Science and Technology Library

Chapter 990

The color streamer in the space secret room suddenly ripples.

On the stele forest of stars, a wave of space rippled.

Above the tablet in front of Chen Mo, there is a huge color ripple, a mirage of nine steles, and a shadow of a female battle armor. However, it is not an entity.


"Is there a mirage over the forest of celestial stars and steles?"

"The shadow is like a star map stele. Why is there a mirage here?"

"Is the legend true? Is that the projection of the Star Chamber? "

A stone stirs up thousands of waves, and a mirage appears over the forest of heavenly stars and steles, and the mirage is the shape of the stele in the forest of heavenly stars. The news is immediately spread.

And the mirage is slowly becoming clear, as if to become a reality.


"It's this guy again. I can make a little noise everywhere." Hu Bingxin's beautiful eyes were surprised to see the situation in the hologram, and immediately ordered: "immediately call up the Escort Group, go to the star stele forest, and let the fleet also prepare. The elite team immediately rushed to the star stele forest. Don't let them get the things inside first. "

"Yes." The lion night nods.

Other guards are ready.

"Let's go."

Led by the elite team, speed up to the highest, to the direction of the star forest.

At the same time, thunder god civilization, crape myrtle civilization, endless sea, Wuxian civilization, etc., all appeared big movements, all of them went to the star forest.

With the spread of the mirage, and the difference of Chen Mo's team, they are probably sure that it is the legendary star chamber.

Tianxing secret room really exists,

"It seems that I was the first to arrive."

Thunder's armor hovers in the air, and he can see the space ripples in the air.

Mirage is full of clear, thunder is no longer calm.

For hundreds of millions of years, there has been a mirage in the forest of heavenly stars and steles. It also looks like a picture tablet. It appears once in a while, in different corners of the forest.

This is also the reason why the legend of the existence of Tianxing secret room can be spread for hundreds of millions of years.

The mirage in front of him is more than ever. The silhouette of this figure is similar to the woman around Chen mo. now Chen Mo seems to be in the center, which also confirms his conjecture.

The woman entered the star room.

The mirage has become so real that it can almost be judged that there is a folding space hidden in the forest of stars and steles.

The space fluctuation detected by armor is absolutely true.

The special ability to create a folding space in this area made thunder feel extremely admired. He paid homage to the legendary character Mu Shi Tianxing.

In an instant, thunder's eyes were restored and his mind was extremely calm.

He didn't think about anything else. Compared with the secret room of the stars, other problems were insignificant.

Pa Pa!

The atmosphere around him exploded, mixed with sound explosion, and the armor had no meaning of camouflage any more, and the speed increased sharply. He is just like a peerless soldier without concealing his momentum.

At his side, each guard's expression became excited and the fighting spirit was turbulent. The armor is restored to its original appearance. Each guard is like a sword out of its sheath and vows to drink up the enemy's blood.

"Control the entrance first, inform the Escort Group to come to the forest of Steles, and let the fleet come to Mu's Celestial Star." Thunder looked around the scene and said in a deep voice.

"Yes." All the guards were shocked.

"There may be big secrets hidden in the secret room of Tianxing, which is related to the rise and fall of thunder civilization in the future. We must take it." Thunderbolt whispered, his eyes bursting with war. In his hands, the sword came out of the sheath.

"War." Many guards drank in unison, their eyes flashing with fanatical light, and all weapons were scabbard.

Thunder raised the sword in his hand and cried out: "Thor."

Thunder's blood is surging, surging like a rainbow, entering the super state, his momentum has reached an unprecedented height. In the sky above the forest of stars and steles, it seems like a solid momentum, like fireworks in the night, very conspicuous.

His rampant momentum affected the surrounding guards.

They feel a fanatical flame burning in their chest, and their blood gas is accelerating. All of them enter into super state and show all their strength.

Even in this sacred and inviolable forest of celestial stars and steles, they have no scruples. The hot blood is eroding every cell of them, making them excited involuntarily.

At this moment, even if the front is a sea of fire, or even the road to hell, they will not have any fear.

All the guards raised their weapons and yelled, "Thor."

Before the words fell, the thunder took the lead and turned into a shadow in the air, flying towards the opening of the space which was constantly emerging, followed by the guard group.

In an instant, the war was raging.


The wave of the opening of the space stirs up the space of Mu's star, and the turbulence of the atmosphere is rampant.Chen Mo stands in front of the opening of the space.

He looked at the thunder coming towards this side, and other lives. He felt the fierce war spirit and incomparable momentum. His eyes became calm, the blue light rose, and the eyes became indifferent, just like a god overlooking the earth.

