Science and Technology Library

Chapter 921

Time is like a meteor in the night sky.

Chen Mo accompanies his family every day and rarely fails to go to the laboratory. Only Xiaoyu's third daughter knows what's going on. Her smile disappears from her face, but every day nothing happens.

They all know that Chen Mo's determination can't be changed. Making a big noise won't help. It will only distract Chen mo. at that time, it will be more dangerous.

Only they know the suffering.

I wish that day would come later, but I feel that time has never been faster.

Mo Nu came out of the bathroom, wearing a nightdress, and the lines were outlined. Her face was still steaming with water, such as lotus, which was charming without any powder. She was breathtaking.

Clean up, Mo girl left the room barefoot.

The pain is getting stronger and stronger.


Chen Mo knocks on the forehead.

From the completion of the quantum life ball, his brain began to ache, and he began to think it was the problem of overwork. He didn't care about it, but this short time accompanied Xiaoyu to rest, but it didn't ease, but it was more painful.

Now he finds out that it's a problem with technology libraries, like a hint.

Over time, the pain in the brain becomes clearer and more intense. But Chen Mo didn't show it. He endured the pain of his brain every day and accompanied his family in the best condition.

He is confident of the success rate of the experiment. But even so, the uncertainty in the experiment is still too great.

Tomorrow is the experiment time.

It won't take long. His head is getting more and more painful.


Mo NV pushes the door in and interrupts Chen Mo's thoughts.

Chen Mo put away the projection of the quantum sphere of life, endured the discomfort of the brain, and answered. Looking up from her body, she is more sexy than before and can't be ignored.

"Am I beautiful, Mego?" Mo lady comes to Chen Mo with her eyes bent into crescent.

"It's beautiful every day."

Mo Nu sits gently on Chen Mo's thigh, with a little coyness in peace.

It's emotional.

"Take me back."

"Good." Chen Mo picks up Mo Nu and heads back to her room.

During this period, Xiaoyu and Zhao Min were in a very bad mood, and their faces were sad every day.

Only Mo Nu, just like before, takes care of the mood of the two girls. In private, she will talk to Chen Mo more and accompany him as if nothing happened.

The times of intimacy between the two people are much more frequent than before, and Chen Mo doesn't feel strange either.

Chen Mo doesn't know what Mo Nu is thinking, but she is also happy. At least Mo Nu looks in good condition. He would rather see them happy every day than sad.

Apart from giving up the experiment, he would not refuse any other request to them.

"Go with sister Xiaoyu and sister Zhao min." Lying in Chen Mo's arms, Mo Nu's voice was tired.

"You sleep first."

Chen Mo patted her on the back with his palm, and didn't get up until Mo Nu fell asleep. At the moment when the door was closed, Mo NV slowly opened her eyes and looked at the closed door. She was reluctant to give up.


"Sister min, what should we do?" In the room, Xiaoyu is crying in a low voice. She dare not cry in front of Chen mo. now Zhao Min is the only one she talks to.

"I don't know either." Zhao Min is a man of six gods.

She doesn't know how to comfort, and now she needs to be comforted herself. Mo Nu should go to accompany Chen mo. they all have no problem. They can't accompany Chen Mo like no one else. Only Mo Nu can.

"Why would he rather abandon the family than take risks? That bastard, you bastard, you bastard. I hate him Xiaoyu cried even harder.

Zhao Min smiled bitterly.

Xiaoyu has been scolding Chen Mo all night.


The bolt and door lock of the room door suddenly opened. Xiaoyu saw Chen Mo come in. She dried her tears and hid in the quilt. She didn't want Chen Mo to see her now.

"How did you get in? Isn't it bolted on? " Zhao Min looks at Chen Mo with a cold face.

"If you can't even get in your wife's house, how can you be a heartbreaker, a slut man?" Chen Mo said with a smile.

"And smile, get out of here."

Zhao Min hurriedly, angrily pushes Chen Mo, turns to be held by Chen Mo and throws him back to bed. Chen Mo is lying in the middle of the big bed with his hands pressed against them, with a mean smile on his face.

"Sometimes it's great to feel like a blessing for all."

Xiaoyu raised his head, tears in his eyes were not dry, but he was looking forward to it, and begged: "have you changed your mind? As long as you change your mind, whatever you want to do depends on you. "

Zhao Min's eyes are full of expectation, obviously agreeing with Xiaoyu's idea.

"There may be no happiness for the time being."

"Why?" The two women struggled, grabbed the pillow and smashed it on Chen Mo's face, venting their pain: "is immortality so important? Is it more important than all of us? Is it more important than this family? What do you want us to do? "After ten minutes, it seems that I'm tired. They stop.

Seeing Chen Murong's drowning smile, his heart jerked fiercely for a while, and he didn't make any more noise. Three people lie down, simply lie down, no words, like a silent company, I wish time would freeze at this moment.

No words for a night.

The next morning, as usual.

Chen Mo opens his eyes and rubs his painful head. The pain is stronger than yesterday. Come out of the room, breakfast is on the table, the whole family is there.

A steaming porridge, fragrant.

It seems that the pain in the brain also eases a little, which makes Chen Mo feel much better.

"Who did it? It's delicious. "

"Mom, aunt min and aunt Mo seldom cook together. I'm so jealous of the delicious breakfast. After every day like this, that father is not happy to die Said peerless.

"Eat your meal." Xiaoyu knocked on the unparalleled head.

Wushuang spits out his tongue and continues to eat. The talented girl admired by countless people on earth is still a child in Xiaoyu's eyes.

As for Chen Mo's parents, looking at the happy family, every day's smile never disappeared.

Breakfast ends in warmth.


In space, the giant mechanical ball structure is still operating quietly. With special protection, there is no need to worry about being patronized by cosmic flow stone around the structure of quantum life ball.

Outside the structure of the quantum sphere of life, a spaceship with the symbol of marching ant group floats.

Chen Mo, Xiaoyu, Zhao Min, Mo Nu and LAN are on the spaceship.

This is an extremely important moment, no matter what the result is, it has a huge impact on the March ant group.

Chen Mo frowned, not worried, but his brain was really painful, more severe than in the morning. But Xiaoyu and others were present, and he could only pretend nothing happened.

He didn't know what would happen in a day or two. Maybe it's just like the pain of brain development in the library of science and technology, and then it's really unbearable.

Xiaoyu turns to look at Chen Mo, and they look at each other. They seem to see Chen Mo's idea. Xiaoyu doesn't choose to speak.

"Mo Nu, start the quantum sphere of life."


The light in the ring structure lights up one after another, and the gyroscopic quantum life ball starts to speed up its rotation. The huge mechanical structure makes the light and shadow in the space beautiful.

Chen Mo put on the armor, just want to leave, three women stopped in front of him, eyes are full of pleading.

They are trying their last effort.

It's hard to get rid of beauty.

"It's OK. Wait for me to come back." After Chen Mo comforted them softly, regardless of their pleading eyes, he stepped towards the hatch of the spaceship.

All of a sudden, sudden changes