Science and Technology Library

Chapter 958

It has to be said that the banquet prepared by the Mu's Tianxing family is a feast of vision, hearing and taste.

The performance is wonderful, and the taste of things is also good, other life dare not say, but Chen Mo thinks it is very suitable for his sense of experience as a human being.

While Chen Mo is immersed in the program, a steward of Mu's heavenly star appears and pulls him out of the immersion.

"Mr. Chen Mo, the patriarch asks you and your friends to move to the main table." Said the housekeeper politely.


Chen Mo froze.

Will you invite him to the main table at this time?

But thinking of the reason, Chen Mo is clear.


"Go yourself." Jingge said lightly.

He was turned down before he spoke.

Chen Mo can only be alone. Follow the housekeeper and go to table 1.

Along the way, many people paid attention to Chen Mo, especially when Chen Mo was near table 1.

Chen Mo is a man of the moment recently. Is it necessary to receive the value and invitation of divine civilization?

"This is table one?"

"The dragon fish princess is appreciated. What is Chen Mo's qualification to serve?"

"I don't know. It may have something to do with their chat just now."

Many people on the field are speculating about the reason why Chen Mo came to table 1.

Chen Mo said politely to all the people, and sat down in the position prepared for him. Beside him was the dragon fish princess who had just been invited: "dragon fish princess, your singing just now is very good."

"Thank you, sir."

The dragon fish princess is curious to look at this Chen Mo which is similar to her in appearance.

After her tail became a leg, she is now human. Chen Mo is human. She is also the first time to see that, in addition to her ethnic group, life is the same as her appearance, and this life is a little special.

However, several of you are the core high-level and even the power holders of the divine civilization. None of you is the hegemon in the universe.

Chen Mo, however, seems to be the second change in the forest of celestial steles today.

She was able to sit at this table because she was lucky. Several hegemonists saw that she sang well and was a beautiful star. They asked her to come here. Chen Mo is asked by Tong Qing himself, and everyone else agrees to invite her, which makes her have to wonder what the big guy is.

She will not simply think that because the overlord on the field is interested in Chen Mo's talent.

"Is Princess Longyu curious about Mr. Chen Mo?" Tong Qing looks at Chen Mo's dragon fish Princess and smiles.

"Yes, Mr. Chen Mo feels like my kind, but it doesn't seem to be." Princess Longyu has no taboo. She knows that any careful thinking she has on this occasion is superfluous, so she has no taboo.

"I'm sorry, it's not the same as Princess Longyu." Chen Mo said politely.

"Mr. Chen Mo is amazing. Has Princess Longyu ever heard of the events of the Shigan system?" I asked with a smile.

"Do you know anything about Mr. Chen Mo's relationship with the events in the Shigan system?" Asked the dragon fish curiously.

"Mr. Chen Mo is the promoter of the Shigan event, both at the beginning and at the end. Mr. Chen Mo is also one of my most admired lives. There is no limit to the future. " Said Tong Qing.

Princess Longyu looks at Chen Mo in surprise.

"In that year's whole event, I was just passing through Shigan and filling with antimatter energy in the process of space travel. If I knew there would be such a big thing, I would not go to the system of Lycoris. I was a few months late and almost couldn't go back. "

Chen Mo shows his helplessness.

However, the thunder nearby was not good, but it was hidden. When it comes to time in the system of Lycoris, it is a thorn in the civilization of Thor and his heart.

Hu Bingxin smiles and stares at Chen Mo, as if he is also thinking about the events in the system of shiganxing. Just now, thunder told her that Chen Mo was the one who robbed the experimental body, and she just connected all those things. The intelligence personnel of the white star civilization still have insufficient work.

"Brother Chen Mo, I remember the deal with you. I have been looking for you for so many years. I wonder where the Chen Mo brothers are developing now? I'll call on you sometime. " Asked Tong Qing curiously.

A few others looked.

Several companies have been searching for Chen Mo's news for years, but since the time of the star system, Chen Mo has been hidden like the evaporation of the universe.

"Don't you know?" Chen Mo asked curiously, "I think you all know. Since you don't know yet, maybe you don't care about me. It's not necessary to be polite. There's a bit of confusion at home. I'd like to ask you to pay a visit in person some other day. "

All the people on the field turned black and said nothing.