In the super state, Chen Mo can clearly feel that the battle intention is like a tide, and every part of battle armor is urged to the extreme.

Through the armor, he saw a world without emotion. Everything was cold without temperature, and every detail of the world became clear in his eyes, even a wisp of atmosphere flowing.

"That's the star room."

I don't know which life in the public channel to drink, for a time, the whole life of stars and steles Forest appeared turmoil.

There is only one direction of spatial fluctuation.

As the space gradually emerged, the swarming battle armour division felt more anxious when they saw this scene. The speed of Thor civilization armor also accelerated a little bit, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

Wararmour divisions of other civilizations only hesitated a little, and then quickly decided that the armor would all fly this way.

If they are occupied by the Raytheon civilization, they have nothing.

Chen Mo is in the center, but the movement of Thor civilization is the most obvious. Almost all battle armour divisions on the field focus on the Raytheon civilization, which is the most threatening force on the field.


Now is to see who is faster, in the face of the tide of battle a division, thunder is not moved.

His speed suddenly broke out, the roar of sonic boom ignited the restlessness of the forest of stars and steles, with a strong killing in the sky, just like a comet falling from the sky, pointing directly to the center of the space ripple.

"Protect the king."

As soon as the captain of the guard drank, the guard, who was close behind the Thor, speeded up and drew a beautiful moving arc in the air. The front of the arc was facing the Armor Division surrounded by all sides.

As for the front of the thunder, they ignored it. In their opinion, no one was the king's opponent.

And in front of the thunder is the bitter dragon.

Ku long looks dignified, the other side does not have the slightest intention of retreat, momentum is like a rainbow, he drinks a big, the momentum of the whole person is elevated.

The armor is pushed to the extreme. The dark blue engine flame is like a dream. The long gun is in the hand, and the tiny short pulse laser is covered on the gun edge. It stands in the air, and there is a situation that one man is in charge and ten thousand people can't open it.

In an instant, with the Ku long as the center, the water mist in the atmosphere suddenly floated up, the sound explosion waves spread around, and the bitter dragon disappeared suddenly. The momentum was directed at the thunder without any fear.

At the moment when the two sides approach each other, a long gun, like an abyssal dragon probe, turns the atmosphere into nothingness with a slight sonic explosion on its head.


There was a strange wail in the atmosphere, the spear pointed like a dragon, and went towards the thunder chest.

This scene makes the wararmour division in the audience feel awe inspiring.

One shot is the most powerful means, there is no intention of keeping hands.

Chen Mo's guard again.

Last time, Chen Mo's guard was amazing enough. Now there is another one.

Ku Long's fighting consciousness has been locked in thunder. As long as the other side means to escape, the gun tip will go with his predicted escape trajectory. The target is in front of each other, and we all know that this shot must be dealt with head-on, and there is no way to retreat.

It was that terrible fighting momentum again.

Some armour division observed the taste of Kuyao's stabbing.

The momentum of indomitable.

There is no life but death.

Shenwei is a guard group that has never appeared in front of the great civilization, but it does not mean that they are weaker than anyone else. With the scientific and technological support of marching ant group and LAN's elaborate creation, they are preparing to appear in front of the stage one day.

Thick accumulation of thin hair, flying into the sky.

Shenwei's performance brightened the onlookers' eyes. However, other battle a divisions were not optimistic because his opponent was thunder.

He once defeated the former speaker of the parliament of Heitong civilization.


"Good come."

Thunder has a stronger sense of war.

Every cell in his body was excited. His flesh and blood became hot. There seemed to be thunder in the flow. There was thunder in his body.

Armour can sense his excitement, and the power is pushed to the maximum.

As the king of the Thor civilization, his armor is a collection of the most advanced technology and technology of the Thor civilization. It is specially tailored for thunderbolt and can perfectly fit his abilities.

Facing the long spear of Ku long dragon, the blade of thunder's sword suddenly bursts into a hot short pulse laser, as if inlaid by dark blue. Under the beautiful appearance, it is the most dangerous breath.

In the depth of the pupils of thunder, the pupils flashing with thunder become extremely deep.

Chi ~

the sound of friction between air and blade is transmitted in the atmosphere.

If the Dragon meets the sword.

The spear was cut into two pieces under the sword. The metal buzzing was very harsh. The sword came to his chest.The long sword ran down his shoulder and the wound reached his waist. The energy core of the armor was destroyed and fell straight from the air.

With only one sword, it shakes the armour division in the sky.

Chen Mo, who stands in front of the ripples at the opening of the space and looks at this scene, does not have any expression change. His pupils are light blue and cool.