Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Chapter 755

The latest chapter of the world of mortals!

Xiyue seems to understand something and asks, "you phoenix feather, you just got it soon Is it fifty thousand miles to the south? "

"I don't know how many miles, there is a plane between them." Meng Qingying said: "I felt it near Zhuo's corpse in the river Styx before. Somehow, I had more root Fengyu in my hand. I don't know if it's the one that I've seen Qin Yi before, but now I listen to your meaning It seems to be? "

She paused, revealing a trace of understanding: "when throwing out the phoenix feather, saved Zhuo a little spirit not to die, it is you as expected."

The dream she saw at the beginning and the last unforgettable memory was really Qin Yi.

The past life and this life overlap at that moment.

He threw a phoenix feather to Zhuo, but it came to his hand.

Maybe that one throw, it is doomed to be eaten to death by him in this life, young master of the nether world, is fighting with his women every day, and is still enjoying it.

Xiyue said: "you will look for it here, but also because you have a feeling in your heart. Something happens here?"

"Yes..." Meng Qingying curled her lips: "I knew that the so-called sense of the underworld was actually catching a traitor, but I didn't come!"

Qin Yi scratched his head awkwardly and looked at the moon.

Xiyue nodded: "in accordance with this situation, it should be that you do not know what kind of ability you have driven between the eagerness, resulting in some strange interaction. When the two ends of the long river of time coincide, for example, Miss Meng happens to be there, and your phoenix feather cuts through the long river, which not only has an impact on Zhuo, but also undertakes the destination of Miss Meng."

Qin Yi said:

"That's probably why your sea calming pearl can take effect Because it happens that the place we are in is also the sea of desire in the future, so we meet together for some reason. " Xi Yue looked up and down at Qin Yi and said, "it may be related to your chaotic meaning, or it may be more than that simple. It's better to smooth your skills or blood vessels by yourself. It may be a little strange that you don't know yet... "

Qin Yi looks at tassel.

Fringed arms do not speak, small mouth pursed into a Λ type, do not know whether to think about the reason, or to know the reason and do not want to Xiyue talk more.

Qin Yi thought of topics like his blood and family background. The smelly stick seemed to have a number of points from the beginning, but he has not made a statement until now. He only talks about the ancient blood It's not that simple.

"As for the closing time of the sky light, I'm not too surprised..."

Qin Yi asked, "how?"

"The time in Kunlun, especially after entering the chaos of time and space, is not calculated according to our own experience. It will not take us more than half a day to watch the images until we flee. However, it is possible that a hundred years have passed or only a moment has passed. It is even possible that the time point of our coming out was a few days ago, and no one can be sure. "

Among the three possibilities, the last one is the most mysterious, but at present, it seems that it is exactly this one.

When I came out, I was at a time point more than ten days ago. It was a little bit brain burning. It might mean that there was another pair of Qin and Yue Xi in Kunlun? It's too difficult. It's better to understand that after the closure of Kunlun, the internal one month, the outside one hour, the time flow rate is not the same, which is not difficult.

They had been in Kunlun Xuli for so long that it was less than an hour outside. Meng Qingying thought that they had just come out of Kunlun and immediately found a place to cheer up.

Qin Yi's first reaction was a big loss.

If I had known that I would have practiced in it for a hundred years and then come out again, I would say that I would not be able to farm until Wu Xiang came out to crush her. Maybe miss Heyue has all her children It's a big loss

But then again, it's a good thing Since the time has just passed so short, feather people at least won't be so anxious all of a sudden. At least they will wait outside for a while, and then they will go back in time to report their safety.

Xiyue also thinks so. If the time is very short, and Tianshu Shenque hasn't received any news, she will immediately return to her ancestral home. My good disciple doesn't know anything at all. She can quickly deal with the matters related to Heming, so as to stabilize the overall situation.

This is a good thing.

But it also means She has to leave early.

If time has passed for a long time and everything has happened, there is nothing to be anxious about. But if this is the case, it is really the hard truth to go back early.

Two people look at each other, in the other's eyes saw parting.

Qin Yi is a pain in the egg. Why do you often feel that after taking someone's first time, he immediately ushers in separation. He always makes it like a breakup gun. Fortunately, he has continued to meet again later. Otherwise, he really doubts whether his life is a greedy wolf or a devil.

He couldn't help but try to ask, "you Do you want to go? "

Xiyue smiles: "you know, I have been betrayed by important people in the clan. The overall situation of my family needs to be determined. I can't be lingering in the sea of desire. You are the same. How many people in your family are waiting for you. Yu Shang is so anxious that she has to turn around in Kunlun. Do you still have the heart to continue boating in the nether world? "Qin Yi sighed and said nothing.

"We have a long life, but we can't leave. For the joy of seeing you again, why should we be sentimental?" Xiyue once again offered a hops, and made a gesture of invitation: "three respects leave, meet again as soon as possible."

Meng Qingying is more and more curious. This elder sister I don't hate it.

