Since When Did You Have The Illusion That You Don't Have Magical Powers?!

CH 59

Characters in this chapter:

Sapphiras Perfectio, 2nd son of the Earl of Aldridge

Percival Belisario, 3rd son of Margrave of Vanderwall on the Eastern Frontier

Austin Belisario, Margrave of Vanderwall, Percival’s father

Adeline, Margravine of Vanderwall, Percival’s mother

Theodore Belisario, 1st son of Margrave of Vanderwall on the Eastern Frontier

Sandrion Timberlake, daughter of Earl Timberlake, Theodore’s fiancée

Jacob, butler of the Belisario household

Bruno Kingsleigh, Commander of the Kingsleigh unit

Elliot, white magician in the Kingsleigh unit

When we returned to our base with our loot, the margrave was very surprised. He was surprised that we had brought back a tricorn head in addition to a considerable number of magical wolves. When I told him that this was not all of them, and that we had buried about half of them in the forest, he looked at me thoughtfully and with a difficult expression on his face.

“To think that such a large number of magic beasts would appear on the first layer… but this should have never happened before.”

“Perhaps it would be a good idea to have a proper look at it once.”

As I reported to the margrave that I was in the first layer, a soldier who was on guard around the area came with a group of suspicious men.

“Austin-sama, these men were hiding inside the stronghold.”

Considering the burden on magicians, they only use defensive magic at night, so soldiers take turns guarding the surroundings until evening, but during that patrol, they found these men hiding in a tent where they had placed materials. Judging from their appearance, they must be adventurers, but I wonder if they were trying to steal materials even though they were in quite bad shape.

“Who are you people? I don’t remember giving you permission to enter this forest.”

This forest is dangerous, so it is forbidden to enter without permission. It is said that it is possible to enter if you have permission, but if you have permission, there is no way that Theodore-san and the margrave doesn’t know about it.

“Well, we just entered by mistake! We’ll be out in a minute, so please let us off the hook here!”

“If you entered by mistake, why do you need to hide?”

Without answering the margrave’s question, the men kept their eyes on the partition behind them and didn’t hide their desire to leave here as soon as possible. Things are really weird.

“From the looks of it, you seem to be an adventurer, let’s see your plate.”

A plate is proof that you are an adventurer. It contains the name of the guild with which you are registered, your awards and punishments, and other information. You must display it when asked for it by a lord or client. There should be no reason to be reluctant to give it out in the first place, unless you have something to be guilty of.


“Leader……if we don’t get out of here soon, they’ll catch up with us.”

Behind the man called “leader”, his companion whispers in a frightened voice.

What’s ‘they’? The restlessness of the men gave me a bad feeling. More than anything else, I was concerned about the bag that the man who looked like the leader was holding tightly, so I was about to ask him what was in it when a small dragon jumped out of the forest. Small dragons came out of the forest one after another and surrounded us in no time.

“It’s Flame Raptors……why did they come here……”

Flame Raptor is a small dragon with well-developed hind legs, but they are quite troublesome opponents because they move quickly and breathe fire. They normally live in herds on bald mountains and rarely come down here. If you don’t get involved with them, they won’t attack people and should be harmless if left alone.

The Flame Raptors were clearly angry. Their golden eyes glittered and their scales turned red with heat. Yet they did not attack us immediately, but closed the distance between us as if to ask us. It occasionally snorts, as if sniffing. They seem to be looking for something.

……Looking for something?

I was immediately struck by the dubious words of the companion whose face turned pale and the bag the leader was carrying.

There is no doubt that there is a juvenile Flame Raptor in that bag. These foolish adventurers knew that Vanderwall’s army was in this forest, and they were going to force a group of Flame Raptors who had come to retrieve their young to the soldiers, while they themselves quickly fled. Such cowardly behaviour is not something an adventurer should be doing.

“You, take out the contents of that bag right now.”

“Wh-What are you talking about?”

“Just take it out!”

“Don’t touch it!”

I reached out my hand, but was forcefully shoved away. He doesn’t seem to have any intention of handing over the bag.

“If you don’t want to hand it over, I’ll just drop that arm.”

When I try to pick up the bag by cutting off the man’s arm with a gust of wind, Percival suddenly jumps in front of me and thrusts his sword at the man’s throat.

“This is Vanderwall military territory. You will follow my instructions. Give me that bag immediately.”


Percival takes the bag, which the desperate man reluctantly holds out to me and hands it to me. I hastily open the bag and check its contents, only to discover that it is already too late.

“……No good……it’s dead.”

Theodore-san gasps at my muttering as he checks the contents of the bag. As expected, there was a juvenile Flame Raptor inside, but it had already died.

The scales of juvenile flame-raptors are thin and transparent, and are treated as jewels because of their beauty. They are extremely difficult to obtain and are therefore traded at a very high price.

Flame raptors are said to live for 100 years and only lay eggs twice in their lifetime. Therefore, the entire herd protects the young, and if they are stolen, they will chase them everywhere until they get them back. I was going to return the child and ask it to leave peacefully, but the child that should have been returned had died. The Flame Raptors, who lost their child, will not let go of their anger until they kill us all.

“Da-damn, my plan was ruined!”

