Science and Technology Library

Chapter 970

The host's special attendants appear in the senior VIP area, attracting the attention of life around them.

Because the identity of the special waiter is very special, he usually only serves the power and life on the rostrum. Even in the VIP area, he is only the ordinary waiter to greet, and there is no waiter in the VIP area.

And the appearance of the super waiter means that there is life in the rostrum to send him down.

Soon, the life around recognized Chen Mo's identity.

Chen Mo's human appearance was known to the outside world when it changed in the forest of celestial steles twice.

Tianzong wizard is wanted by crape myrtle civilization. Many lives and forces are pity for him, but they are also impressed by him.

"I don't know what the podium is looking for him to do this time?" Next to life began to whisper.

"Don't you know? It's said that at Mu's Tianxing's family dinner, black pupil exposed a huge news. Chen Mo's hand has super power development technology. " Next to talking about life, a friend said.

"Isn't it? How can I not know such shocking news? "

"The top forces are all involved. Which one doesn't want to take him? Spread it to the outside world thoroughly, isn't that to add competitors to yourself? And things get complicated. "

"If you are found to have super ability to develop technology, do you dare to come to the Star Festival and not go back?"

"If I were, I would have escaped."


Hearing some gossip, there was a lot of discussion around.

Chen Mo's ability to develop technology is a great surprise.

Buck looked at Chen mo. he didn't understand why those on the rostrum invited him to go up. He has heard of Chen Mo, but only read in the news that the first talent figures appeared in this Tianxing Festival.

But it's impossible for a genius to sit on the podium.

However, he is only a small minion. Those things should be considered by those on the podium. What he needs to do is to complete the tasks assigned by those on the podium.

"Mr. Chen Mo, you are invited to the rostrum." Buck said respectfully.

"Invite me to the podium?" Chen Mo's face was puzzled. To him, it was inconceivable, but soon he thought of some possibilities. He was just not sure which one: "what did the podium invite me to do?"

"When the dark forest civilization delegation left, there was a vacancy on the rostrum. The leaders of the rostrum jointly recommended that Mr. Chen Mo take the seat." Buck said.

"Invite me to the chair?" This answer surprised Chen mo.

Xiaoyu and Zhao Min also looked at each other, wondering why this happened.

But there must be something wrong.

Those on the stage, in addition to Shuiling, others are more or less not to deal with Chen mo. It's not right to invite Chen Mo to go up, because in the VIP area, which life is not more prestigious and qualified than Chen Mo?


As soon as Chen Mo wanted to say no, he was pulled by Zhao min.

"Just a moment." Zhao Min said politely to buck.

Buck looked at Zhao Min and Chen Mo, a little confused, and nodded.

Chen Mo looks at Zhao Min with doubts.

With Zhao Min's understanding of him, we should know that he will refuse at this time.

"I know that although there may be deceit, your strength should be confident. Your current position and identity are different. You are working for the whole marching ant group. We are not the marching ant group leaning towards the earth, nor are we in the taifo system." Zhao Min said seriously, "once in a high profile, go for a fight."

Chen Mo was stunned and thought.


On the podium, several people are paying attention to Chen Mo's position.

No one speaks, because Chen Mo can't get up, which is related to what they should do next. When Chen Mo and his party followed buck up, they looked different.

"You seem to have done as you wish, Chancellor Tong Qing." Hu Bingxin laughs.

Tong Qing smiles and shakes his head. He looks at Chen Mo and doesn't know what he is thinking.

Seeing the past of Chen Mu's rostrum, countless people paid close attention to his life expression and doubts.

"What did you say Chen Mo do on the podium?" Emperor Wu watched Chen Mo's back with interest.

"I don't know." Wei Di shook his head.

Yu Di is also surprised: "Tong Qing seems to be very concerned about this life."

"Not very much, but very much. The divine civilization people are all concerned about this life." Emperor Wu kept his eyes on those on the rostrum and drank all the wine in his hands.

The life of the VIP area is focused on the area on the rostrum.

The civilization in the super VIP area is the most promising group to become a divine civilization. Unfortunately, the seven seats of the universe alliance are occupied by divine civilization. If you want to enter the ranks of divine civilization, you must have the divine civilization to withdraw or the universe pattern to disrupt and reorganize.

Now when I see Chen Mu going to the rostrum, I feel puzzled.


When he arrived at the rostrum, Buck took the lead in front of the pupils and replied respectfully: "several adults, Mr. Chen Mo has come up."Buck backed away from the task.

On the rostrum, in addition to the lives of the seven God level civilizations, that is, the lives of the Mu's Tianxing family. The Mu's Tianxing family has never been in charge of the disputes among the major civilizations.

"Brothers chenmo, welcome." Said Tong Qing with a smile.

"It's a great honor to be here." Chen Mo nodded to several people.

"Sit down, please." Tong Qing's palm leads to the empty position of the dark forest civilization rostrum, and beckons to Chen mo. he looks indifferent and can't see what he is thinking.

Shuiling frowns. Now she can't persuade Chen mo.

She didn't know whether she was lucky or unlucky this time, but no doubt from now on, Chen Mo will become one of the focuses of the whole audience, and will face endless troubles.

Chen Mo will take over the vacant position of the dark forest civilization on the rostrum.

This position is not only as simple as a seat. Once Chen Mo sits down, he will not only completely offend the dark forest civilization, but also arouse the dissatisfaction of many top civilizations.

And pupil green look at each other, Chen Mo slowly toward the position of the podium, sat up.

The other several actions that Chen Mo didn't hesitate were all in a daze. They are all smart people. Chen Mo is not stupid. He can't not know what it means, but he still sits down calmly.


When Chen Mo sat on the rostrum, where the dark forest civilization was located, he paid attention to the life of the rostrum and was in a state of uproar.

Is he trying to replace the dark forest civilization?

"Why did he take that seat? What qualifications does he have? "

"Can he take that position by winning the limelight twice and beating a famous teacher? Isn't the podium too authoritative

"On such a serious occasion as the opening ceremony of the Star Festival, would you let a young man sit on the rostrum?"

"Don't think a little talent is great."


"I was the first to refuse to let him down."

When Chen Mo took the next position, he aroused a lot of indignation. On the rostrum, only the identity and authority of divine civilization can sit on it. In addition, it is the organizer of Mu's Tianxing family.

Chen Mo, an unknown young life sitting there, is not the representative of divine civilization, so he naturally refuses to accept it.

There are too many people who want to sit in that position, and countless who think they are stronger and better than Chen mo.

"Even if there is no dark forest civilization in that position, you are more qualified to sit on it, aren't you?" In the VIP area, a blue skin, who looks like the life of a blue chimpanzee, said angrily, beside him, is the tea cloud.

"Alas!" Sitting in the VIP area, he sighed.

"Don't be angry, brother Bayun. This kind of brat is not worth mentioning at all. He thinks that if he has a little achievement, he will be arrogant and dare to sit in any position." Life like a chimpanzee is extremely confused.

"I'm not angry. I'm worried. I'm afraid he's facing a lot of trouble."

"What do you mean, brother?" Asked the friend around.

"He's a friend of mine and he has a good relationship. I'm not angry that he's in that position. In many ways, he's much better than me. I'm convinced that he's in that position." Tea cloud said.

The friend around him suddenly remembered that he and Chen mo were familiar with each other yesterday.

"What do you mean by my brother's worry?"

Tea cloud looks at Chen Mo in the chair and sighs: "I'm afraid he will fall into the calculation of Tong Qing. Have you forgotten the special program in each opening ceremony?"