, she has to look for it.

So Wu Miaomiao went to Wu youyou.

When the door was knocked again, Wu Linlin was curious: "who else? I'll open the door."

Wu Linlin got up to open the door.

Wu Linlin opens the door and sees Wu Miaomiao.

Wu Linlin tightened her eyebrows and blurted out, "how could it be you?"

"I..." Wu Miaomiao some awkwardly pursed lips, lowered his head: "I, I come to find you."

"Who. Let her in. " Wu youyou actually heard that it was Wu Miaomiao, so he said it on purpose.

Since Wu Miaomiao has come to see her again, Wu youyou is embarrassed to block her out of the door. How can we say that we are all relatives or family members, and we will meet in the future, and there is no need to make us old and dead.

"Come in." Wu Linlin looked at Wu Miaomiao and said.

Wu Miaomiao goes in like this, walks in front of Wu Youyou, and tears of grievance fall down like this. Wu youyou looks at it and tightens her eyebrows: "why, you are Do you come to me to cry? "

Wu youyou really can't see other people crying in front of her. She always cries. It's really annoying.

"Well, don't cry. You have something to say." Grandma Wu sighs and persuades Wu Miaomiao.

"Yo Yo, I I am, in the heart envies your sentiment to be so good, I also want to be valued by you, I also want to get along well with you, I I know I didn't understand before, I also know I was wrong, but I watched you three people together talking and laughing so happy, my heart is very sad, this shows that I value you, I care about you, is not it, otherwise, I can surface with you good, right? I really value you. " Wu Miaomiao said and cried.

"Can you forgive me? I won't be so angry again." Wu continued.

"Come on, everyone is sister-in-law." Mrs. Wu said, "come and sit down and talk about it."

Wu Miaomiao takes a look at Wu youyou.

Wu youyou doesn't want to make everyone unhappy. However, Wu youyou thinks that he should give her an attitude: "Miao Miao, we have always regarded you as a sister, and we did not want to exclude your meaning. It is because you think too much. Of course, the three of us will feel better, because we grew up together, you should understand this point, and Yes, I'm really angry today. As we all know, I'm not easily angry. However, today is the big day for my engagement. The Wens are very respectable people. You make such a fuss at my engagement banquet, and the people in my mother-in-law's family know that. You don't feel ashamed, I feel ashamed. "

"Now that they are so big, they are all mothers of their children. You should understand what should be done and what should not be done. You look down on yourself. Don't think others look down on you as much as you do. If you want others to like you and you want others to look up to you, you should at least do something that makes others look up to you. It's not like you. " Wu youyou looks at Wu Miaomiao seriously and says. , the fastest update of the webnovel!