Science and Technology Library

Chapter 989

"Foam wipe ~ ~" the little beast patted Chen Mo's arm and pointed to the direction in the middle of Tianxing stele forest. Her big eyes blinked and blinked. It was very cute.

"There's something there?"

Chen Mo is stunned and looks at the direction pointed by the little mother's paw.

"Foam." The little beast nodded.

"Then go and have a look." Following the direction pointed by the little beast, Chen Mo leads his party to fly over. Since he met the little beast, this little guy occasionally gives people some unexpected surprise.

After flying for about half an hour, Chen Mo and his party stopped in the air above the forest of steles.

Everyone looked at the little beast and waited for her answer.

"Foam, foam." The little mother's two small claws are drawn around.

"Here is the thing?"

Chen Mo looks around. There is nothing special except the life of the skyscraper star map tablet.

"What is it?" Chen Mo asked.


The little female animal stretched out her little claws and was chatting. Soon, Chen Mo understood what he was going to say.

A hole?

What holes are there?

Chen Mo looks around carefully and doesn't see anything special like the hole.

"Look around and see if there are any openings, chambers and things like that." Chen Mo suddenly thought of a possibility, but he was not sure.


The ten guardians began to disperse around to look for the hole the little mother said.

Around are watching the life of the tablet, all of a sudden they were attracted by their movement.

"They're looking for life?" A life curiously asked while observing the tablet.

"If you come to the Tianxing stele forest, you can also find life. In addition to looking for the picture tablet, it is the legendary star chamber." Another life has already seen strange things, and his voice still has a sneer: "the star chamber is not sure whether it exists, and it has been hundreds of millions of years, maybe it has been annihilated in the long river of time, and there is life with fantasy."

Looking at Chen Mo and others who are looking for them, the two lives laugh and continue to focus on their own affairs.


Mo Nu follows Chen Mo's side. She is also looking for the hole described by the little female. She just looks at the past and finds nothing.

Suddenly, her eyes fixed in the sky ahead.

She felt the difference in this area, but could not say it was different.

Super state appears, let the body of Mo Nu emit light blue light, her temperament also changes, become incomparably mysterious.

Mo Nu's beautiful eyes swept over the top of the forest of steles.

She now feels a clear difference. It's not the forest of Steles, but the space. In her super state sense, this space is a little different from the surrounding space.

A strange feeling floated up, Mo Nu noticed that her body was slowly changing, and the invisible space gap in front of her eyes gradually enlarged.

Chen Mo is searching for the mouth of the cave that the little female said, but found nothing abnormal.

"Mo nu." As soon as Chen Mo turned back, his face froze.

Is mo Nu gone?

"What's the matter? Where's the Mo girl? " Chen Mo looks around and doesn't find any trace of Mo girl. He turns to ask Ku Yao.

"Tell the king of God, just now I saw the body of the goddess of Mo suddenly disappeared. Like your special ability, it disappeared into space. She seems to have activated the super state. I thought she was using special abilities Kuyao replied in a hurry.


Chen Mo is in a daze. If Mo Nu wants to do something, she will tell him first. She doesn't think about it. Chen Mo quickly connects Mo Nu's quantum communication instrument.


At the same time, what Chen Mo didn't know was that a group of people were paying close attention to them in the distance of Tianxing stele forest.

"What are they looking for?" Tara asked curiously.

"I'm afraid only they know."

Tong Qing keeps his eyes on Chen Mo's search. His intuition tells him that what Chen Mo is looking for is very important.

After camouflage, their armour is integrated into the ordinary life of visiting the Tianxing stele forest. The outside world can't see his real face, let alone know that the famous Tong Qing has arrived here and is paying attention to Chen mo.

Between the two, pupil blue black pupil changes quickly, some surprised and puzzled.

Mo Nu is right under his eyes, disappearing in place without warning. This situation is a bit like Chen Mo's ability. However, there is no fighting here. Why does it disappear here for no reason?

What's going on?

Tara suddenly remembered something and looked shocked.

"Speaker, are they looking for the Star Chamber? Do you want to go there? "

"Watch first. Don't move."

Tong Qing also has some expectations. He is expecting that Chen Mo can surprise him.

If their ability can find the secret room, then Mu's star will not be so peaceful. A secret of hundreds of millions of years will surely lead to great news.……

Mo Nu did not know what happened, just now just in a trance, everything happened.

At this time, Mo Nu was in a strange space and did not find any other life. Her surroundings were completely empty.

On the barrier of space, all are colored light, can not see farther away. It was so quiet that no sound could be heard. There are no stars in the sky, but it's not dark here.

Mo Ge is gone, and so are the stars and steles.

Mo Nu can be sure that she is in a different space from the outside.


Mo woman called out, did not hear the response, ordinary wireless communication also did not answer. The next moment, wararmour's quantum communication device remembered, did not think about it, Mo girl connected the communication.


"Where are you?" Chen Mo is obviously relieved.

"I'm in a strange space." Mo woman looked around and said.

"Strange space?"

Chen Mo's spirit is shocked. It should be the mouth of the cave that the little beast said. Once, when the little mother beast described the small universe, it also said it was a hole.

"Are you in danger now?"

"No, the space is very small."

Mo Mo as like as two peas in the sky, the nine tablets are the same as the steles of the stele.

Nine tablets and a book?

Star room?

Almost at the same time, Chen Mo thought of the Tianxing secret room.

It's no wonder that countless lives can't be found for hundreds of millions of years. It turns out that the Tianxing secret room is in a folding space of Tianxing stele forest.

"Now take a look at the contents of the tablet." Chen Mo said.


The camera of Mo women's battle armor swept through the nine tablets, recording the contents of the above word for word.

Chen Mo's body is fixed in mid air over the forest of Steles in the sky. He is surprised to see what is recorded on the tablet sent back by Mo nu.

As many as hundreds of people are able to record their own development process. Mu's Celestial Star is a multi-functional person, up to hundreds of kinds.

The situation of Mu's Celestial Star is beyond the scope of ordinary divine life.

This is a very shocking news.

Unfortunately, he can not live forever, even if such a strong life, still can not escape the erosion of time.

"The book on the tablet, take it and have a look." "Be careful and pay attention to the danger around you," Chen said


The ink girl floats to the picture tablet, slowly reaches out to press on the book.

The material of books is a special material, like jade, but it is not. It is harder and lighter than jade. This material has been placed in this space for hundreds of millions of years, but it has not been corroded by the years.

Mo woman picked up the book at that moment, a sudden change.