Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4208

"It's none of your business. She's just like this, and her IQ is not very high. She thinks that the three of us have a good relationship and play well. She says that we don't play with her, which probably means that she is angry." Wu youyou had no choice but to smile and shake his head: "it's really disgraceful to have such relatives. It's so naive."

"How can such a big man be so ignorant?" Wen Zeyang also helplessly shook his head: "OK, I know. I'll tell my mother that it's none of our business. If she wants to go back, let her go back."

Wen Zeyang thinks that such people don't need to serve them. In addition, he knows some things when he was a child.

Wu Linlin, Wu youyou and Wu Meimei grew up together, and their feelings were good and normal. Therefore, it was impossible for her to integrate into them for a moment and a half. It was normal. As a result, she was so angry with a child that she wanted to go back.

Then go back.

I don't ask her for anything.

"Well." Wu youyou nods.

Wu youyou doesn't want to go out to have a look, let alone deal with this matter.

At this time, grandma Wu also came.

"You long, what is the matter with the seedlings?" Granny Wu looked at Wu youyou and said.

"Grandma, you don't pay attention to her. This kind of woman with brain disease must make trouble today and let her make it right. We are still afraid of her. It's her who loses face, not us." Wu Linlin said angrily.

"Yes, I am. It makes her feel aggrieved. When she doesn't want to be nice to us or play with us, she can bully us with others when she doesn't want to play with us. OK, now that youyou is developed, she wants to flatter her. If she wants to play with us, do we have to be very close to her? Problems. " Wu Meimei also said angrily.

"What's going on, what's going on?" Grandma Wu was confused and worried.

"She thinks that the three of us have good feelings. What we have are talking and laughing about. She is not happy. Maybe that means it." Wu youyou sighed and comforted grandma Wu and said, "grandma, don't worry about it. You don't have to worry about it."

"This child is really too ignorant." Grandma Wu shook her head helplessly.

"Grandma, you sit down and have a good rest. Don't worry about it." Wu youyou said, holding grandma Wu's hand.

"Well, well, whatever, whatever she wants." Granny Wu believes that Wen Zeyang can handle it well, because when grandma Wu came here just now, Wen Zeyang just went out and said he was going to deal with the matter.

"You said that in normal times, she ignored us and looked down on us. Now it's the best that you can see that you look down on her. There's something wrong with her." Wu Meimei said angrily.

"Well Forget it Wu said helplessly.

"It's really a bit unclear." Wu Linlin also said angrily.

"However, if you make such a fuss, will the mother-in-law treat you..." Wu's worry has not been fully said, Wu Linlin said with a smile: "no, grandma, certainly not."

"The people in their family don't understand so much. They can see what's going on at a glance. Besides, it's not me. She's her. I'm me. It's OK. " Wu youyou comforted.

"Yes, grandma, don't worry." Wu Linlin also comforted.

"That's good. It's also true that the parents are very good people. The parents are good enough to educate such excellent children." Granny Wu nodded and looked at Wu Linlin's concern and asked, "Linlin, how about you, are you and Shaoning all very good recently?"

"Grandma, don't worry about it. It's good. Zhang Shaoning's mother is urging them to have children now. Ha ha..." Before Wu Linlin spoke, Wu Meimei began to laugh.

"What are you talking about?" Wu Linlin was embarrassed by Wu Meimei.

"I'm not talking nonsense. That's what it is." Wu Meimei also said.

Wu Linlin was shy and hit Wu Meimei: "you said it was ominous. No more, no more. "

"Ha ha ha Good, good, don't say no Wu Meimei smiles.

Only deep feelings can make such a fuss.

Grandma Wu looked at them so happy, and she also laughed happily.

"Ha ha ha..."

Everyone laughed, and then those unhappy things just passed by slowly. They continued to talk and laugh and talk about happy things.


After Wen Zeyang went to explain the problem with Fu Yijing, Fu Yijing tightened her eyebrows: "so ignorant."

"Yes." Wen Zeyang said, tightening his eyebrows.

"Well, let her go back first." Fu Yijing will not leave her.

"Well, I'll take care of it." After Wen Zeyang finished, he went to Wang Chunfeng and explained the situation.Wang Chunfeng listened, tightly twisted double eyebrows a face not happy: "this Wu Miao Miao brain really has a problem."

"OK, I'll talk about it. Ah Yang, don't worry. I'll deal with it. I'll talk about it." After Wang Chunfeng finished, she left and went directly to the room where Wu Miao Miao was arranged.

Just now Wu Miaomiao said he was leaving. Then Wen Zeyang arranged a room for her to stay, and then Wen Zeyang went to find out what happened.

Wang Chunfeng first called Wu Miaomiao's parents, Chen Xiaoxian and Wu Weizu, explaining the matter.

"The child, really It's no shame to lose it. " Some of them don't want to play with each other, but some of them don't want to be together

"Don't laugh, sister-in-law. Did Miao Miao go to them and ignore her or push her away? Besides, the three children have a good relationship. They grew up together. Wu Miaomiao didn't play with them since childhood. Now it's normal that you don't play with them. Before you find a boyfriend, when you go home, the three of them call Miao Miao. Miao Miao Miao doesn't come to play with them. You Miao Miao was proud and looked at all I can't afford the three of them. Now I'm ready. If you want to integrate into them, how can you possibly? Think about it yourself. " Wang Chunfeng was not happy to hear Chen Xiaoxian say so.

"That shouldn't be done to her. It's a sister anyway, isn't it? " Chen Xiaoxian is still dissatisfied.

"What's wrong with her? What did you do to her? " Wang Chunfeng asked discontentedly.

Chen Xiaoxian couldn't say: "anyway Don't treat her as your own

"Why don't you treat her as your own Wang Chunfeng continued to ask.

"Anyway Forget it. It's boring to stop talking. " Chen Xiaoxian couldn't say anything about Wang Chunfeng.

"You can persuade your daughter. It's really humiliating. Now even her mother-in-law knows about it. After Wen Zeyang got to know the situation, he said she would go back. Anyway, the Wens didn't do anything sorry for her, and youyou didn't apologize to her. She had a quarrel with herself and wanted to go back, so go back." Wang Chunfeng said angrily.

"What do you mean, you're going to drive people out?" Chen Xiaoxian asked discontentedly.

"Don't be so funny, Chen Xiaoxian. Who's driving people? Who's driving people? It's she who wants to leave. We've been keeping her. Didn't they keep her just now? " Wang Chunfeng thinks their family is so funny.

"Hum You just don't like us anyway Chen Xiaoxian said angrily.

"Why not? You are really It's really a family. " Wang Chunfeng was too lazy to tell her.

"What a noise." At this time, Wu Weizu couldn't listen to it any more and glared at Chen Xiaoxian with dissatisfaction.

Chen Xiaoxian did not dare to speak again.

"You don't want to see where it is, what's noisy, what's noisy? Your daughter is so stupid that you still speak for her and preach well. All stupid. " Wu Li Weizu said discontentedly.

"Hum..." Although Chen Xiaoxian was dissatisfied, she also knew that her daughter was stupid. , the fastest update of the webnovel!