Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Chapter 867

() the previous chapter of the MMP has been specially carried in that way. It is still a second in prison. This kind of injury is too bad. Last time we asked 847 to make up for it, but in the end, only a hundred people were added Basically, it's like writing a chapter in blank. If the last chapter comes out, kneel down and ask for compensation. It's too hard.

For Dali territory, the capital Longyuan city is located in the northwest, so Li Wuxian's journey to Xiliang was not too far away.

Qin Yi can be substituted in Guanzhong of his own world.

However, for the whole mainland of China, Longyuan city can only be regarded as the middle at most, because the farther north, the more deserted and frozen soil there is, the more extensive the scope is. Now it is also a large-scale land in theory, but there is no human fireworks.

There is no smoke in a thousand miles.

Qin chess can also be substituted into Siberia.

It can be said that the geography of the two dynasties is completely different, and the position can not be rigidly applied. But latitude and climate can be used as reference, and the environment is very similar.

But in this world, the scarcity of mortals often means that there may be Xianzong.

Here lies the Shenque of Tianshu.

Sit north and look south, overlooking the world.

Qin Yi knew that Tianshu Shenque was in this area, but he didn't know the specific location. Now that the mountain is closed and the surrounding array is hidden, it is not easy to find it. He didn't want to visit at this time. What did he say? Lao Daogu, you hand over Minghe?

It's better to be beaten.

Passing is just passing by. Beiming is in the far north sea, not here.

It can also be substituted for the Arctic Ocean.

If there were ethnic groups living in that place, who would it be, polar bears? Qin Yi was lying on the deck, thinking lazily about all these things. He couldn't concentrate.

"Not yet?" Tassels in the side did not have a good airway: "I know you are very happy, almost a little bit! As for it? "

"Well, it's not about that." Qin Yi said: "because I don't know anything about Beiming today, even if I have to prepare, I can't talk about it. What's the use of emptiness and nervousness? It's better to have a rest."

"You know nothing?" Tassel way: "you know how much, say to reference."

Qin Yi said: "I know that the Ming of Beiming should be Ming, that is, the meaning of the sea, not the hell of the nether world. So I didn't think about it before. I always thought it was closer to the nether world. "

“…… This is it? "

"Otherwise, we would know that it was the North Sea."

"How dangerous is the North Sea?" Of course, the reason why the word "deep sunshine" is not good for dark air way is not clear. Have you ever thought about the valley of sunrise, where the sun can't shine What is the meaning of this distortion

"Eh?" Qin Yi sat upright.

It's kind of interesting this time.

Even if the Arctic Ocean and the equator overlap geographically, what is it called?

Tassel also said: "two, the name of Beiming, originally is not the actual meaning of the place."

"Well? Isn't it the North Sea? "

"The location is North However, the metaphor xuanming, originally referring to the road, is a virtual reference. There is Kun in Beiming, which means that the road gestates the congenital infinity, and becomes Kun and Peng. It is not appropriate to say that Kunpeng is a demon. It is only a representative of the road. If it must be regarded as a demon, it's not too much to call it the ancestor of ten thousand demons. "

"Demon master?"

"What has not?" The tassel said: "and Beiming can nurture Kunpeng, which naturally has infinite magic, which is not only the concept of" the North Sea "can reflect."

Qin Yi nodded: "is it a bit like a door?"

"Yes." The tassel said: "the world road is out of it, which is called the gate of many wonderful things. Originally, it is not a specific arch pestle in front of you. I don't know when it slowly evolves. It really becomes a gate, and the virtual object is materialized. At that time, we thought that this kind of materialized meaning was actually the beginning of the transformation of public goods into private ones. "

Qin Yi "sizzles" a, stick does not say did not expect, stick so said, really have internal flavor.

When the gate of the road is invisible and immaterial, it is impossible for anyone who wants to swallow it alone. This is called Dagong. It is also closely related to the way of stick stick. No wonder Bangbang is the nearest Taoist. However, the door of the road is materialized, which gives people the possibility to compete for monopoly, just like the original public ownership for the family and the world.

