Since When Did You Have The Illusion That You Don't Have Magical Powers?!

CH 60

Characters in this chapter:

Sapphiras Perfectio, 2nd son of the Earl of Aldridge

Percival Belisario, 3rd son of Margrave of Vanderwall on the Eastern Frontier

Adeline, Margravine of Vanderwall, Percival’s mother

Theodore Belisario, 1st son of Margrave of Vanderwall on the Eastern Frontier

Sandrion Timberlake, daughter of Earl Timberlake, Theodore’s fiancée

Susanna, servant in the Belisario household

Two days after the subjugation, Theodore-san is feeling much better and is already participating in early morning training. Sandrion-san says he should rest a little longer, but she seems to have given up on that since he won’t stay still even if he is locked in his room.

In the end, the subjugation was called off after just one day, but since there is an increase in magical beasts, they are going to form a proper investigation team and make plans to enter the forest once again.

“I am truly grateful to you, Sapphiras-sama.”

Sandrion-san smiles calmly.

Today, the 3 of us, Madam Adeline, Sandrion-san and I, had a tea party. The table is lined up with various sweets. Susanna-san puts a little bit of all the sweets on a plate and puts it in front of me. It’s hard to decide which one to start with.

“On the morning of the day of my subjugation, I had a bit of an argument with Theodore-sama.

Such a calm Sandrion-san? Theodore-san is also rather an easy-going person. Those two people arguing. Moreover, on the day of the subjugation departure.

“What was the cause?”

“I asked him to take me with him to the subjugation. But Theodore-sama said absolutely not…….

That would be right. It’s not the same as providing logistical support at the castle. Especially this time, because of those ridiculous adventurers, we also had a lot of trouble. I’m glad Sandrion-san wasn’t there.

“Does Sandrion-san always accompany subjugations?”

“No. On that day, there was news from the goddess. If something bad happened to Theodore-sama……that’s why I wanted to accompany him no matter what. If something had happened to Theodore-sama, I would have regretted it for the rest of my life.”

News from the goddess is like a hunch or premonition. It is not a special ability, as everyone has a hunch, but it is not to be underestimated. Sandrion-san’s premonition was right on the mark. Percival said that those of Belisario’s lineage have intuition, but if Sandrion-san’s goddess news is added to that, wouldn’t they already be invincible?

By the way, what happened to those adventurers? It seems they were given a stern warning for entering the tent of the base without permission. But as expected, that’s the extent of it……I dropped my shoulders, but Percival gave me an unusually wicked smile. Where did the smile of the knight of the sun go?

“Their plate is inscribed that they cannot work as adventurers in Vanderwall territory. At the very least, they accept requests here.”

“Ah, that’s…….”

That’s the end of them as adventurers, isn’t it? Basically, there is no superior or inferior adventurers’ guild, but the Vanderwall Adventurers’ Guild, because of its role in this land, is more trusted than the guilds in other lands. If that highly trusted guild would not allow them to work, everyone would assume that they are adventurers who had caused some problems. The guild also needs trust and reliability, so they don’t want to entrust work to adventurers who cause too many problems. I don’t know about simple requests, but if they tried to take on a big, well-paid job, they would almost certainly be turned down.

Hearing that, my acid reflux decreased somewhat.

“I am also very grateful to Sapphiras-san. I’d be horrified to think of what would’ve happened if you hadn’t taken part in the subjugation. But this should never happen again. There’s no guarantee that Sapphiras-san will be here next time, so I have to ask Theo and the others to do a better job.”

Madam Adeline is pretty strict too. It’s tough being the men guarding the frontier.

“By the way, Sapphiras-sama knows I am a white magician, right?”

“Yes, I found out at dinner on the first day.”


Madam Adeline and Mr Sandrion looked at each other and spread their folding fans to cover their mouths to hide their surprise. You don’t usually know what kind of magic people use unless they tell you.

“Really, you never cease to amaze me, Sapphiras-san.”

When I finished eating all the sweets that I was given, Susanna-san took the sweets that I wanted to eat again.

I guess I was staring too closely. I thought I might have looked a bit greedy, so I decided to refrain a little and didn’t touch the plate, but Susanna-san gently whispered to me to feel free to eat it. In that case, I reached for another plate of sweets. The tea is delicious, and it’s the best tea party ever.

“Well, that’s enough talk about the subjugation, let’s talk about the tea party.”


Speaking of the tea party, isn’t this the tea party?

“Percy hasn’t been home for a while, so I’m planning to invite people who are related to us to our house for a tea party.”

Ah, I see. It’s certainly been a few months since he’s been back home. There will be people who want to meet Percival.

“It’s short notice, isn’t it? I don’t think Sapphiras-san has any clothes, so let me send you one from our house. As expected, I don’t have time to have it custom-made, but I can alter a ready-made one and it will be ready in time.”

“Oh, no. I have an outfit that the Duke prepared for me before, so I’m fine. I can go back and get it right away.”

You don’t have to go to the trouble of making it, I can just go to my dormitory room and get it.

“No, no! Let my Vanderwall Margrave family prepare your clothes for you. Sapphiras-san is a very special guest in our house!”

“……But I’ve even had the horns processed, as expected any more than this……”

In fact, the processing of the tricorn’s horn was also done by a magical tool craftsman who is a purveyor to the Margrave’s family. On top of that, I don’t have the chance to wear tea party clothes, so it’s a waste.

“You don’t have to hold back, Sapphiras-san. Please leave everything to me. The outfit the ducal family has prepared could cause unnecessary misunderstandings among the invited guests.

Madame Adeline firmly took both my hands in hers. Apparently I can’t say no. Anyway, what exactly do you mean by misunderstanding?


“Sapphiras-sama, the tailor is already scheduled to come. So please come with Adeline-sama tomorrow.”

Sandrion-san said with a soft smile. No matter what my reply was, the tailor was still scheduled to come. It seems that Madam Adaline likes tea parties, so she must be very enthusiastic about the preparations.

With that in mind, I ended up making the outfit for the tea party, following Madam Adeline’s instructions.

“Sorry, Sapphiras.”

“Hmm, what?”

I was chewing on a bite-sized fruit sandwich when I was apologised to by Percival, who had a slightly difficult look on his face.

The dressmaking process that began in the morning didn’t finish until after lunch, and it wasn’t until tea time in the afternoon that I was finally released.

The clothes brought by the tailor were put on and taken off one after the other under the direction of Madam Adeline, and when the outfit was decided upon, the sizing was adjusted. I had done the same thing at the Duke’s house, so I knew the general flow of things, but it took a long time to decide on the clothes anyway. The rest of the details will be decided by Madam Adeline and Susanna-san, so Percival and I are relaxing like this, drinking tea and taking it easy.

“Isn’t Mother being unreasonable? She can be a bit pushy, so if it bothers you, you can tell me clearly.”

“What’s with that? I can’t think of it as a nuisance. Rather, I’m sorry that I’ve been taken care of so much.”

After all, I was left alone in the house where I was born. It’s kind of awkward to be taken care of like this. There is a family connection and warmth here that Sapphiras couldn’t get. I’m grateful and I don’t think it’s a nuisance at all.

“…… I see. I’m glad then.”

Saying this, Percival smiles as he stops making a difficult face.

No matter where it was shown, Percival’s smile was still dazzling after all.