Sister, Back-off From MY MAN

Chapter 119 - Rejection

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Few days later, Lees hosted a gathering at their home.

It was also meant to be a mini celebration to celebrate the award Aera won.

Everyone from the Kim household and Song household attended this small gathering.

Song Ji Hun wished to skip it but his family insisted he come, Hwan convinced him saying he can observe the interaction between Kiaraa and Ian at this gathering.

Therefore, Song Ji Hun too attended it.

After his confession, Ian and Kiaraa didn\'t meet or talk to each other.

There was no event or gathering where they could come across each other.

Even Aera\'s award function wasn\'t attended by them.

So, Ian was desperate to meet Kiaraa.

After all the guests arrived, they all congratulated Aera and gave her gifts.

Aera politely thanked everyone and accepted their greetings and gifts.

Song Ji Hun too congratulated Aera and gave her a gift, making her day as she didn\'t expect it.

After meeting with everyone, Aera rushed to her room, followed by Kim Do-Yun and unwrapped Song Ji Hun\'s gift.

It was a book related to music which she can use to gain some knowledge and even make her own notes. It was more of an interactive book.

"Wow, so thoughtful of Song Ji Hun oppa, this gift is so nice" Aera dreamily looked at the book she got.

"This is the first time he personally gave you something, right?" Kim Do-Yun asked Aera.

Aera nodded her head, "Hmm, until now all his gifts came on behalf of the Song family, this is the first time he personally wished me and handed me something" Aera confirmed.

It was true that this was the first time Song Ji Hun himself bought something for Aera.

Before leaving home, Ji Seo Yun asked every member in her family to buy a gift for Aera.

So, on the way they stopped at a mall and Song Ji Hun decided to give her a book as he couldn\'t think of anything else.

Aera decided to take good care of this gift.

After keeping all other gifts, which were still wrapped, neatly in her room, Aera headed downstairs to join her guests.

On reaching downstairs, Aera saw Song Ji Hun sitting alone on the couch, browsing through his phone, so she approached him.

"Song Ji Hun oppa, thank you so much for that gift, I really like it" she confidently spoke with him unlike her old self when she hesitated a lot while talking to him.

Song Ji Hun was startled by her sudden presence, but he just nodded his head, "Glad you like it"

"Of course, how can I not like it as oppa himself bought it for me," Aera added.

Song Ji Hun was a bit surprised as never before she talked so much with him.

He then remembered Hwan mentioning Aera\'s crush on him.

Song Ji Hun was not sure what\'s the situation now, but he decided to put an end to it if there is indeed still something going on, as Aera was now a grown up and she looked lovestruck to him.

"Aera, I have a request to make" Song Ji Hun politely started.

Aera was feeling very happy as Song Ji Hun called her name and continued a conversation with her.

She guessed he wants some autograph or photograph with her and she was more than happy to comply.

"Yes oppa, sure, please tell me?"

"Can you not call me oppa, it sounds weird. When we were young, it was fine but now that we are grown-ups, it makes me uncomfortable"

"Oh" Aera felt a bit disappointed knowing his request.

"Thank you"

Song Ji Hun didn\'t wish to prolong this conversation and was about to leave when Aera\'s next words shocked him.

"I really like you, that\'s why I call you oppa."

Song Ji Hun didn\'t expect to get this sudden confession from her and neither Aera planned to confess but when Song Ji Hun was about to leave Aera was not sure what got into her and she had the urge to let Song Ji Hun know what she feels for him.

With the way Aera\'s career shaped up and with all the love she receives from her fans, Aera developed a confidence that everyone likes her.

She somewhere believed with this kind of success even Song Ji Hun would fall for her.

So, she confessed her feelings so suddenly.

Song Ji Hun composed himself and said, "Aera, I always saw you only as one of our family friends. I am sorry but I have no such feelings towards you and I would appreciate it if you can get over your feelings and move on"

Song Ji Hun firmly said.

"You don\'t like me?" Aera, who just got a minor shock, tried to not cry as she regretted confessing so suddenly.

"I am sorry, I don\'t" Song Ji Hun confirmed and left from there as he could see Aera was on the verge of her tears and he wished to give her the space to digest this truth.

Aera quickly ran away from there and headed to her room, closing the door with a bang, she started crying loudly.

Ji Seo Yun, who was on the same floor using the common washroom, saw Aera crying and running to her room, then she heard even louder cries, so she anxiously knocked on her room door.


Song Ji Hun walked out of the house and was going towards the lawn when his brother approached him.

"Hyung, what happened between you and Aera, she looked like she was on the verge of crying" Song Ji Hwan asked him.

Song Ji Hun was surprised at this question as there was no one around him and Aera at that time and he checked his surroundings before rejecting her as he didn\'t wish to attract any unwanted attention.

"When did you notice all of this and from where?" Song Ji Hun questioned his brother suspiciously.

Song Ji Hwan looked uncomfortable on being questioned but he lied, "I was around you two, maybe you didn\'t notice me"

"Don\'t you dare lie, Hwan. I checked my surroundings before talking to her. You were hiding and eavesdropping on us?" Song Ji Hun questioned his brother.

Song Ji Hwan looked guilty as if he got caught, "Actually when I saw her approach you, curiousity got the best out of me and I kinda tried to eavesdrop but I couldn\'t hear anything" he confessed honestly.

"Hwan, are you interested in her?" Song Ji Hun questioned him.

"Hyung, stop it. I have a girlfriend and I am only interested in her and no one else" Song Ji Hwan looked annoyed.

"Fine, she confessed her feelings to me and I rejected her. That\'s what happened" Song Ji Hun informed his brother without prolonging much about the earlier topic.

"Oh" Song Ji Hwan worriedly nodded his head.

"You can go and console her if you want" Song Ji Hun patted on his brother\'s shoulder and headed to the lawn area.

\'Why will I console her?\' Song Ji Hwan annoyedly thought looking at his brother\'s retreating back but the next minute he headed towards Aera\'s room.

On reaching her room, he was about to knock on the door but then he heard his mom\'s voice and what she said surprised him.

When Ji Seo Yun knocked on Aera\'s door, she didn\'t open it assuming it is Kim Do-Yun but when Aera heard Ji Seo Yun\'s worried voice, she immediately opened the door.

"Aunt Seo Yun" Aera cried louder and tightly hugged her aunt.

"What happened dear?" Ji Seo Yun hugged Aera and stroked her back to calm her down.

Aera didn\'t answer her and continued crying.

After a few minutes, when Aera calmed down a bit, Ji Seo Yun poured a glass of water for her and asked her to calm down.

Once she did, Ji Seo Yun asked Aera what happened and why was she crying.

Without any hesitation, Aera narrated what happened between her and Song Ji Hun to his mother.

In the last few years, Ji Seo Yun was Aera\'s biggest supporter and multiple times she mentioned it in front of her that she would love to see Aera becoming her daughter-in-law one day.

So, Aera didn\'t shy away in sharing Song Ji Hun\'s rejection with Ji Seo Yun.

If it would have been her own parents here right now, then Aera would have hesitated in sharing all of this.

Ji Seo Yun was surprised when she heard what happened between Song Ji Hun and Aera.

"Why did you suddenly confess to him?" Ji Seo Yun asked the young girl.

"For the first time he was talking to me so nicely and that gave me confidence thinking he too likes me, so…" Aera hesitatingly said.

"You silly girl, why are you so cute?" Ji Seo Yun smiled brightly and hugged her, wrapping Aera in her motherly embrace.

"You silly girls don\'t understand men at all…" Ji Seo Yun started talking, surprising her younger son, who was standing outside the room with her next words

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