Science and Technology Library

Chapter 971

"The 2743902 Moon Star Festival, now officially begins."

The host's voice sounded, and the Tianxing venue fell into a fierce carnival. This is a grand event that all people are looking forward to. Countless talents are gathered here. It's a real opportunity.

"Next, I would like to introduce the members of the podium who will come this year."

"The first is the 29417th successor of our great man, mu shitianxing, and now the patriarch of Mu shitianxing family, mu Shichong, chairman of Mu shitianxing grand gathering."

On the conference hall containing tens of millions of lives, a huge holographic impact appeared. A huge holographic projection with a height of 500 meters appeared in the center of the conference hall, standing majestically and welcoming countless cheers.

As the patriarch of Mu's Tianxing family, Mu's family is the most famous person among Tianxing steles. He believes in the promise.

The Star Festival is held every 50 years. Since the Mu family took over the star family again, he has presided over 72 events.

Murdoch in the seat smiled and said hello to the camera again.

"The second member of the rostrum is Mr. Tong Qing, the current speaker of the black pupil civilization."

With the sound of the host, there is a five hundred meter high holographic projection. The huge holographic projection of the pupil blue triggers a wave of cheers again.

The iconic black pupil, loose black hair, strong cheeks and strange black eye texture on the skin make people feel mysterious and powerful.

Whether it's on-site or participating in the opening ceremony in the virtual network, it's not strange to the black pupil.

As early as when he was young, Tong Qing's genius was only famous in the universe alliance. He was the object of countless life worship, and also the lover and fantasy object of countless women's life dreams.

Tong Qing stands up and greets the scene. The majesty of the superior is reflected incisively and vividly.

"This year's members of the rostrum are the most luxurious I have ever seen. Third, Mr. thunder, the new king of the Raytheon Dynasty. Mr. thunder is the youngest king of the thunderbolt Dynasty for nearly 100 million years. "

In the host's introduction, thunder stood up quietly and waved to the camera.

On the huge holographic projection, the thunder projection is surrounded by the blue lightning and the hormone of the burst shed, which leads to the scream of countless women's lives.

"Fourth, the fox Bingxin of the white star civilization, Mrs. fox."

The image of fox Bingxin and fox woman appeared in the center of the meeting, and countless men's lives erupted with cheers. But Hu Bingxin just stands up with the host's introduction, waves to the field, smiles on his face, and achieves the acme of etiquette.

"Fifth, the old civilization that founded the war armour system, the genius of Ziyun lady of Ziwei civilization."

"Sixth, Ms. Shuiling, the gifted student of the endless sea civilization prophet."

"The seventh is Mr. Ming Qiyu, a senior member of the Ming culture."

Everyone's appearance on the field will bring huge cheers and thunderous applause. As a place where countless lives yearn for, God level civilization has been pursuing strong life for hundreds of millions of years, hoping to join in God level civilization.

"Due to the special circumstances this year, the dark forest civilization has retreated from the sky star Festival. Therefore, the empty chair position of the dark forest civilization is decided by Mr. Tong Qing and Mr. thunder. Mr. Chen mo of the marching ant group will take the place of the last chair. The result of the vote was five for and one against. "

When Chen Mo's hologram appeared, the originally bustling venue fell into silence.

A lot of life hasn't been reflected yet. Which famous scholar is Chen mo of marching ant group?

Before long, some people recognized Chen mo.

"The genius who broke through in the forest of stars and steles."

"It's the life that just walked to the podium. Why does he take the place of dark forest civilization?"

"Is the gold content of the podium so low? A life in the forest of stars and steles can sit on it? Isn't it too much fun? "

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Didn't you hear the host introduce it? Tongqing and Thunderclap jointly recommended that there should be any special circumstances. "


The uninformed life broke out in the seats, including the virtual network scene, the virtual reality network opening ceremony venue, the barrage has been crazy, even though Chen Mo has twice exposed his face in the star forest of Steles, there are still many lives that are not the same thing.

There's no connection between talent and being on the podium. Without prestige and strength, as well as the powerful force behind it, you will not be convinced to sit on it.

Whether it's the opening ceremony or the virtual reality network, the audience's eyes to Chen Mo are not worship and admiration, but all are not convinced and confused.

"Did he make a deal with divine civilization? Why else would they support him in that position? "


"You forget that he has super power development technology in his hand. As long as he gives this technology to those civilizations, it's not surprising that he agrees to sit on the podium at the opening ceremony."

Special VIP areas are also under discussion.This situation is too strange.

