Sly Hubby and His Little Sweetie

Chapter 4116

"Well You first call a Yang and see if he can help you to get something. " Wu Meimei reminds Wu Linlin.

At this time, Wu Linlin was very anxious. Her mind was blank. She couldn't think of any way. Fortunately, Wu Meimei reminded her.

After listening to Wu Meimei's proposal, Wu Linlin nodded: "yes, yes, you are right. I should call my brother-in-law to see if he has any good methods. Maybe she can get something."

"Well." Wu Meimei nodded: "you call ah Yang first."

"Good." Wu Linlin's hands were shaking, and she was very worried.

She understood that if Zhang Shaoning was not very serious, how could Fang Shihua call her?

Certainly will not call her, Fang Shihua how much hate her, she is clear.

"Hello Elder sister Are you with your brother-in-law? " Wu Linlin calls Wu youyou.

"We were not together. I was in school. He didn't know whether he was in the company or at home. What happened? What happened? What happened? What happened to Wen Zeyang Wu youyou is curious.

Wu youyou knows that Wu Linlin must have something to look for Wen Zeyang, otherwise he won't be looking for him.

"Well, just now, Zhang Shaoning's mother called me and said that Zhang Shaoning had jumped out of a building. Now he is unconscious in the hospital. Let me go and see him. I I refused ruthlessly, and now I'm worried about Zhang Shaoning. I'm also very sorry now. I really want to see him and see how he's doing. However, I wonder in my heart whether it's his mother who set up the Bureau? Alas In a word, I am very worried, especially worried. Sister, what do you think I should do Wu Linlin is very anxious and has no idea.

"Set up a bureau? What's the deal? " Wu asked curiously.

"I'm not worried, because before, Zhang Shaoning's mother cheated Zhang Shaoning home. We suspected that we were going to set up a bureau for Zhang Shaoning and what tonic soup to drink for Zhang Shaoning. We all suspected that there was something wrong with the tonic soup, so Now, his mother called me over again, I was guessing, and I was worried about what would happen to Zhang Shaoning. Alas In a word, I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. I'm... " Wu Linlin began to speak some words no matter how many times she got up.

"Well, I'll ask Wen Zeyang to inquire about Zhang Shaoning for you first. Don't worry. It's OK." Wu youyou comforts Wu Linlin.

"Well, well, sister You can help me to find out, you can help me to find out. If there is any situation, you can tell me immediately. I'm really anxious. I don't know what to do. " Wu Linlin said, and she cried and her voice choked.

Wu youyou comforted him: "well, don't worry. It's OK. If you can send someone to the hospital, it must be OK. What's more, his home is not high. He can jump down from the floor of his room at most. If he jumps down from the second floor, there will be no accident. Don't worry

Wu Linlin was so comforted that she was still worried.

Jump out of a building. How can you not worry.

"Well. Then please brother-in-law, sister Oh I feel so sad in my heart. I'm so sorry now. Why did I refuse? Why did I have to be so strong at that time? I should promise right away. Ooh, sister... " Wu Linlin said and then cried. She couldn't go on crying.

"Well, it's OK. Don't worry. If you want to go now, I'll ask your brother-in-law to take you there. Everything is fine with us." Wu youyou continues to comfort Wu Linlin.

"Well, sister Let your brother-in-law check it first and find out what's going on. " Wu Linlin said.

"Good." Wu youyou also know that Wu Linlin is very anxious about this matter, so she doesn't say much to Wu Linlin. She just hangs up and calls Wen Zeyang.

At this time, Wen Zeyang is in the company, dealing with some important things.

Wen Zeyang is very busy, and Wu youyou is also very distressed.

"Hello Wife, do you miss me Wen Zeyang was reading the documents. After reading them for a long time, he was also a little tired. Wu youyou just called. When he picked up the phone, his face was exhausted and his mouth was full of laughter.

"Where are you now?" Wu asked.

"In the company, I'll pick you up when you finish class." Wen Zeyang replied.

Wu youyou listened, heartache: "how did you go to the company again? Are you very busy? You are always so busy. I don't understand why you have to embarrass yourself and work so hard. You are still a college student. You should be about the same age as me. You have spent four years of relaxed and happy college life in school. "

"Besides, you can't earn enough money. After graduation, you can make money again." Wu youyou persuades Wen Zeyang.

After hearing this, Wen Zeyang laughed: "my wife works part-time. How can I be willing to let my wife work so hard?"

"Can you be different from me? You don't need it. Besides, you're working harder than me, OK? I'll design a few samples in my spare time. If I don't have time, I won't design at all. " Wu youyou explained."I'm a man, I can't compare." Wen Zeyang said with a smile, "OK, don't worry about me I'm fine. I don't feel hard. It's worth working hard for you. "

After listening to Wen Zeyang's words, Wu youyou's heart is warm.

"Well, I don't want to talk about this. I have something to look for you. Just now Linlin called me and said that Zhang Shaoning's mother called her and said Zhang Shaoning had jumped out of a building. Now she is in the hospital. She wants to see Zhang Shaoning and accompany him. I wonder if Zhang Shaoning is serious? Linlin's child is very stubborn and has strong self-esteem. She refused directly, and now she regrets it. Moreover, the most important thing is that she is very worried and worried about Zhang Shaoning. She wants you to know what the situation is Wu youyou said to Wen Zeyang.

"OK, I know. I'll call Shaoning and ask what's going on." Wen Zeyang knows that it doesn't matter if he calls in the past.

After all, they grew up together.

"Well. OK, you call to ask, but Zhang Shaoning doesn't know whether he wakes up or not. Maybe he is still in a coma? " Wu youyou said worried.

"It's OK. Even if he's still in a coma, someone will answer the phone for him. I'll call first to understand the situation. Don't worry. It's OK." Wen Zeyang was calm.

"Well. Good. " In order to let Wen Ze Yang call Zhang Shaoning earlier, Wu youyou quickly hangs up the phone.

Wen Zeyang did not delay. After hanging up the phone, he called Zhang Shaoning, and soon someone picked up the phone.


There is a woman's phone, Wen Zeyang tightened his eyebrows: "excuse me, is this Shaoning's mobile phone?"

"I'm his mother. Who are you?" Fang Shihua's tone is not very enthusiastic, but very heavy.

"I am a friend of Shaoning, Wen Zeyang What about Shaoning? Can you get him on the phone Wen Zeyang said politely.

Wen Zeyang, Fang Shihua is known, Zhang Shaoning and Wen Zeyang can be said to have played together since childhood, so Fang Shihua also knows.

"It's ah Yang. Alas Just now, the woman didn't want to call my girlfriend, but she didn't want to call her How could there be such a woman? We would rather fight with our family members for the sake of that woman, and even jumped out of the building for the sake of that woman. As a result, the woman didn't even want to see her. Ah Yang, help your aunt and persuade Shaoning. " As soon as Fang Shihua heard that it was Wen Zeyang, she quickly complained to him.

After hearing this, Wen Zeyang gave a dry cough: "cough Well, is that serious? "

However, Wen Zeyang's impression of each other's poem flower is also much worse.

It is clear that the fact is not like this, and the result is said to be like this by Fang Shihua.

Wen Zeyang knows Wu Linlin well, but he doesn't say much. , the fastest update of the webnovel!