Skirt-Chasing Young Monarch: City Lady-Killer

Chapter 296

At the moment when Marina opened the box in Suk, she was all at a loss. She worked in the bank and was all the owners who had seen a lot of money. But Rao was so worried.

"My God Cover small mouth, a surprised inexplicable appearance, although the voice is not big, but also attracted the attention of other colleagues, have quietly to her side.

"Save it for me!" While talking, Suk took out his ID card and pushed it over. He thought that he was a big customer. He didn't need to save money himself!

Although she was dazzled by the millions of banknotes, Ma Yina had some working experience as a bank account manager in recent months. She first looked at Suk's ID card and said, "Mr. Suk, do you have any other ideas for such a large amount of cash? For example, how about buying Treasury bonds or investing in other financial products? "

"Financial products? Do you have any funds? " After all, there was a rush of funds a few years ago, but the stock market was volatile. After a sustained decline, most investors lost money.

"In fact, it's not only about fund management, but also about stocks, foreign exchange, insurance and trust. If you think stocks and funds are risky, I recommend you choose fixed income trust products. Of course, I need to give you a detailed plan for all of these!" She said slowly, holding back her excitement.

"All right! The money is with you. As for which scheme is better, it's up to you to decide! " Suk's head grew bigger when he heard that. In fact, he just wanted to move the money out of the basement, but he was happy that money could make money.

When Suk walked out of the bank, he felt relaxed and finally transferred the huge amount of money from extortion. He stretched hard. As soon as he walked down the steps, he heard someone talking behind him. . |

"where are you going, sir?"

Suk turned to see a young woman, about twenty-four or twenty-five years old, dressed in the same uniform as an account manager, but the two headlights in front of her chest were really attractive. It seemed that the buttons of her shirt would burst out at any time. She was even three points bigger than Du Wan.

She looks good. She has light makeup and Danfeng eyes. When she smiles, she really has a lot of manners. However, the woman seems to be a little uncomfortable. She smiles like an old friend for many years. When she walks down the stage, the two meatballs around her quiver up and down, which makes Suk a little uncomfortable.

"Where are you going, sir?" Seeing that Suk didn't speak, the woman didn't feel embarrassed, and she was still smiling.

"We know each other?" Suk doesn't know what the woman's intention is, but he doesn't smile. He asks suspiciously.

"Don't we know each other now? I'm the account manager of Weihai bank. My name is Zhai Lili Zhai Lili pointed to a small strip of breastplate on her chest peak, and at the same time, she straightened her waist. Suddenly, a pair of big waves rushed to Suk.

"Hello! I don't know what's the matter with you? " Suk intuitively doesn't like Zhai Lili. There is always a touch of spring between her eyes and eyebrows, just like Daji on TV.

"I don't know your name yet?" Zhai Lili, like an old friend, came to talk about her family. She asked casually, and even made people not feel abrupt.

"Suk!" After Suk finished, Zhai Lili continued: "I need to visit my customers now, but my car was sent for maintenance yesterday! I don't know if I can get a ride! "

"Are you sure I drove here?" Suk looked at the woman in front of her playfully.

"I don't think you'll come by yourself with a box of money." Zhai Lili said that she began to laugh, covered her mouth and chuckled.

"All right! Where are you going? If you're on the way, I can give you a ride! " Suk has no way to deal with this woman. If she refuses, she will be too stingy.

"No.14 Yongxiang street is Jinhua business city!"

"Oh Suk nodded. To be honest, it was not far from his destination. He answered and walked to the parking lot: "let's go!"

Just two steps away, Suk heard a cry from Zhai Lili. Turning around, he saw that the woman sprained her feet and jumped forward involuntarily. When she reacted, she already held her arm.

Suddenly I felt that my arm was squeezed between the two meatballs. It was soft and elastic. With Zhai Lili's breathing, she was still moving.

Suk immediately felt hot on his face. He didn't know what to say at all. He could only slightly side his head and take a look at Zhai Lili.

"Scared to death! Scared to death Zhai Lili seems to have a lingering fear. She keeps mumbling and grabs Suk's arm tightly. She seems to have picked up a life-saving straw and refuses to let go. Her whole upper body sticks to her.

Suk tried to pull his arm out, but with a little effort, Zhai Lili immediately resisted and was even more at a loss."Well! Sorry Zhai Lili finally came to her senses. Her face was flushed. She vomited her tongue in embarrassment and quickly moved away from her body. But at the moment of moving, Suk still clearly felt a numbness in her arm.

Suk, who pretends to be nothing, has already gone through a lot in her heart. Does this woman seem to be seducing herself? I glanced at her eyes, but it seemed that Zhai Lili was almost wrestling. She lowered her head and moved her wrists.

"Are you all right?" Suk frowned slightly and told himself that he should keep away from such a woman.

"It's all right! Thanks to you just now, otherwise I would have wrestled in public and lost my life! " After Zhai Lili finished, she pretended to look around.

Suk stops talking and goes directly to his car. Sun song's car is an old Passat, but it's well maintained. I think it's also for lending Suk, so I went to Midea.

Starting the car slowly, she slowly merged into the traffic. Sitting in the co driver's seat, Zhai Lili naturally leaned on the back of her chair: "Oh! I'm so tired. I've been sitting all morning! " As he said this, he loosened the small kerchief at the collar and untied the buttons on his shirt.

Suk gulped down his saliva. Just as he glanced past his eyes, he saw a large area of snow-white through his wide open neckline, and even half a piece of underwear with hollow pattern.