Many old civilizations, such as the three emperors in the land of Wuxian, the leaders of the five Nation Alliance, and some new civilizations, such as Yunzhou civilization, are also in power.

No matter how ranked, there is no such a young and unknown group power sitting in that position.

So what they can guess is that Chen Mo paid a price to get the position in exchange.

"There's no reason. Murdoch is also here. He can't let the benefit trade in exchange for position exist in the Star Festival."

"But he is facing the power holders and core executives of the seven divine civilizations."


The debate spread among all kinds of life, and this scene also spread across the virtual reality network venue, at the same time, it spread among the civilizations in the celestial steles, and even in the opening ceremony of the whole universe live Star Festival.

What kind of force is the March ant group? Can sit on the podium, and seven God level civilization.

"What is this?"

In the haze of the solar system, it's amazing to see Chen Mo in the live picture of the Star Festival.

They have a small universe, as well as a variety of infinite technology of the boss. As a god level civilization, they have enough information. However, the war department is far from the God level civilization, which needs to be polished.

They just jumped out of Pisces and cetaceans. The outside world didn't know their real strength. They were not famous.

But what's the matter with the boss taking the chair instead of dark forest civilization? Even LAN can't understand.

Just to find out the reason, a message from Zhao Min came back.

Other divine civilization invited the boss to go up.

The news is crucial.

"I'm afraid the boss will be in trouble." LAN side of Yang Siqing moon light mouth.

"What do you say?" LAN asked curiously.

He would always listen to his daughter's words carefully. Comparing his daughter's intelligence and intelligence is to inherit him.

"In order to attract talents, there is a tradition in every star Festival. Has father forgotten it?" Yang Siqing month reminds me.

Haze body a shock, immediately sit straight, the silver ring pupil in the continuous rotation.

"If so, it should be OK." LAN looked up and said.

This time, it's Yang Siqing's turn to wonder.

"You still don't know enough about the boss. He is omnipotent. He is the most omnipotent and talented life I have ever seen." LAN exclaimed.


A place of confusion.

In a large hall, poison skin woman stared at Chen Mo's live video, her expression was admirable.

Next to the gray 21, the eyes are full of worship and respect. Grey 21's face, once a little tender, has long disappeared. These years, he has been living in the dark world of chaos with poison skin girl. He has grown up a lot. Now he is also the No. 2 person worthy of being in the organization.

"What's the arrangement for the Starship?" Asked the poisonous woman.

"I'm negotiating with her. She's wavering, but she doesn't really agree." "Grey 21 said:" the shadow group is afraid of making things worse, not forcing her

"Well, inform the film crew to invite her back as soon as possible. The next development is the key. It is necessary to integrate the chaotic terrain."


Grey 21 nods and agrees.


In a small square of Mu's heavenly star, a life in a big black cloak looks up at Chen Mo on the holographic projection.

Under the big cloak, there are a pair of purple eyes, and the purple light flows through the skin.

"Good life, I hope it's not wrong."

The voice of the cloaker was a little surprised. After thinking for a while, he walked away.

In the bustling little square, no one pays attention to this life.


Inside the space connector of the endless Haiwen star domain.

A huge blue planet stands in a transparent luxury palace in the deepest water. The palace is made of special blue crystal. It is beautiful and emits light blue fluorescence.

In the center of the palace, there was only one old man.

The old man turned his back to the holographic projection and looked down at Chen Mo's image with a brilliant light in his eyes.

"Growing so fast, it's on this stage." The old man exclaimed.

The sound fell, and the sea palace fell into silence again.


Chen Mo, as the center of the discussion, calmly stood up to say hello and sat down. There was no applause, only a lot of noise, but he was still unmoved.

"After the introduction of the guests from the rostrum, let's introduce the guests from the VIP area."

The typhoon of the host is very stable, and it is not affected by these things.

In the introduction of the super VIP area, we will not introduce it one by one like the rostrum, but project out the identity of many guests and the civilization power represented by them, so that many people can understand them.

All of them are the top group of civilization forces in the universe, among which there are many traditional and old-fashioned forces well known by the life of the whole universe.On the rostrum, the atmosphere was a little quiet. Everyone was watching the opening ceremony quietly, clapping and clapping from time to time. As for communication, they knew each other well, and they didn't open up the topic for the moment, and it was not easy to communicate.

"Now let's invite Mr. mu Shichong to announce the official start of the festival."

After the beginning of the process, the moderator gives the topic to Mu Shichong.