Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4117

"It's not serious, but it's also serious. Shaoning is still lying and still awake. She's always calling out the name of that cheap woman. I'm really pissed off. That woman is really not worth it. It's not worth it. I don't know if Shaoning is in a bad mood. She thinks that she is the woman. When she is unconscious, she also thinks about that woman I was so angry that the woman didn't come. The woman with Shaoning must have no good intentions. I don't know how much money she has scraped from Shaoning. Now that she has broken up, there is no use value to see Shaoning. So she is not willing to come to see Shaoning. Does she have any feelings for Shaoning? How to say that two people together for a period of time, will not think of Shaoning good to her? How can we be so cruel? Why is our Shaoning so miserable? Alas... " Fang Shihua continued to be indignant and said: "that woman must be thinking about breaking up now, and she can't get much money from Shaoning's body, so she doesn't come, and doesn't even come. Maybe there's a next family. She's afraid to see Shaoning's next family is not satisfied and delay her scraping money from the man. This kind of woman can do anything for money." Fang Shihua continued to complain and scold Wu Linlin.

Wen Zeyang was a little agitated and disgusted. If Wu youyou hadn't asked him to inquire about the situation, Wen would have hung up.

"Which hospital do you live in? I'll see Shaoning." Wen Zeyang said lightly, for Fang Shihua denounced Wu Linlin this matter also did not express any opinion.

"Well, we'll live in the first people's doctor. Thank you. I have a heart. Look at you. A friend wants to come to see Shaoning. I also called the cheap woman and invited her to come. She didn't come. So Heng, what did I force her to break up with Shaoning at the beginning? They have already broken up. Shaoning's affairs have nothing to do with her She also said that let me take good care of Shaoning in the future and not let Shaoning disturb her again, and let me not disturb her. What's this saying? Is it human language? I'm really pissed off. Ah Yang, you must help me to persuade Shaoning when you are free. That woman's heart is too vicious, so that he can wake up earlier. He can't go on like this. " Fang Shihua has a tone of hatred.

"Well. First of all, I'll be there later. " Wen Zeyang faintly finish saying to hang up the phone, also did not wait for Fang Shihua to speak.

Wen Zeyang is worried about Fang Shihua. He is tired of talking.

After hanging up the phone, Wen Zeyang immediately called Wu youyou.

Wu youyou has been waiting for Zhang Shaoning's call: "hello How's it going? "

"I heard that Shaoning is indeed in hospital. I said I would like to see Shaoning later. Would you like to go with me?" Wen Zeyang knows Wu youyou. He thinks he wants to go to the hospital to have a look at Zhang Shaoning.

"Well, well, let's go. Do you want to call Linlin Wu youyou knows that Wu Linlin certainly wants to go and worries about Zhang secning: "she is very worried about Zhang Shaoning. Why don't you take her with you? "

"No, she refused, so don't go." Wen Zeyang was not happy at the thought that Fang Shihua had just scolded Wu Linlin, so he refused to let Wu Linlin go.

After listening to Wen Zeyang's words, Wu youyou agreed. He was also willing to listen to Wen's words: "OK, that's up to you. Don't let Linlin go. When are you going to go?"

"Later, I'll finish what I have." Wen Zeyang continued: "I see the situation, when you finish class, I will pick you up, we will go together."

"Good." Wu youyou knows that Wen Zeyang can arrange it. Listen to him.

"Well, hang up first. Shaoning should be OK. Don't worry. Tell Linlin not to worry." Wen Zeyang said.

"Good. I got it! Then don't work too hard Wu youyou is also in love with Wen Zeyang.

"Well, don't worry, it won't be." Wen Zeyang finished, Wu youyou hung up the phone, hung up the phone and called Wu Linlin.

"Hello Sister, have you asked about the situation? How's it going? " Wu Linlin asked nervously, her voice choked.

"Well, yes." Wu youyou said to Wu Linlin what Wen Zeyang said: "don't worry. I'll take a look at Zhang Shaoning and tell you more when I come back."