That's what it means.

No wonder all the way north, the stick is quite silent. The closer it is to the north, the more it can remind it of many things. Especially after the entanglement with Yao Guang, if you look at it again, the stick is more and more ancient.

"But why does this kind of thing, which is originally a virtual reference, come into being?"

"I don't know. It may also be that after the prosperity of practice reaches a certain degree, it will affect the road in turn. This kind of thing should not be caused by conspiracy. " Tassel explained: "you think, originally Taotie Jai canthus is just a description of the meaning of the people's heart, they can have the spirit of the present, so why not the more high-end door of many wonderful?"“…… It's a good metaphor, indeed. "

"Maybe it was earlier than that, but with the prosperity of people's practice, it was time for the three realms to establish order, and these manifestations came out." Looking at the sky in the distance, the tassel whispered, "I don't know why. This door is just like a deliberate one. It's not solid at all. It's not as good as we can fight. In our practice, it's almost broken. In the early days, I still stood on the top of the mountain, shared by all of us, and later

Qin Yi knows the door very well. It's really crispy. Maybe ordinary people think it's hard. In their practice, it's almost like bean curd. The war of immortals didn't grind it into powder because it couldn't disappear. How could there be some sections there. Otherwise, it is estimated that they would have disappeared

Such a fragile thing, originally can't compete for, the most discussion belongs to.

However, this is not possible.

Everyone has his own privacy, so they fight.

Whether to establish a more stable order or more collapse depends on

It is obvious that the end of the ancient war of immortals and gods was towards collapse.

"Far away." Tassel said: "the sea of Beiming, in this sense, can be regarded as the door of low configuration version. It can breed Kunpeng, but it can't guarantee that it has not bred anything else for so many years. In nature, it should have been fierce and wild, but now that the valley is stacked, the situation must have changed. I have no idea

"So..." Qin Yi pondered: "did the people in heaven do nothing here?"

"They can move Jianmu, but they can't move the ocean. It's a vast ocean. It's not a small lake The tassel language contains irony: "it is said that it is to move mountains and fill the sea, but can it be moved away?"

Qin Yi asked, "is Taiqing OK?"

Tassel raised his head: "I can, not in general."

Qin Yi said:

Yes, it's also playing with space. Generally, it does not work. This is not necessarily a matter of standard, but the main attack direction is different.

That is to say, Beiming is really a place where people in the sky don't interfere, because they are not competent enough. But it's possible to send someone to set up a stronghold here, mixed with sand and so on?

I don't know what kind of cultivation world will be here? Dragon in the sea? Rift Valley demon city? Dahuang tribal money? A small amount of money?

It's not likely to be the Chinese culture anyway.

When he was thinking about it, he heard from below: "who is the airship? How dare you break into our heavenly pivot palace without permission

Qin Yi almost didn't turn over.

How is it so clever that a straight line can break into the hidden array range of Tianshu Shenque?

The array will activate the attack automatically, and a wave of fire will be set on the airship that intrudes into the array.

Fortunately, this kind of attack is only restrictive, afraid of misunderstanding, so it is not a very fierce killing technique. Qin Yi was relieved when he noticed it. He opened the protection of the airship and said, "Qin Yi in the fairyland palace is just passing by here without malice."

The guard of the other party seemed stunned by the name. Just as he was about to answer something, the soul of the familiar old Taoist priest orange peel came from below: "are you passing by? Why don't you believe me... "

Holding the airship in vain, a big hand seized the airship like a boat: "come on, did you come to see who?"

"Steal to see your sister!" Qin Yi was so angry that he jumped out of his feet and said, "why do you have anything to do with you

"Beiming?" Xiyue opened her eyes in the quiet room, and some of them couldn't cry or laugh and said to herself, "I'm not going to steal to see who..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!