"I've always wanted to visit Mr. Chen Mo and make a friend with Mr. Chen Mo since the system came out, but I couldn't find anyone. I thought I would never see him again. It's a pity. Now it seems that Mr. Chen Mo doesn't want to make friends with us. " The pupil is blue and says with a smile."I know where Mr. Chen Mo is."

The Ming culture, which has been silent on the table, represents Ming Qiyu's sudden opening, attracting the attention of all the guests on the stage.

Seven feathers of the underworld, a typical civilized life of the underworld, the human body of the beast's head, and the skin is gray black, like the color of lead. After attracting the eyes of the field, Ming Qiyu drinks all the alcoholic drinks in the cup, and then slowly opens his mouth.

"It's like Pisces and whales. Am I right, Mr. Chen Mo?" Ming Qiyu asked.

"Congratulations, but no reward."

Chen Mo did not deny it, but admitted it frankly.

Several other assistants on the field immediately took out the communication instrument to obtain the information of Pisces and Cetacea.

"Is the March ant group of Chen Mo brothers?" Tong Qing asked in surprise.

All these years, the news of the war of the whole cosmopolitan civilization has appeared on the case table of Tong Qing. He noticed that March ant group, mainly Hongqiao, unified Pisces and Cetacea just at the beginning of the upheaval, just like a top-level civilization suddenly appeared.

The fighting power of Pisces and cetaceans is strong, and the technology of various weapons is not weak. Because Pisces and Cetacea are not in contact with the star regions of black pupil civilization, and the universe is in chaos, Tong Qing doesn't pay much attention.

"It's an honor to surprise Mr. Tong Qing." Chen Mo said.

"It seems that Chen Mo brothers are not ordinary life indeed. They have laid such a large foundation and are so low-key. I admire them." "Tong qinglangsheng a smile:" just heard that brother Chen Mo and crape myrtle civilization have a deal

The scene became quiet as the pupil turned.

All eyes are on Chen Mo and Ziyun.

And Longyu also looked at it, only thought it was a normal trade between the two civilizations.

"Yes, but Mr. Chen Mo didn't agree." Ziyun said coldly, expressionless.

Chen Mo looked at the performance of the feast as if nothing had happened, and said, "it's mainly the things that Ziyun girl wants to buy. I don't want to sell them now."

"I see. That's the wishful thinking of Ms. Ziyun." Pupil clear, light said: "since Chen Mo brothers and crape myrtle civilization did not trade, and we have also worked together, as between us, to talk about another trade."

"I have a word, too." Hu Bingxin interrupts the communication between Tong Qing and Chen mo. she smiles and says, "I also want to make a deal with Mr. Chen mo."

"It seems that everyone has a sharp heart, and I have the same idea." Said the thunder.

Dunan Miluo and Ming Qiyu frowned and didn't know what they were fighting for, while Shuiling and Fanyun looked at each other doubtfully. Mu's Tianxing father and son left and gave Table 1 to them completely.

As for the dragon fish princess, she was just watching. Now, in the middle of the banquet, some overlord wouldn't let her go. She didn't dare to leave at will like the patriarch of Mu shitianxing. She didn't know the grudges. She was still enjoying the programs on the stage. Generally, she listened to several people chatting. She didn't feel anything wrong.

The fight on the table has already begun.

"That's not as good as Madame first, Madame first, general rules of the universe." Tong Qing gives the next words to Hu Bingxin.

Hu Bingxin said with a smile, "you're welcome, speaker Tong Qing. It's the general rule of the universe to line up."

"First come, then come. Mr. Tong Qing's first deal is better than Mr. Tong Qing's first." Thunder then said Hu Bingxin.

"Since I'm so polite, I'll tell you first." Tong qingran smiles and drinks all the drinks in the cup. He just introduces the program on the stage. The scene is a little quiet, so he says, "I don't know if brother Chen Mo can develop the technology with your super power. Can you sell it or not?"

The voice of the pupil is not loud, but the guests who pay close attention to the communication at table 1 can hear it clearly.