Seeking the Dao in the Seemingly Mundane Mortal World

Chapter 754

The latest chapter of the world of mortals!

It is true that no one wants to touch the sea. It is more powerful than the medicine. It can only be pressed by oneself. Most people can't help it.

Meng Qingying still has a lot of self-knowledge. She missed some peach blossom essence when she was alone at night. She knew that she couldn't stand the sea, so it was better not to touch it.

Fortunately, the sea is one, and it has no effect to separate the sea water. Otherwise, this place will surely be chased by the magic road. Everyone will come to scoop the sea water. The silent pink sea may become a lively beach.

Meng light shadow under the order, then there are wanxiangsen luozong's subordinates fly up, and some eggs are painfully floating in the sky, afraid to approach, trying to throw out the rope to hook.

See the rope toss over, lotus cover leaves "Shua" to run, run fast.

Vientiane under senluomen:

Meng Qingying knocks his head.

Yeah, I know there's someone in there. Meng Qingying also secretly said that he was a little careless this time. He didn't know who was inside and dared to do it at will. It was really that the lotus seat level was too greedy. After all, she was still a demon.

However, in this case, the other side should not be a strong player, otherwise they will start fighting instead of running. Maybe you don't wear clothes. That's not a thing. You can come out of the room at will.

They are afraid that they are good at running?

This is no different from self disclosure of its short, more firm the idea of the little witch snatch treasure.

Liantai is not a magic weapon of moving speed class. In this typical painting place, how can you run away by forcing this kind of clumsy operation?

This time, Meng Qingying's subordinates are relatively weak. Seeing that the subordinates are clumsily chasing the lotus seat, young master Meng finally hands it out in person. As a shadow floats over the lotus seat, Senluo ghost prison surrounds the lotus seat.

She chuckled and knocked on the leaves: "friends who are good at playing inside, come out..."

Lotus leaves slightly separated, helpless to show a head.

“…… Come on It is... " Meng Qingying unconsciously said villain lines, eyes slowly straight.

Qin Yi looked at her helplessly. Did I run away because I was afraid? Well, it's because of fear.

You are Zhuo, not Ashura. Why are you there

Meng Qingying's expression finally changed into gnashing teeth. He grabbed Qin Yi's neck and shook: "Qin's I can see you fooling around with women when I go out for a walk in the street

The liantai that wanted to be robbed was not robbed, and the man was robbed!

Zhan zhanqingtian!

Meng Qingying is sad and indignant: "do you want to go boating in the sea? As you should know, there are few in the world that you can play! Who's inside? Look at this smelly lotus. Is it the Ming River

Renminghe was very good to you in his last life. If you want to conquer others, they will help you finally

Look around a group of Vientiane, senluomen's group is coming to watch. Qin Yi grabs Meng Qingying's hand and "Shua" pulls it into the lotus table and closes the leaves.

Vientiane senluomen is stupid, the little Lord was eaten by the lotus monster?

"Less, less master?"

From the lotus leaves came the angry voice of the young master: "all go away, I practice!"

The Vientiane senluomen looked at each other, and only got the garrison on the coast. Looking at the lotus terrace in the center of the sea, he wondered why he was directly practicing?

In the lotus stage, Meng Qingying looks at the bright moon leaning against the wall.

Xiyue has already dressed up and leans leisurely to drink. From her point of view, she has the bearing to see the vicissitudes of life. She does not have the same insight as your little girl. From the angle of Meng Qingying, this is called the fox spirit. She looks more angry.

But why does this fox spirit look familiar

Her breath was a little familiar.

Wanxiangsenluo and Tianshu Shenque have been against each other for thousands of years The battle of the devil had been fought several times, so that she pinched the river when she saw it. The two sides are very sensitive to each other's martial arts breath, but it seems that this woman has a high level of practice, like a fog. She can't make a clear judgment, but she can only feel a little repulsive instinctively

Although the breath judgment is vague, the face still feels where I have seen it

To this extent, it is hard to forget what you have seen with your own eyes. It may be just a glance in the distance, or you may have seen the images and portraits displayed by others. After a long time, you don't remember much

Meng Qingying tugs at her hair in distress. She has been in charge of the affairs of the nether world for so many years. She has had conflicts with many races in the wilderness and many orthodox evil sects in Shenzhou. She has received numerous images of various characters from her subordinates, which she can't think of for a moment.

I didn't expect that it was not the image sent by the subordinates, but the image of dangerous people prompted by master. When she saw it, she crushed the life card and called for help from master I really didn't expect that the woman who had just played with Qin Yi in yezili had been heard all over the world. I couldn't think about it on this occasion.

No matter, tear it for respect first!

She said coolly: "we Mr. Qin are becoming less and less choosy now. This little sister has a high level of cultivation. You can see that there is no one that can't be cultivated for thousands of years. Mr. Qin used to have a little taste. Qing Jun of the 15th and Minghe of the 18th are starving for food. Have you finally reached the eight thousand eightA mouthful of wine comes out of the moon.

Actually, this seat is eighteen thousand eight.

Tassels hold little bones.

Who are you talking about? The reincarnation of stinky Turkey is still so badly beaten.

But Xi Yue is really not and younger generation tear force of mood, both guilty, also lose share. She did not go to tit for tat, just leisurely drink wine, light way: "this girl, meet is predestined, might as well drink a cup of wine."

Meng Qingying looks at Xiyue strangely. She feels that the woman's eyes are kind and appreciate?

What's this? The original couple of fox spirit and little three Well, it's not the original match. Anyway, it's earlier than you. Are you kind?

Looking at Qin Yi, Qin Yi's eyes are also very soft. She has no reaction to her cool tone just now. There seems to be some regret in her eyes. It is like seeing the desolate wall carvings in some ancient secret land.

Meng Qingying is more angry.

How could you look at me like that when you were just here?

Is compassion green?

Is this what people do?

She almost didn't strangle Qin Yi: "Qin, you..."

"Light shadow..." Qin Yi slowly hugged her and said in a low voice, "it's good to see you so full of vitality. The pain of the neighing, listen to my heart all pull up, never want to hear again

Meng Qingying is shocked.

What and what is this?

If you mess around with other women in front of me, I will really hiss. Is it OK to be angry?

Xiyue gourd mouth rushed out a note of water flowers, divided into two, in full bloom in front of Meng Qingying: "a respect for your previous life, when floating a white. It's good to see each other well. "

Meng light shadow two eyes have become a circle, my mother is to catch adultery, why feel to come to class the same?

Xiyue looked at Meng Qingying's expression thoughtfully. She turned her head and said with a smile: "you're not curious. It seems that this girl hasn't heard about Kunlun?"

Qin's game of chess was a great leap forward.

Yeah. Regardless of the special time in the turbulent flow of time and space, it has been at least ten days since they were healed and measured in Kunlun Xuli.

But light shadow seems to have not received the news that Qin Yi was trapped in Kunlun Xu, nor did he receive the news that jade immortal was trapped inside. The first-class and large-scale channel of Vientiane Senluo can't be so backward. It should have been known for more than ten days. It's time to turn around in a hurry, and wander leisurely on the beach, and grab other people's Lotus stage with leisure and leisure?

See him Qin Yi, also have no reaction.

"What are you talking about? Kunlun skylight has just been closed. Well, it's just when you started to hum ah ah. Didn't you just come out of it and find a place to be happy? "

On the top of his head, he was shocked.

Just closed?

Seeing Qin Yi's shock, Meng Qingying also took out a piece of Fengyu: "did you drop it? Mr. Qin? "

The fire of phoenix feather is warm and warm, and Qin's game is completely obscured. , the fastest update of the webnovel!