Skirt-Chasing Young Monarch: City Lady-Killer

Chapter 295

It's hard to solve Zheng Mo's provocation. Suk realizes that Li Feifei hasn't answered her SMS for a long time. She looks up at the wall clock. It's just more than 11 o'clock now. She thinks that Li Feifei won't be sleeping, right?

"Hello! Big sister! Get up and pee! " Suk had no choice but to send another text message. However, before he put down his mobile phone, the phone vibrated. It seemed that Li Feifei was on the phone. . |


"Here you are! Suk, you're dead! " Li Feifei's angry voice came from the other end of the phone, a little hoarse. It was really a sign of sleeping.

"Calm down! Calm down Suk quickly stopped Li Feifei's irrational behavior, and pointed out her shortcomings: "why don't you text me back?"

"SMS? Didn't I give it back to you? " Li Feifei is also a Leng, muttered a "I remember I asked you what?"

"Yes! I gave you one back, OK? Second! The second one is "what is the wood?" Suk was a little guilty when he said this. After all, there was only one word in the message, but fortunately, the girl didn't see it.

"Oh! I didn't see it! I'm so sleepy Li Feifei yawned and lowered her voice: "I went out with my mother this afternoon. I'm so tired!"

"Your mother's back?" Suk knows that Li Feifei's parents are workaholics. Although they live in Weihai, they spend most of their time away from home. This is very similar to Zhou Yuhui's family.

"Well! Come back! But tomorrow we'll have to fly away! "

Suk listened to Li Feifei's voice with a strong sense of loss. After all, the time for their family to be together is really not much, even after the winter and summer holidays. After all, there is no holiday for their parents to work.

"I wonder if I can treat you to dinner tomorrow?" Suk is leading the conversation elsewhere, but that's what he's calling for.

"There may be no time at noon. I have to take my mother on the plane!" Li Feifei is a little embarrassed. After all, Suk is taking the initiative to date himself. There are not many such things.

"It's OK, I said it's evening! My mother told you to come to my house for dinner at night! "

"To your house for dinner?" Li Feifei immediately surprised to ask a, excited and stunned, complex mood. At the thought that she was so smoothly accepted by the Suke family, the little girl immediately said: "no problem, you will come to pick me up at that time!"

After deciding on tomorrow's dinner, Suk can finally breathe a sigh of relief. He lies in bed and combs his thoughts. In fact, he still has a lot of things to do, such as the money box in the basement, taking over the industrial sites in the three streets, fulfilling his claim and feasting on the three armies.

After a quiet night, Suk had a good sleep. He didn't really get up until after 9:30. After washing, he went to the kitchen to eat something casually. He turned out his ID card and went downstairs to the basement.

The location of the sundries in the basement was the same as what he had arranged before, but it didn't move at all. Suk pulled out the suitcase from the bottom and opened it with a snap of spring. The stacks of money in it were very attractive.

Weihai bank is the city bank of Weihai City. Suk chose here mainly because he was worried about the national background of the four major banks. To be honest, this money may not be much, but if an 18-year-old high school student is allowed to deposit and withdraw, I'm afraid anyone who has a heart will guess.

Standing at the gate of Weihai bank, Suk was carrying a suitcase in his hand. Maybe everyone passing by would not think that this young man would hold a huge sum of money in his hand.

"Little brother, what business do you want to handle? There is our teller machine for deposit and withdrawal!" When the manager saw Suk coming in, he looked around and quickly met him.

"I want to save money!" Suk looked at the man in front of him with a smile and white teeth.

"Save money! There's an all-in-one machine over there. It's very convenient! " Although the lobby manager has a good attitude, he looks young and has a good suitcase. At first glance, he looks like a student who is going to return to school on Sunday with a change of clothes.

"I'm afraid I've saved a little too much money!" Suk said weakly, then pointed to the sign on the east side of the hall: "where can I go?"

The lobby manager took a look in the direction that Suk pointed out: "VIP customer service area? Little brother, there is VIP customer service, the bottom line of deposit is more than 500000! "

"I have!" Suk shrugged his shoulders and decided not to tease the man any more. He raised his hand and patted the trunk: "it's all money in it!"

"I'll go!" The lobby manager, who was about thirty years old, was shocked when he heard Suk's words. His chin fell off and his eyes widened. He pointed to Suk's suitcase and repeated, "is it all money in it?"

After looking at Suk nodding, the man asked Suk to wait for a moment and ran into the VIP service area. Without two or three minutes, the man came out, but behind him was a young woman with a bright face and a smile."Hello, sir. I'm the account manager of Weihai bank. My name is Ma Yina. What can I do for you?" Mayna looks like she is in her twenties. Her hair is high and her face is beautiful. She has a plain white slim shirt on her upper body, a bright square scarf under her collar, and a dark blue one-step skirt under her. She is full of professionalism. She nods slightly to Suk as she says.

"I want to save money!" As soon as Suk finished, the account manager warmly raised his hand and led to the VIP area inside, "Sir, please follow me!" As soon as he said he would take a step, he wanted to help Suk carry the box.

However, it's a pity that as soon as Ma Yina reaches for the handle of the box, her professional smile suddenly stagnates, blushes slightly and feels embarrassed. Then she makes another effort, and the box still doesn't move.

Suk looked at the red faced account manager, really looking at the beauty embarrassment is also a pleasant thing, a smile: "we can pull past!"

As soon as he finished, Suk raised his hand and pressed the handle of the box. Suddenly, a pull rod came up, and two small wheels popped out of the box.

Ma Yina is still a little embarrassed. After all, as a customer manager, she has only been able to do it for three months. But in these three months, she can describe her poor performance. I hope she can have a good harvest today!

In the VIP service area, it's the kind of cubicle office area where every account manager has his own table. Suk walks to her seat with Marina and sits down.

"How much are you going to deposit, sir?" Ma Yina's mouth turned up slightly and her professional smile bloomed after training.

Suk pondered for a while, raised his hand, rubbed his nose, and muttered, "ten thousand? Or 20000? " Then I found that the woman's face on the opposite side was a little blue, and some of them were sad.

Ma Yina looked at the student like young man in front of her. After all, she didn't hold much hope. However, when she heard 120000 words like this, she was still a little disappointed. It seems that she really can't finish her task this month.

As soon as he told Suk that the money could be arranged outside, he saw Suk lift the suitcase on the ground to the table. With two clicks of the spring lock, Suk pulled out two stacks of 100 yuan bills: "I'll keep 20000 yuan! Save the rest of the money

"My God Ma Yina felt that she was surrounded by happiness all of a sudden. The box was full of money. How could it cost millions!