Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4206

"Well, call me if you have something to do. I'm out." Wen Zeyang really has a lot of things to do and can't hide in his room, so he is ready to go out.

"Well, you remember to eat more and not drink so much wine." Wu youyou told me.

Wen Zeyang gently looked at Wu youyou and nodded with a smile: "well, OK, don't worry, it won't be."

"Well." In this way, Wen Zeyang went out.

"Well Sister, your dress is really beautiful Wu Linlin looks at these diamonds so shining. It's really good-looking.

"It's just looking up." Wu Meimei said with a smile. Then she looked at Wu Linlin and said, "but you must have a chance."

"I think your father-in-law and mother-in-law are very kind to you, and Zhang Shaoning. Everyone asks me why you know them." Wu Meimei said with a smile.

"So, what did you say?" Wu Linlin looked at Wu Meimei nervously and asked.

"I don't know. I said, maybe it's a Yang's friend. You often stay with you, so it's normal to get to know ah Yang's friends. Didn't you take Zhang Shaoning home to buy a house last time? However, they did not know that he was the one who took Zhang Shaoning home to buy a house last time. " Wu Meimei explained.

"Don't worry. No one will doubt it. Just say it's a friend. Others won't doubt it." Wu youyou looked at Wu Linlin's nervous look and comforted him.

"In fact, I'm not worried. If I'm really exposed, I'll admit it." Wu Linlin smiles.

"Well. It's nothing. Your mother-in-law's family is so excellent that nothing can be denied. " Wu Meimei also said with a smile.

At this time, someone knocked at the door again.

"Come in." Wu youyou knows that Wen Zeyang didn't lock the door when he went out.

As a result, the person who came in was Zhang Shaoning.

"You. Congratulations Zhang Shaoning looks at Wu youyou with a smile.

Today, Zhang Shaoning is dressed like a dog, more handsome, wearing a suit, more mature and stable, that man's charm is stronger.

Wu Meimei looks more and more handsome: "tut tut The brother-in-law is more handsome than the other. "

"Ha ha ha Your husband is handsome, too Wu Linlin said with a smile.

"You came to see your wife?" Wu youyou looks at Zhang Shaoning and asks.

"Well, half of it, the other half is to see you. There are a lot of people outside. I'm not used to such scenes, so I come to see you." Zhang Shaoning said with a smile.

"I hear you're going to start your own company?" Wu youyou asked.

"Yes. Therefore, I hope that my sister will blow the pillow wind in my brother-in-law's ear and let him help him a lot. " Zhang Shaoning jokingly said.

"Ha ha ha Don't be modest. I believe you can be better without him. " Wu youyou praises Zhang Shaoning.

Zhang Shaoning laughed: "ha ha, I didn't expect you to be more humorous than me."

At this moment, there was another knock at the door.

The knocker must not be Wen Zeyang's, so it must be someone else.

"Who is it again?" Wu Linlin is curious.

"Come in." Wu youyou said, and the door was pushed in. Wu Miaomiao came in with Ye Qingqing.

"Auntie, you are beautiful today." As soon as ye Qingqing came in, he threw himself into Wu youyou's arms and said with a smile.

"Er Your hands are so dirty. You've caught something. Don't break it. The long and dirty dress is very expensive At this time, Wu Meimei kindly reminded her.

Wu Miaomiao was embarrassed when she heard Wu Meimei's reminder. She quickly pulled out Ye Qingqing and slapped her on her buttocks: "you child, you don't know how polite you are. Your hands are so dirty. Why do you hold someone else? Don't you know that this dress is very expensive?"

After Wu Miaomiao finished, he patted Ye Qingqing twice.

"Whoa, whoa." Ye Qingqing didn't know so much about it. When ye Qingqing was beaten, she cried and cried.

"You still cry, you still cry, don't cry." Wu Miaomiao was very angry and roared at the leaves.