This natural and unrestrained appearance, but let her some "I also want to be like this" envious feeling. I had no idea to tear and force before

Qin Yi was also said to be free and easy. He got up and took the wine. He said with a smile, "where am I going to find you in the future?"

The bright moon drank away, and the cunning meaning flashed in her eyes. She leaned over and gave a kiss: "if you can find me by yourself, there will be rewards..."

With that, ye Lei opens, the sun moon steps on the wind and pursues the moon, and goes away in a flash.

Meng Qingying looked at her back and said, "who is this elder sister? It's really good practice. "

Good practice means not only mana, but also mood. At this point, there is a corresponding.

Qin Yi said: "the Yuexi girl I met in Dahuang should come from a strong sect in Dahuang, and be about the same level as you."

Yue? Evening?

Meng light shadow flashed a strange color in his eyes. He was waiting to say something. His subordinates immediately reported: "little master, little master!"

Meng light shadow frowns: "what's the matter?"

"The LORD sent a letter that he suffered a great loss in Kunlun and needed to close down..."

Meng light shadow color change, flash to the coast: "say clearly, what situation?"

The man said: "it's said that it's Yin. It's also related to the great wilderness Bodhi temple. I don't know exactly. The Lord is still waiting for the little Lord on the Bank of the Styx river. Please go to meet him as soon as possible. "

Meng Qingying turns his head and looks at Qin Yi.

It seems that she picked up Qin Yi by accident this time, not by catching traitors, but simply to receive the proof of feathers and the overlapping marks of time.

They don't have much time to get involved in men and women.

Qin Yi said: "Fengyu, please take it. Its meaning in my hand may have been completed. It is your thing Besides The sad wish of Bodhi temple should be that both the master and the Bodhi temple will be defeated. Don't worry about the attack there for the time being, but what you need to worry about is... "

After a pause, he took out a medicine bottle: "this is the pill I made in Kunlun. It's very useful for Miss Yue to use it without being hurt. It should be of some use to the master The alchemy was made with the imperial furnace presented by the master, which was also regarded as a reward for peach and plum. "

Meng light shadow is not polite to him, took the pill and asked, "where are you going next?"

Qin Yi pondered for a moment: "not yet Jianmu has become an iron barrel, and the dispute between teacher and sad wish has been picked. I don't know what the other party's next strategy is. I plan to wait and see, maybe it's the nether world? I'll take a rest at the feather man's place. If you need my help, you can ask the ghost car clan to send a message to the feather man. "

Meng Qingying purses her mouth.

She had a little memory of her previous life and knew who Qin Yi was talking about.

But now her practice is not enough It's too much to interfere.

Do you really want to wake up to the past?

Seeing her thoughts, Qin Yi stroked her hair and said in a soft voice, "your past life is respectable, but you are you. If you don't want to bear the weight of the previous life, it has nothing to do with you."

At the same time, Zuo Qingtian tore open the plane channel and arrived in Shenzhou.

Wu Xiang is not an absolute free shuttle. They have also looked at the weak points of some positions and created a bridge of space. Now there are wushenzong and Tianshu Shenque people waiting nervously at several possible back and forth points.

See left Qingtian wounded and out, wushenzong's people were shocked to surround: "Lord! This is Hurt by the law of the sun and the moon? Tianshu Shenque! "

The Taoists around Tianshu Shenque don't know when to be happy or worried. Zuo Qingtian is hurt by the master of Xiyue palace. What about the master of Xiyue palace?

See Tianshu Shenque people want to talk and stop appearance, left Qingtian ha ha smile: "looking for the moon? Don't look for it. She eloped with little white face

An old Taoist priest was so angry that his hair stood upside down: "Zuo Qingtian, we respect you, and we are also the master of a sect. How can we be so irresponsible that we can not criticize others?"

"Ha ha ha..." Left Qingtian burst out laughing: "said elopement you don't believe, or you wait, see when the moon will come back?"

At the Shenque in Tianshu, people's looks changed slightly, and they all looked at each other.

Of course, they will not believe that the master of the Xi Moon Palace ran away with the man, but Zuo Qingtian is so sure. Maybe it means that what happened to the master of the Xi Moon Palace?

But he Ming didn't come back?

Left Qingtian Wu free smile: "xiaodaogu Si Chun, old Taoist on horse, kuyang Shenghua, Tianshu good story."

Tianshu Shenque's nose was crooked.

At this time, the air slightly fluctuated, with a sense of tearing, the moon strode out, eyebrows inverted: "left Qingtian, you bad my wind evaluation, fate!"

Zuo Qingtian is shocked.

How did she get out?

On the same day, Zuo Qingtian, the leader of Wushen sect, made a rumor. He was stolen and captured by the God que Xiyue of Tianshu on the spot. He chased and killed Wanli, and nearly broke into the Mountain Gate of wushenzong.It is said that it is the talk material of Shenzhou Xiuxian world after tea and dinner, which has been talked about for many years.

[end of volume 8]

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