She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 349

"Don't ask so many questions, just keep looking at her." Chu Wanyuan doesn't know what Chuci wants to do when she comes here today, but her intuition tells her that nothing good will happen.

He Zhengyang came over to see his mother nervous, "Mom, are you too nervous? What can my cousin do to affect me?"

He Zhengyang's understanding of Chuci remains that Chuci is a child from the slum.

After what happened, Chu Wanyuan did not say that he was completely unaware. "Zhengyang, don't worry about it. You are ready for the interview. Don't be affected by these things."

Chu Wanyuan said to his son.

Chu Wanyuan doesn't even want he Zhengyang to have direct contact with Chuci.

He Zhengyang didn't like it: "Mom, you're making a fuss. This cousin's performance is really good, but she didn't pass the entrance examination this time? What are you worried about her for? She can't be my competitor. "

Said he Zhengyang turned his head and looked at Meng Yuxin, "but it's Yuxin's sister, for a while we are competitors, a lot of advice."

He Zhengyang and Meng Yuxin are not related by blood, but because Meng Yuxin has lived in the Chu family since childhood, he Zhengyang met her several times when he came to the Chu family as a guest.

Meng Yuxin said: "I can't pass Zhengyang cousin."

"Still so modest, can pass two written examination, prove your ability is very strong, always better than some people who dare not test."

He Zhengyang's eyes fell on Chuci, which seemed to provoke Chuci.

"Have you finished? Can I go now? " Chuci always insists on being a civilized man. It's better not to do it.

"You can't go!" Chu Wanyuan said that he would not let Chu Ci leave. "Who knows what kind of damage you are going to do?"

Chuci's expression is a little lazy. "You are really upset. Don't have too much delusion. I'm not interested in you."

However, the Chu family did not believe the words of Chu Ci.

Especially Chu Wanyuan, she said nothing to let Chu Ci go.

Meng Qingyan can only gently pull Chuci's arm, "ah Ci, mother knows you won't do that, or you'd better stay outside for a while, and wait for your cousin Zhengyang and cousin Yuxin to finish the exam."

"You believe I won't do that. Why are you holding me back?" Asked Chu Ci.

Meng Qingyan was dumb and unconsciously lowered her head. She did not dare to look directly at Chuci's keen eyes.

"Mom, second aunt, you can let her go. She can't even enter the gate of the Research Institute. What can she do? It's just a little bit of fun. " He Zhengyang is speechless to his two elders.

Chu Wanyuan also knew that although Chuci knew academician Cao, he was not allowed to go in and out of the Academy at will.

But this is a very important interview for her son and even for his family. She should be careful about anything that may threaten her son's interview.

During the argument, it was seven o'clock.

A person came out of the research institute to check the information and put people in.

Chuci takes advantage of several people's attention on the staff at the door, breaks away from Meng Qingyan, and then bypasses the crowd to go to the side door of the Research Institute.

He Zhengyang, Meng Yuxin and other five candidates who passed the two written examinations entered the Research Institute, first checked the information, and then were arranged in a laboratory.