Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Chapter 866

Above the clouds, there are hidden airships shuttling between them, looming.

There are people on the boat, lying on the deck, hands on the back of the head, looking at the higher blue sky, look very nostalgic.

Tassels sitting on the edge of the deck looking at the clouds, do not know what is thinking.

Yu Shang and an an are sitting far away from each other, ignoring each other.

These two goods have been tired for several days

Because Ann was insulted.

Yu Shang is definitely not a good match. She is as honest as a bodyguard in front of Qin Yi. She is also taught to be shameless in private. However, she is a very condescending Swan fan to others.

Or should we say that the more people are taught to bow their eyebrows and obey their eyes in private, the more they expect to abuse others?

The other two are not easy to do, and their relationship with their husband is extremely complicated. It is not easy to talk at random. Otherwise, things may go wrong. Yu Shang is still very clear. Fortunately, there is not a small clam here. We are all good friends. In this way, you also hook up with my husband. Who do you want?

That day, when Qin Yi was beaten by Qing Jun, Yu Shang was fighting with the bucket. The beads of Buddha surround the clam shell. It can hold hands on it. It's like a bucket But this bucket is very powerful, like an absolute defense, no one can open it.

Feather clothes also can't open, tired full of sweat, can only see hidden in the ANN in the smile.

Feather clothes simply do not open, these two days see more Sao operation, did not eat pork, also saw pig run, insult a person, need to open her defense?

No need.

Yu Shang sits on the bucket.

Ann: "what

The so-called bucket is formed by An'an's clam shell, all of which are soft water curtains. Yushang finds it very comfortable to sit on it, and can't bear to get up.

"That girl..." Feather clothes kindly to greet a maid: "please help me take a book to have a look."

The maiden was very respectful: "what kind of book do you want?"

"The local customs of China and so on."

"Good girl, just a moment."

Ann: are you going to read on me

Yu Shang is confused: "who is talking?"

An'an is so angry that she can't help being tied by the Buddha beads. Yu Shang is a strong one at her level. Is it to say that she will leave her?

The feather dress holds the book to read leisurely, the mood is joyful. The sun shines on her face and her face is holy. The maids admire her very much. She is like a holy swan. I don't know where your majesty found her. Her existence is auspicious.

God knows that this "angel" has a rival under his butt.

When Qin Yi came back, he saw Yu Shang reading a book. He wondered when the girl could read. The sun rose from the West.

"Is your husband back?" Yu Shang put down the book at will, covered An'an's face, and applied a simple air blindfold method by the way. Anyway, my husband would not pay attention to it.

Qin Yi didn't pay attention to the honesty. Yu Shang also made some small moves. He also sat on the bucket and put his arm around Yu Shang's waist: "let me see what my Yu Shang will read Well, this cushion is very comfortable

An an:

"The bucket" is so big that they sit on it together and they are very beautiful. Yu Shang has no idea of reading. They smile and say: "the first part is that the emperor can buy one wife, three wives, nine concubines, twenty-seven wives and eighty-one Royal wives Cluck People say that the husband is greedy for flowers. I'm afraid there are so many people around him. He has to turn around and run away. "

Qin Yi also laughed: "I'm not an emperor."

"Almost. The emperor is still doing the same thing in front of my husband... " Feather clothes bite the lower lip, eye wave flow: "do you want to heal?"

Qin Yi did come to Shuangxiu to heal his wounds. Of course, it was not easy to say what I wanted. As a result, Yu Shang took the initiative today. Before Qin Yi answered, he took the initiative to separate his skirt: "don't move, just sit here..."

An an:

Anyway, Qin Yi is very good at healing. An'an doesn't know how she came over in those days.

When I'm in front of me, it's OK to sit on me and make me a cushion.

I don't want face?

It's clear that she doesn't need to breathe, but An'an feels the haze is heavy and suffocating, and she is almost autistic.

When Qin Yi picked up his feather clothes and went to bed, he didn't find a bucket moving. He jumped out of the window and disappeared.

In the battle of snipe and clam, feather clothes win the first time. At this time, An'an is full of thoughts about how to teach back and how to have a good face to feather clothes.

But Yu Shang was fresh and fresh, and deliberately came to An'an to gossip: "An'an, go to Beiming, it should be useless for you, why do you have to get together?"

An said with a straight face: "it's sea, and there are all kinds of water spirits. How can it be useless to me? Besides, sir, you need treatment. What else can you do except pestle behind you like a stick? "

"I can still do Well. " His face is not red.Ann straight eyes, there are all kinds of small abdomen black, face do not want you have what method?

"Again..." Feather clothes leisurely way: "so-called treatment assistance, how also did not see you give your husband a treatment?"

An'an airway: "Sir, I don't want me to treat that kind of injury. He and his apprentice are more effective than me! He's breaking through! "

Yu Shang turns to see Qin Yi lying there still with a little nostalgic expression, but also some helpless.

Because Qin Yi's soul injury was suffered in Wuxian's dream, and the injury was also caused by Wuxian's soul, so even if her Yushang's practice was more consistent with Qin's, the effect of this event was not as good as that of Wuxian.

Last night, Qin Yi finally stayed in the Dragon bed.

The virtual teaching of 36 Sanshou in the dream has finally been put into practice one by one in reality.

Li Wuxian is not sure if Yaoguang can fully reflect her feelings, such as body feelings, can she share them? Not sure. What can be sure is what he knows. Now Yaoguang also knows.

Therefore, the emperor of the world in the eyes of all the ministers, compared with everyone in the palace. That is, deliberately angry Yao Guang.

When she did this, did she represent Yao Guang? She didn't bother to think about it. Anyway, she knew that Yao Guang would be very angry.

In fact, Yu Shang is the inspiration from her However, her strategy of stimulating An'an and Li Wuxian's stimulation of Yao Guang are nothing.

After all, there is no immortal, it is one

It's just to let Yao Guang have a good look, learn and experience what it's like to be ridden by my master. Do you feel the pain of successfully stabbing at that moment? Is it yours or mine to have children at the last moment?

Yu Shang doesn't know what kind of mood Yao Guang is now - it's just that he doesn't feel it. If he has perception, can he really be at the moment being affected by the body of that or something that has nothing to do with himself, just a skin bag?

Even if the body doesn't matter, the spirit is also very unrestrained

Look what Wuxian are shouting at random. I can't bear to listen.

Of course, this gives Qin Yi a special enjoyment. So far, apart from Cheng Cheng, Wuxian is the only human being who is most open-minded.

It's no wonder that his face is full of nostalgia and aftertaste.

In addition to aunts and nephews and a place that kind of hidden thoughts, other things should be experienced. Compared with the real girl's body and soul, although we all think that the soul is more exciting and comes from the source of happiness, but the body really has a different taste, which is not to be said to people.

Yuan Yin's great tonic also allowed Qin to break through the long-standing Qianyuan level three barrier and enter the fourth level. I don't know whether it contains the influence of Yao Guang's soul. According to the theory, Wu Xian Teng Yun's practice can't bring such strong help, but the fact is that it helps him break through.

In the space of time and illusion, after decades of precipitation, once the pass is broken, now it seems that Qin Yi, who has practiced for less than 20 years, is already

In the middle of Qianyuan.

Of course, because of the unspeakable reasons, what should have been the content of the previous volume was flashback in the side memory, that is.

That's what happened anyway.

Now it's a new journey, a journey to Beiming. , the fastest update of the webnovel!