Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4205

"I don't think so. I don't think so. But I don't know what happened when I met him. It's hard to say, ha ha..." Wu Linlin was embarrassed to smile.

"I'm sure you won't. You're not the same person." Fang Shihua also said with a smile.

Wu Linlin some embarrassed smile: "has not met the matter, who knows."

"I don't think you will." Zhang Shaoning and Wu Linlin will not.

Wu Linlin laughed and went on eating and chatting.

After dinner, Wu Linlin and Zhang Shaoning chatted with Fang Shihua for a while, and Fang Shihua went back.

Fang Shihua asked his friend to play cards, so he was ready to leave.

After Fang Shihua left, Wu Linlin still felt a little tired, so she went to lie down for a while.

Time does not judge, so Wu Linlin is going to have a rest.

Wu Linlin went to lie down, so Zhang Shaoning followed Wu Linlin to lie down.

"Tired? Still tired? " Zhang Shaoning looked at Wu Linlin and asked.

"Well, I feel a little tired, so, lie down for a while, and then I'm going to school." Wu Linlin said.

"Well, I'll take you there later." Zhang Shaoning hugged her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Well, good." Wu Linlin nodded with a smile and thought of Wu Xuejuan: "when do you think Wu Xuejuan will go back?"

"Do you think she will always live in your house?" Wu Linlin curiously looked at Zhang Shaoning and asked.

Zhang Shaoning shook his head: "who knows, it's none of my business. Anyway, if she doesn't go home, I won't go home."

"I think, would you like to go and have a good talk with her?" Wu Linlin's dark eyes looked at Zhang Shaoning and asked.

Zhang Shaoning but very decisively refused: "no, impossible."

Before Wu Linlin finished saying this, Zhang Shaoning refused directly and seemed to be very angry.

"Why, you look so angry." Wu Linlin knew that he was angry, so, coax, flattering tone said to him.

"Can I not be angry? She's like crazy to be with me now. She gave me medicine before and wanted to have sex with me. Yes, you believe me, but you want me to meet her. I don't want to. " Zhang Shaoning is still angry.

"I was thinking, you meet her, and then tell her clearly, well persuade her." Wu Linlin persuades Zhang Shaoning to continue to say: "you think, no matter how it goes on like this, do you want her to live in your home all the time?"

"What if she doesn't go home for one month, two months, half a year and lives in your house all the time Wu Linlin continued.

"It's none of my business. The big deal is that she can live in the house. Let's go to another house instead." Zhang Shaoning still said: "anyway, no matter what, I can't go home."

"I think, if you meet her, you can persuade her and talk to her, maybe you can persuade her to go back home and stop pestering you, isn't it?" Wu Linlin continued: "I don't mean anything else. I'm not happy to see her. You're my boyfriend. I don't want you to have anything with her, but You said, this matter does not solve, how to do ah, has been going on like this? It's impossible, isn't it? It has to be solved. "

"I've made it clear. I don't think it's necessary for me to continue to say anything. Anyway, I won't see her. You also said, I'm your boyfriend. How can you let me meet other women? I won't agree. " Zhang Shaoning was still angry: "I doubt what you think of me, you Let me see her. "

"If there are other women, even if I say I want to meet her and make it clear to her, I should make trouble with me and not let me go." Zhang Shaoning continued to say discontented.

"Poof I'm not so stingy, OK? Besides, I believe you. I believe you won't have anything to do with her. So, what's the relationship between seeing her. If I let you see her, it doesn't mean that I don't have you in my heart. You are still very important in my heart Wu Linlin continued to persuade Zhang Shaoning and said, "well, don't be angry. If you don't see it, you will disappear."

"Hum..." Zhang Shaoning is angry.

I'm not happy.

"OK, OK. Next time, which woman do you want to see, I'll just put the knife on your neck and won't let you see it, OK?" Wu Linlin looked at Zhang Shaoning with a smile and continued to coax: "no, I put the knife rest on my own neck, so you can't see it, OK? If you go to see me, I'll kill myself, OK? "

Zhang Shaoning helplessly looked at Wu Linlin: "you ah."

"Are you really I don't know what to do with you. I don't want to talk about it any more. " Zhang Shaoning looked at Wu Linlin seriously and said.

Wu Linlin nodded: "good, good, I know, I will not mention, will not mention again.""Well." Zhang Shaoning light of um, after a while, directly turn over her pressure on his body, mercilessly kiss her.

When Zhang Shaoning was about to step forward, Wu Linlin pushed him away: "OK, I'm going to school."

"Good." Zhang Shaoning looks at the attractive Wu Linlin, really want to love her, but there is no way, she will go to school later, so, there is no way.

Wu Linlin got up, changed her clothes, and went out with Zhang Shaoning.

After going to school, Zhang Shaoning went out alone. It seems that he has not been out for a long time. He has been living in the hospital.


Finally, Wu youyou and Wen Zeyang are engaged.

The hotel is luxurious and the scene is very lively.

Wu youyou was standing beside Wen Zeyang in that expensive dress.

Fu Yijing and Wen Xiangyuan take Wu youyou and Wen Zeyang to say hello to people. All the way, Wu youyou is smiling, and his muscles are stiff with laughter.

Finally, we can have a rest.

"I'm so tired." Wu youyou looks at Wen Zeyang and says.

"Engagement is so tiring, isn't it even more tiring to get married?" Wu youyou tightened her eyebrows.

After listening to Wu youyou's words, Wen Zeyang laughed: "fool..."

"Don't wear high-heeled shoes. You don't listen. Look at you. Today we are engaged. You look frowning." Wen Zeyang helped Wu youyou: "you go to have a rest. Can I get you something to eat?"

"Good." Wu youyou nodded. He was really tired, so he sat quietly.

Everyone pays attention to Wu Youyou, which makes him feel embarrassed.

When Wen Zeyang brought some food for her, Wu youyou said in a low voice: "I feel that everyone is looking at me. Well, I'll find a room to eat something. How sorry, so many people are watching."

"OK, OK." Wen Zeyang takes Wu youyou into a room and asks her to sit and rest for a while and eat something quietly.

Wu Meimei and Wu Lin tincture see Wu youyou go into the room to have a rest, so they hurry to accompany her.

Wu youyou hears a knock at the door and asks Wen Zeyang to open the door.

Wen Zeyang opened the door and saw Wu Linlin: "come in."

"Just come in and accompany her." Wen Zeyang will go out later.

"Sister." Wu Linlin can feel that Wu youyou is very hard.

"I'm starving. Do you want some?" Wu youyou looks at Wu Meimei and Wu Linlin and asks.

"No, no, we ate a lot. The food outside is delicious." Wu Meimei said with a smile.

"Where's Xiaoyi?" Wu youyou doesn't see Xiaoyi and asks Wu Meimei curiously.

"Follow ah Zheng, who takes her to eat." Wu Meimei said with a smile, "she is so happy that she looks at so much food."

"Ha ha Let her eat more. " Wu youyou smiles.

"I saw Lin Lin Lin's mother-in-law and her father-in-law just now. Sure enough, the rich people's aura is different." Wu Meimei said with a smile.

"Sit down, you're tired. Have a rest." Wu youyou said to them.

"Good." So Wu Linlin and Wu Meimei sat down.

"Why don't you go out and be busy with me. It's OK." Wu youyou knows that Wen Zeyang must be busy outside. , the fastest update of the webnovel!