She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 348

"Yuxin, I'm glad you're admitted to my aunt." Meng Qingyan feels happy for Meng Yuxin from the bottom of her heart.

Meng Yuxin hung his head and didn't speak for a long time.

Meng Qingyan sees this, in the heart five flavors miscellaneous Chen, oneself and language Xin is estranged after all.

She didn't take good care of ah CI. Yu Xin was a child she raised as a daughter, and she didn't take good care of her.

She's really a failed mother.

"I'm sorry my aunt didn't take care of you." Meng Qingyan apologized, "Yuxin, how are you doing these days? Did your mother take good care of you? So many things have happened in the Chu family. My aunt can't get away from me. My aunt is really concerned about you. I'm really glad to see that you can pass the exam and stand up again. "

Meng Yuxin just raised his head, "aunt, I don't blame you, I know you can't help it."

"Yu Xin..." Meng Qingyan is very surprised, looking at Meng Yuxin's eyes, surprised, happy and guilty.

My eyes filled with tears.

"Aunt, when I pass the exam, let's have a meal together."

"Good, good!" Meng Qingyan quickly agrees.

If Yu Xin really gets into the exam, the Chu family won't stop them any more.

Meng Qingyan and Meng Yuxin are talking well when a figure that should not appear in the Institute of marine geology appears.

Chuci is a simple light colored cotton sportswear, and his long hair is tied into a ponytail.

You don't need make-up to make your face bright and clean.

Wearing headphones, she ran all the way to the gate of the Institute of marine geology.

Chuci came running from where he lived.

When Chu Ci was working, he had a very regular routine.

In the early stage of the meeting, I will run in the morning, and go to the work unit at a fixed point to start the work of the day.

So that people who have seen her working state first can't believe that the lazy guy in resting state is Chuci.

It's just two people.

The emergence of Chu Ci attracted the attention of Chu family.

Especially Chu Wanyuan and Chu Yuheng.

I can still remember what happened that day.

So what is she doing here today?

As soon as Chu Yuheng saw Chu Ci, he immediately turned into the car and closed the door to death.

He can't control the rest. As long as he doesn't meet Chuci, his fingers won't have to be broken again!

Chu Wanyuan didn't care so much. He quickly walked to the front of Chuci and stopped the way of Chuci.

"Chuci, what are you doing here? As far as I know, you are not among the five people who passed the written examination and signed up for the Institute of marine geology! " Chu Wanyuan questioned Chu Ci.

Chuci slowly took off the earphone, "what do you want to do?"

"What am I doing? It's what you want to do! Today is my son Zhengyang's interview day. Do you want to make trouble? " Chu Wanyuan was so nervous that his eyes were full of hostility.

Meng Qingyan quickly came over and said, "Wan Yuan, what's the matter? Did ah CI do something wrong? "

Chu Wanyuan told Meng Qingyan: "you look at her, don't let her leave your sight, today is Zhengyang's interview, it's very important, don't let her do damage."

Meng Qingyan asked in a hurry: "does ah CI destroy Zhengyang's exam? Wan Yuan, do you think too much? It's impossible. Even ah CI thinks that this is an institution under the National Academy of Sciences. How can she destroy it? "

Even if Chuci is the president of an international luxury brand, it's a national organization. It's not a place where ordinary merchants can get involved.