Ye Qingqing was roared by Wu Miaomiao again, and he cried even more fiercely.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

"Well, well, don't scold her. The more you scold her, the more she cries." Wu Linlin sighed and took Ye Qingqing's hand and said, "come on, Auntie will take you to wash your hands. Will you stop crying?"

"Oh Wow, whoa. " As a result, ye Qingqing cried even more.

Zhang Shaoning stands aside. It's embarrassing.

"Well, I'll go out first." Zhang Shaoning felt that the occasion was not suitable for him, so he went out.

"Sorry to make you laugh." Seeing Zhang Shaoning so Yu, Wu Miao Miao is different. He knows that he must be a rich man, maybe a friend of Wen Zeyang.

"It's OK." Zhang Shaoning politely smiles at Wu Miaomiao and leaves."Who is he?" Wu Miaomiao looks at Wu youyou curiously and asks.

"A Yang's friend." Wu youyou answered lightly.

"Yo Yo, I'm sorry, this dress is not dirty, the child Alas... " Wu Miaomiao sighed and apologized.

"It's OK." What else can Wu youyou say? Is it dirty? It must be OK.

Wu Miaomiao was relieved when he heard that Wu youyou was OK. If he broke his dress, he couldn't afford to pay for it.

Soon, Wu Linlin came out with Ye Qingqing, who was still sobbing.

"If you still cry, you will cry. I would not have brought you out Wu Miaomiao looks at Ye Qingqing, still crying. He stares at her with hatred and scolds.

"Well, don't scold her. She's still young." Wu Linlin helplessly said, for Wu Miaomiao this point is really dissatisfied.

"I'm so bored." Wu Miaomiao seems to be in a bad mood.

"What's bothering you?" Wu youyou tightly twisted his eyebrows and looked at Wu Miaomiao.

"My life is hard." Wu Miaomiao said, aggrieved and choked.

"What happened?" Wu Meimei curiously asked: "I didn't say that my life is bitter, but you said that your life is bitter."

"You, don't compare yourself with you. Not all people are the same as you. Besides, you have today's happiness because of her hard work in those years. Do you think, when she was a child, she was more miserable than us, OK Wu Meimei continued to persuade Wu Miaomiao: "she was not enough to eat at that time. She began to earn money at a young age to provide for her own school. It was very difficult for her to get to this day. You don't know what she suffered before."

"That's the beginning. Anyway, my life is hard, alas No more. " Wu Miaomiao sighed.

"In fact, everyone has everyone's life. You think your husband doesn't have so much money. However, you have a daughter now. It's not so good. Everyone's life is not like this." Wu Linlin thinks that this life is really nothing to compare: "don't compare yourself with others, it's really nothing to compare."

"Again..." When Wu Linlin was still trying to persuade Wu Miaomiao, Wu Miaomiao was discontented and interrupted: "well, please don't try to persuade me. That's your sister. Your sister is well-developed. Isn't your sister drinking spicy food with popular food? Don't you talk about your sister, even Meimei will drink spicy food with the popular ones

"What do you mean?" Wu Meimei is a little discontented. She looks at Wu Miaomiao and asks.

"I have tolerated you for a long time. You never regard me as your sister. Every time, the three of you get together to talk and laugh. When I come, you don't say anything. If you don't like me, just say it, and don't invite me to come over for engagement. " Wu Miaomiao finally let out his grievances and resentments.

For Wu Miaomiao, she feels aggrieved, but for Wu Meimei, Wu Linlin and Wu Youyou, there is nothing to be aggrieved at all.

Is it also their fault that she can't fit into them?

"You Why do you think so? " Wu Meimei is helpless.

"Isn't it? You must be hiding something from me Wu Miaomiao is still angry.

"Wu Miaomiao, how naive you are. Are you still a primary school student? Not with me, not with you. Do we have anything to tell you? Everyone has his own things, and he is willing to say and not to say. " Wu Linlin said with some dissatisfaction. , the fastest update of the webnovel!