One of the adventurers, unable to bear the tension of being surrounded, suddenly turned his back and ran away. Taking this as a signal, the Flame Raptors attack all at once. Theodore-san blocked the flames with his water shield, and I struck down lightning without a moment’s pause. The Flame Raptors fall to the ground in a flurry. I breathed a sigh of relief that it was just in the nick of time, but out of the corner of my eye I saw Theodore-san fall to his knees.


Theodore-san is bleeding profusely from the abdomen. Faster than my magic, the Flame Raptor’s sharp claws had penetrated deep into Theodore-san’s body.



I run my vision in search of the white magician at the base. Elliot-san has used up a lot of his magic power during the subjugation in the forest. There is another white magician, but I couldn’t find him right away. With this bleeding of Theodore-san’s, he won’t last that long.

“I’m going back to the castle!”

I quickly took Theodore-san with me and made the transfer to the castle in Vanderwall.

“Sandrion-san! Sandrion-san!”

After transferring to the front entrance of the castle, I called Theodore-san’s fiancée, Sandrion-san. Sandrion-san is the only one who can help him now.

“……Th-Theodore-sama! What in the world is this……?”

Jacob-san, who heard my voice, came out immediately, but he was upset when he saw Theodore-san covered in blood.

“Jacob-san! Get Sandrion-san in here right away!”

“Yes sir!”

However, as expected of a man from Vanderwall. He was distraught for a moment and quickly regained his composure.

“Theodore-san, you have to pull yourself together. Sandrion-san will be here soon.”

There is little reaction from Theodore-san. He may not have heard me, but I still call out to him. If Sandrion-san comes, it will be alright.


As I was holding the wound with the cloak I had taken off to try and stop the bleeding, Sandrion-san and Madam Adeline came running in with Jacob-san.


“Theo……! What the hell……!”

“Sandrion-san, hurry up!”


Sandrion-san kneels beside Theodore-san and grips his hand tightly. The healing magic flowed into Theodore-san, and the bleeding stopped shortly afterwards. Amazing, Sandrion-san’s white magic. Besides, she’s very used to channelling magic power. She must have had some experience. Sandrion-san, who had been pouring magic power for a while, made a relieved expression on her face. I also felt my whole body relax when I saw that the healing had been completed safely.

Now it’s all right. He has lost a lot of blood, so he may need to rest a little, but Theodore-san will be able to move as usual soon.

Jacob-san called for the guards to carry Theodore-san to his room. I can leave this part to Jacob-san and Madam Adeline now.

“I’m going back over there.”

“……Sapphiras-san, I’ll leave things over there to you.”

Madam Adeline said with dignity.

“Please leave it to me!”

I thump my thin chest and head back to the base.

When I returned, everyone’s eyes were on me. I took the seriously injured Theodore-san and suddenly transferred, which surprised them.

“I left Theodore-san in Sandrion-san’s care. He’s completely healed now, everything is alright!”

When I firmly informed the margrave and Percival that Theodore-san was safe, everyone in Vanderwall showed a relieved expression.

I then turned my attention to the adventurers, who were surrounded by soldiers to prevent them from escaping. I guess they couldn’t restrain them because they weren’t criminals. But what they did was the same as criminals. I head straight for them.

As a former adventurer, I have to tell them something.

“……You guys, why did you lay your hands on the Flame Raptors?”

Unknowingly, my voice lowered.

“W-we received a request. But no matter what kind of request we receive, it’s up to us!”

“Yes, but you know what? That’s a request that no one would have taken on, right? I don’t care if it’s a matter of human life or not, no good adventurer would take on such a request. Only third-rate adventurers who can’t even assess their own abilities would accept such a request.”

I’m not sure about the person who requests the scales of a juvenile Flame Raptor, but I’m not so sure about the person who accepts the request either.

“Wha! You! You’re making fun of us ‘Scorching Fang’!”

“……Scorching Fang? That kind of party,”

I lowered my centre of gravity and put all my strength into my clenched fist, and thrust my head up at the chin of the man with the squishy beard.

“I don’t give a damn!”

A dull thud sounded, and the man flipped over backwards.


Sure enough, it was me who shouted. The man who was hit on the lower jaw by surprise also seems to have bitten his tongue and was fainting in agony, unable to speak. Serves you right!

“What Scorching Fang! If you’re going to talk about scorching fang, you should at least take on the Flame Raptor yourselves! People were about to die because of your foolish actions!”

Adventurers sometimes do reckless things. There will be times when they want to test their skills. However, the adventurer himself must bear the responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Moreover, it would be out of the question to involve someone in a way that would trap them.

I can’t believe these people are adventurers. ……

I clench my fists again in anger, ready to deliver another blow. I swung as hard as I could at the man who was holding his jaw and moaning, and Percival’s large palm gently wrapped around my aching fist.

“Sapphiras, that’s enough.”


“Sapphiras-dono, leave the rest to us.”


If Kingsleigh-san said so, I would have no choice but to nod.

It seems that the adventurers will be interviewed after this, but the only reason they can be blamed for is entering this forest without permission.

But I have no choice but to leave this matter to Margrave and Kingsleigh-san……