Science and Technology Library

Chapter 927

"Uncle Avon, uncle Zion, are you back?"

On their way home, they met many greetings from life. Alligator and Sylvain wave Hello, too.

In the small town where they live, the two uncles are a little famous, because they travel to the surrounding galaxy, have their own spaceships and advanced battle armour, and are rich in the town. There are many lives in the town. If you want a special snack from a nearby planet, you will find them to bring some back.

Many of the young people in the small town take them as role models.

"Aks, I'll buy you the sulfur wine. You usually drink less."

"Well, thank you."

"Uncle birdhead, who are you carrying? New guy? "

"The survivors of the air crash, the unlucky ones we picked up." Said sylan in a Starling voice.

"Hello, brother."

“…… Hello. " Chen Mo's forehead is full of black lines.

"Bald and skinny, the quality engines you buy, these small engines are still expensive. With the transportation fee, it's 130000 yuan, and I'm still 50000 yuan behind." Crocodile Wen's flying car stops at the door of a small shop and throws a small box to the bald boss.

"Thank you. I'll save another 30000 yuan. I want to learn war armour when I go to school. A better war armour is good for him. I can't be careless." Bald boss hands crocodile Wen a star coin card.

The two uncles also work part-time to buy things on behalf of others. They send everything out all the way, and then drive the flying car back to their house.

Crocodile and sylan live together. The house is big enough.

They are all single, and they are now in the entrepreneurial stage, so they are the two at home. Chen Mo is taken back to the house by two people and carried to the sofa by a robot.

"What do you do? Do you want treatment? The cost of rehydration is not low. If the treatment fee is needed, I can pay it for you first, and then give it to me when your family comes. " Asked the crocodile.

"It should not be cured." Chen Mo said.

"And injuries that can't be cured with rehydration fluid?" "What then?" said silver, surprised

"The injury is special." Chen Mo smiles bitterly.

"Do you remember the home number? Contact your family to pick you up. "

"I remember the number. My house is in the constellation of whale Pisces. It seems that it's 60 billion light-years away."

"I'll go. It's so far. Quantum communication is very expensive. Although we want to help you, we have no hope for the moment."

Sylan's starling voice is full of regrets.

"Some time ago, the general base station of extragalactic quantum communication in Xiaohe Galaxy broke down. Now, quantum communication can't get out of Xiaohe galaxy. We have to wait for engineers from the headquarters of cosmic communication group to repair it. I heard that it will take a while. You are really unlucky."

“……” Just wait, Chen Mo can only admit his life.

"I don't know your name yet?"

"My name is Chen mo."

"It's still bad luck."

"I think 'lucky' sounds better."


Crocodile Wen and Xi'an have broken mouths, but they are very good. They take good care of Chen mo. they also buy a set of intelligent wheelchair for Chen mo. Chen Mo settles down temporarily.

There are several robots in crocodile and silver's house that can help him move.

But it's very comfortable to be in a smart wheelchair.

"Kitty, you can't fight with loveliness. Pay attention to your upright position. There are not only ground stations, but also air combat and space war. There are no places in space."

"Little giant, your strength is very strong, but you can't get close to the strength. You can't fight through the armor with any stronger fist. And the weapon will be pierced at once. You should use all the weapons in your hand skillfully. The so-called Kung Fu is afraid of kitchen knives no matter how high it is. "

"There are also little fishermen, whose movements are not in place. The fighting foundation needs to be retrained."

Chen Mo sat in a wheelchair and watched a group of teenagers train in battle armour, occasionally breaking his mouth.

At first, the young man didn't care about the paralyzed uncle, but after Chen Mo taught a young man to defeat them, a group of young men rushed to find Chen Mo to teach later.

Chen Mo also enjoys it.

In space, a person floating for a few months, he was so bored that he almost went mad. Now he doesn't want to stay alone in the room. Consciousness can't control warfighter. His mouth can talk.

It's OK to teach these youngsters the basics of battle a.

Chen Mo is knowledgeable, proficient in all kinds of knowledge, and even proficient in battle armour technology and battle armour. The foundation of teaching is very practical, which makes those young people's battle armour improve rapidly. In just two weeks, he has become the worship target of young people in the town.