"Good." Wu Linlin can only do this.

"Why didn't my brother-in-law say he didn't take me?" Wu Linlin asked curiously.

"I don't know. Maybe he doesn't think you're suitable. Since he doesn't think you're suitable to go, don't go for the time being. Let's talk about it then. We should be right to listen to his arrangement." Wu youyou believes in Wen Zeyang.

Wu Linlin also believed in Wen Zeyang, so she agreed: "OK, I'll wait for your news."

"Well, don't worry. It's no big problem. Wen Zeyang has already called to inquire about the situation. You can rest assured." Wu youyou comforts Wu Linlin.

"Well." Although Wu Linlin was a little bit worried, in fact, she was still very worried. Her eyebrows were tightly twisted, and she had been fighting hard."I'll hang up first. It's OK. Don't worry too much." Wu youyou comforts Wu Linlin again.

"Well, sister, don't worry about me. I'm fine." Wu Linlin can only say so, in order not to let Wu youyou worry.

"Well." Wu youyou then hung up.

"Alas..." After Wu Linlin hung up the phone, Wu Meimei was concerned and asked, "how to say that?"

"My brother-in-law has already called Zhang Shaoning. Then he said that he was hospitalized. Later, his brother-in-law and sister-in-law will go to see what the situation is. I want to go, but my brother-in-law told me not to go, and I don't know why. " Wu Linlin looked at Wu Meimei with a sad face and said.

Wu Meimei gently patted her shoulder and comforted her: "in this case, don't tangle."

"Ah Yang is very reliable. You should believe him. Don't worry. It will be OK. Now you'll wait for a yang to come back to see what's going on. Moreover, I believe Zhang Shaoning will certainly be OK. If anything happens, maybe Zhang Shaoning's mother will come to you." Wu Meimei persuades Wu Linlin.

"I know all the truth, but in my heart, I just I just can't help worrying, alas... " Wu Linlin sighed.

Wu Meimei gently hugged her: "well, I know, I know, it's all like this."

"Well, yes. Wu Linlin sighs. Leaning on Wu Meimei's arms, she wants to cry. She feels uncomfortable in her heart. She really wants to cry.

Time passed slowly.

At about 4:30, Wen Zeyang went to pick up Wu youyou. After picking up Wu Youyou, Wu youyou looked at Wen Zeyang curiously and asked, "why don't you let Linlin go with you?"

"Since Linlin has already refused, don't go. Let the people in Zhangjiakou know that she is not so easy to ask for. She doesn't mean to drive away. She says that if she goes to the hospital to see Zhang Shaoning, she has to go." Wen Zeyang said lightly.

That's what Wen Zeyang means.

After listening to Zhang Shaoning's words, Wu youyou is right to think about it.

Why do you have to listen to them.

They let you go, you roll, they let you come back, and you wag your tail and go back like a little dog.

That's impossible.

"Yes, you're right. You can't go. Too much, really too much. " Wu youyou also thinks that this is too much.

However, Wen Zeyang did not tell Wu youyou that Fang Shihua scolded Wu Linlin for such and other things when she was on the phone.

However, after a while, Wen Zeyang knows that Fang Shihua will definitely scold Wu Linlin. He has to make Wu youyou mentally prepared.

"I'll tell you, when you get to the hospital, maybe Zhang Shaoning's mother will say something you don't like to listen to, and she will say something bad about Wu Linlin. When you get to the hospital, she thinks that Linlin and Zhang Shaoning are together for Zhang Shaoning's money. Although they broke up, they called her and asked her to see Zhang Shaoning. She didn't want to because they broke up, I can't scrape money from Zhang Shaoning, so I don't want to see Zhang Shaoning. Maybe she'll be a little ugly. Don't be angry. It's not worth being angry with such people. Don't worry. I'll certainly help Linlin in this matter. Then I'll make them regret it. I'll ask them to ask for Linlin. " Wen Zeyang said seriously to Wu youyou. , the fastest update of the webnovel!