Sister, Back-off From MY MAN

Chapter 120 - Kiddo

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You silly girl, why are you so cute?" Ji Seo Yun smiled brightly and hugged her, wrapping Aera in her motherly embrace.

"You silly girls don\'t understand men at all, they never share their feelings directly. Also, Song Ji Hun is still young, so topics like relationships, commitment, and marriage scare him. He knows in future he has to marry you but right now he is scared of that future commitment. So, he told you to not have any feelings for him."

"Really?" Aera stopped crying and looked at Ji Seo Yun with hope in her eyes.

"Yes, also the fact that you are already so successful at this young age, this fact must have overwhelmed him and he wants to properly date you after he too achieves something by himself and reaches your level."

"Oh, if that\'s the case, should I give up on my career?" Aera innocently asked.

Ji Seo Yun laughed, hearing Aera\'s words. She was very happy to see Aera putting Song Ji Hun over her career.

\'Ji Hun is so lucky to have a girl like Aera in his life. He should always cherish her and be thankful to this girl, \' Ji Seo Yun thought to herself.

"There is no need for that, he is being trained under his father and soon he will take over Song Industries. In future, I am sure he will expand our business and will come up with his own sectors. Then, when he will feel now he is good enough for you, he himself will approach you" Ji Seo Yun explained to Aera, igniting hopes in this young girl\'s heart and improving her mood tremendously.

Aera and Ji Seo Yun then continued to talk for a while which completely improved Aera\'s mood and she was back to her normal self.

Then Ji Seo Yun and Aera left her room. Ji Seo Yun went to join her friends while Aera headed out to spend time with Kim Do-Yun.

While Aera was heading out, a voice called her from behind.

It was Song Ji Hwan.

"Yeah?" Aera smiled at him in a friendly way.

"Look Aera, I want to tell you something important and I hope you will understand my point and won\'t feel offended" Song Ji Hwan hesitatingly started talking.

"Okay?" Aera looked confused but paid attention to him.

"Aera, my mom is manipulating you. My brother is truly not interested in you. He meant every word he said. My mom doesn\'t understand him well, so I advise you, please move on" Song Ji Hwan said.

"Why are you suddenly telling me this when you were the one who helped me all these years when it came to Song Ji Hun oppa" Aera questioned Song Ji Hwan, turning him speechless.

"Well, that…" Song Ji Hwan was not sure how to respond to her.

At that time he only helped her because he used to pity her and was sure her minor crush would dissolve someday.

He never expected it would grow so much that she won\'t even hesitate in giving up on her rising, successful career for his brother\'s sake.

At that moment, he realized how serious she was and when he heard his mom\'s assurance to Aera, he realized if he doesn\'t stop it now, this will blow out of proportion in future.

Right now, Song Ji Hun was not sure how to respond to Aera\'s question as she had a point. He did encourage her.

On not getting any response from Song Ji Hwan, Aera smiled and stepped towards him, suddenly she patted on his head, startling the guy.

"Awe kiddo, do you like me so much that you wish for me to move on from your brother?" Her surprising question came.

Song Ji Hwan turned speechless when he heard her words, "Kiddo? You calling me kiddo? I am two years older than you, therefore, you are the kiddo" Song Ji Hwan\'s mood turned annoyed.

Aera helplessly shook her head, "I am going to be your future sister-in-law, so in relation I am older than you. Kiddo take my advice and move on from me, my heart only belongs to your brother" Aera said.

"You think I am in love with you and therefore I am asking you to move on?" Song Ji Hwan raised his eyebrows unbelievably.

"Isn\'t that obvious? Almost everyone is crazy about me" Aera proudly declared and added, "Please move on" Aera then walked away after saying so.

Song Ji Hwan kept looking at her retreating back in shock as he didn\'t expect these turn of events, "This girl is so dumb, she thinks I am in love with her?" He face-palmed himself and decided to let it be as there was no way he was going to entangle himself with Aera after what she said.

Kiaraa was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching television.

"Hey" Ian, who just arrived there, greeted Kiaraa and sat next to her.

"Hey" Kiaraa casually greeted him back without moving her eyes from the television.

"Seems like you are watching some interesting show" Ian was trying harder to initiate a normal conversation.

"Yeah," Kiaraa casually replied.

Ian was hoping Kiaraa would talk about the show she is currently watching, like she always does but Kiaraa was keeping her side of the conversation very short making it difficult for Ian to continue conversing with her.

Ian wondered if their friendship was already ruined.

"K, how are you feeling that your sister won such a prestigious award a few days ago?" Ian tried to initiate another conversation.

"What is there for me to feel about it? She deserved it and therefore she won it" Kiaraa replied.

Ian looked at her in surprise, "You do think she deserves it?"

"Of course, don\'t you think she is well deserving of that award?" Kiaraa questioned Ian.

"Well, yeah she is not bad" Ian didn\'t expect Kiaraa to be so supportive of Aera.

"Not bad? Dude she is one of the most talented singers in this generation. She has a great potential of being number one someday" Kiaraa shared what she truly believed.

"Wow, I never thought you would be this supportive of your sister" Ian didn\'t hide his astonishment.

"I am not being supportive and all, I am just stating a fact" Kiaraa casually answered him.

Just then her show started and she put all her attention on the television.

Ian deeply sighed as he could see Kiaraa was not being how she always was around him and was acting a bit aloof.

The truth is Kiaraa wanted to be normal around him but she was still feeling a bit uncomfortable and Ian\'s presence was not helping her.

Although she tried to act normal, she wasn\'t able to.

Just then, Song Ji Hwan too came there and joined them, clearly in a sour mood.

"What happened to you? Why do you look like you are sulking?" Kiaraa asked Song Ji Hwan.

"Your sister is super annoying. She thinks I…" Song Ji Hwan was not sure how to share with them the conversation between him and Aera as one thing might lead to another and he would end up disclosing everything to these two.

"She thinks you, what?" Ian asked Hwan as he suddenly stopped talking.

"Nothing, she thinks I am dumb" Song Ji Hwan lied.

Kiaraa laughed hearing this, "Since, she entered the field of entertainment she turned very confident and doesn\'t hesitate in speaking her mind"

"Seems like someone is proud of her sister," Song Ji Hwan commented.

"Yeah, it is better to be like this than being shy and timid all the time." Kiaraa didn\'t deny being proud of her sister\'s changed personality.

"Whatever. What are you watching?" Song Ji Hwan asked Kiaraa as some historical show was being played on the television.

"Game of Thrones. It is a new show and a friend of mine recommended it" Kiaraa said.

"I had no idea you are into historical fantasy" Song Ji Hwan commented.

"This show has a lot of hot guys in it" Kiaraa added and winked.

"Isn\'t this an adult show?" Ian asked her.

"Yeah and aren\'t we all adults here?" Kiaraa countered and the next moment a R-rated scene came on the screen embarrassing the three people and Kiaraa immediately shut down the television as they were in the living room and anyone can pass from here.

"What the hell, Kiaraa? What are you watching? Porn?" Song Ji Hwan teased her.

"Hey this is the first episode of the first season, I didn\'t expect it would be this explicit" Kiaraa nervously explained herself.

"Lesson learnt, from now on watch Game of Thrones on personal laptops" Song Ji Hwan declared making the other two laugh with him.

This way due to Song Ji Hwan\'s presence, Kiaraa and Ian too felt comfortable around each other forgetting about the failed proposal which almost ruined their friendship.

One thing was clear, Song Ji Hwan had to be present around, for Kiaraa and Ian to feel more comfortable in each other\'s presence for now.

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