With sylan's mean mouth, now he's a hapless paralyzed uncle who's famous in the small town.

Every day, Chen Mo is thinking about ways to control his body, but he doesn't make much progress.

He has not found out the thinking mode of the fourth dimension for the time being. There is no content about the fourth dimension in the science and Technology Library, only some uncertain theoretical research.

Read more books and newspapers, and Chen Mo has read a lot of soul chicken soup, and even started to think about life.After learning a lot of life principles and philosophy, he finally found something useful. His third finger moved.

After that, Chen Mo chose philosophy to start with. It's mysterious and mysterious, but the thinking mode and logic can open up a different angle.

"Xiaowu has a good foundation."

Chen Mo looks at a hard-working young orc, a leopard man. A long and thin black leopard tail is particularly prominent. In many years of training, his fighting level is significantly higher.

"Xiao Wu has made rapid progress. Your armor will be stronger after refitting. Come here, I will give you the idea of refitting your armor and ask your parents to find someone to refit you."

When Xiao Wu's young Orc heard Chen Mo's words, he was very excited and quickly fell in front of Chen mo. he listened carefully and attracted the envy of other little friends.

After recording it, Xiao wudaoxie left in a hurry to find his parents to refit his armor.


"My Lord, I suggest that you put your tentacles into the dark forest." Xiao Li said to LAN.

"What do you say?" LAN is stunned.

"The dark forest civilization seems to be powerful, but there is a serious infighting between factions. They also want to end this situation. Why can't there be strong figures to serve the public. It is said that all factions are supporting their own forces. Now the Hongqiao in the dark forest area has caused chaos, the battle is more serious, and may split in the future.

However, its subordinate group is located in the remote area of dark forest civilization. There is no strong civilization. We can occupy the group as the depth of Hongqiao. If the dark forest civilization changes in the future, we can take the initiative in the battlefield. "

"It is said that the death of the prince of dark dragon in the endless sea was done within the dark forest civilization. The more powerful heirs who followed in succession were all secretly cleaned up. The remaining successors are all puppets of the faction, and the interior of the dark forest civilization is now very unstable. "

This time it was hibiscus.

LAN nods.

Not only the dark forest civilization, but also several other divine civilizations have experienced hundreds of millions of years of development, and there are all kinds of internal battles. But there are strong figures pressing, such as the green pupil, which will forcefully squeeze the black pupil civilization into a ball, and reduce the dead branches and rotten leaves.

The pride of dark forest civilization is not outstanding. Naturally, it can't hold down some old factions. The struggle between factions is easy to be taken advantage of by the outside world.

Hongqiao, the gateway to the dark forest region of the skull galaxy, brings the space of the universe closer to tens of billions of light-years, which must be firmly in their hands.

There is nothing wrong with the depth of the development strategy.

"I just need to lead the Nightowl War Department to take down the Andersen supercluster." Xiao Li was full of self-confidence and his eyes were full of desire for battle.

Don't worry about antimatter energy and dark matter. His war department is much stronger than before. He used to be very confident in his tactical command. With LAN's teaching and polishing in this period of time, now his tactical command has been on a higher level.

With the awakening of superpowers, he added a number of top class battle divisions to his war department. With their rich battlefield experience, the battle effectiveness of the Nightowl War Department has long been different.

LAN immediately made a decision.

"OK, Xiao Li leads the Nightowl battle Department into the anstar group. Red Geun assists in tactical decision-making, and Hongqiao defense is transferred to the wood Defense Department."

Xiao Li is well-known in the superstar group of the Andersen family. Now he sweeps the constellation of the Andersen. The resistance of internal life will not be too great. If other foreign enemies invade, it will arouse the common hatred of anstar group, and then the resistance will be great.

Xiao Li gladly took command.

Now in a special period, they join the March ant group halfway. Even if adults trust them very much, there will be more or less mustard in the life below.

To better integrate into this group, they need a big win to prove their value and status in the March ant group.

As for the big win?

An entire supercluster is taken down and becomes their future focus in the dark forest.

LAN's order was sent to all the war departments at the first time.

Hongqiao of the skull Galaxy completed the defense change in a short time.

The War Department of the Nightowl led by Xiao Li quietly entered the superstar group of an family.