Science and Technology Library

Chapter 920

LAN's armor follows the guidance and lands on the armor platform.

This is the underground laboratory of xiangluwan villa.

From Zhan Jia, he is still thinking about something, not why Chen Mo came to him, but about Yang Siqing Yue.

That wench, without telling him to find the boss to develop the super ability, just refused to tell him what ability he got. And the thief is smart. No matter what he said, he didn't say a word.

"Boss." Entering the laboratory, LAN specially looked around. He had never been to this place before. This time, he was specially called back from the battle command center of Venus.

At present, general things are connected through holographic or virtual reality technology. Only the most important things need to be said face to face.

So LAN receives Chen Mo's notice and comes back as soon as possible.

"Take this." Chen Mo hands him a virtual reality helmet.

Before saying anything, I gave him a virtual reality helmet. Lan was stunned and put it on the chair.

In the virtual reality space, there is a huge quantum life ball. He has seen this quantum life ball, because there is a real machine under construction in a secret space base of the galaxy.

Chen Mo has never said what this mechanical structure is used for, and he is not easy to ask.

But he knew that the mechanical structure was very important. Because in the past few years, few people knew about the project. Chen Mo devoted all his time to the mechanical structure except developing medical technology.

And only he and Mrs. Mo are studying, and no other researchers can participate.

"Let you come here this time. I have something to tell you."


Hearing this sentence, LAN realized something was wrong, her eyes were all solemn, and she was not conscious of being serious.

"This is the main project I've been working on. Its name is" quantum life ball ", also called" God's womb " Chen Mo said.

"The womb of God?" LAN heard the word for the first time.

"Yes, where the gods are born. This quantum sphere of life is the mechanical structure that creates quantum life

"What is quantum life?"

"The particles in the whole body of life are made up of entangled quantum, a kind of special life that can live forever, immortal and immortal. I haven't seen quantum life either. Now I'm just guessing. "

Eternal life!

This time, LAN pupil big shrink, full of astonishment, he realized the horror of things.

Cosmic civilization, whether the ancient emperors and pharaohs of the earth or other great rulers of alien life history, has the idea of pursuing eternal life. But without exception, all failed.

However, the pursuit of eternal life failed, the medical level of each civilized life is constantly improving, and the technology of prolonging life is constantly developing. Today's God level life has a life span of ten thousand years, but many lives are still unsatisfied, and they wish they were immortal.

And Chen Mo told him that he was studying the technology of immortality.

"Because the project is too unknown and of great importance, the fewer people you know, the better. Except for Xiaoyu, now only you know the existence of the project. The experiment is either instantaneous or instantaneous, and everything is uncertain. I'm going to experiment myself, so I'll tell you something in advance. "

"Do you want to experiment? No. " LAN didn't even think about it and objected: "you are the soul of the marching ant group. You can't take risks."

"I don't need to persuade you about it. Just listen to my next explanation."

Chen Mo stops LAN from going on.

"Because the uncertainty is too high, if the experiment fails, you can help Xiaoyu them, manage the marching ant group well, do not seek to dominate the universe, let the marching ant group exist in the universe safely and stably, and Xiaoyu they can live safely and stably."

"Can't you replace it with another life?"

"No, quantum life is too special. My thinking and knowledge can understand the fuzzy concept. It may be life in the fourth dimension, which is superior to the existing laws of the universe."

The fourth dimension of life, which is superior to the laws of time and space, controls the time axis of the universe and even the characters' stories at will just like human beings draw the second-dimensional comics.

It matters. In the face of immortality and the supreme power of cosmic life, almost no life can resist this temptation.

LAN is silent.

The boss is right, the eternal life and the supreme power of the universe, even he may not have the confidence to resist the temptation of this terror. Once he succeeds and destroys the source, he is the only one.

"Ten days later."

"Can't we wait thousands of years?" From the shock, LAN looks very dignified.

"No." Chen Mo shakes his head: "the longer you drag it, the more you worry about it, and the more you shake your consciousness, it will have a huge impact. You have to be firm."

"I see."

Although LAN is helpless, she nods and agrees.

No words for a night."I cooked it myself for breakfast." Chen Mo sees the three women coming and delivers the breakfast to their place.

Xiaoyu's eyes are red and swollen. Although they are covered by makeup, they are different from the past. Zhao Min was also worried, apparently not sleeping well. Mo Nu is obviously unhappy. When she saw Chen Mo, she didn't even smile before.

After Chen Mo's breakfast, Xiaoyu didn't mean to talk, so he buried his head and ate.

Matchless and nameless siblings looked at each other, obviously feeling the atmosphere is not right. On the other hand, the two brothers and sisters hurriedly left with milk and an egg, leaving the space for them.

"After breakfast, I'll go out with you for a rest." Chen Mo said.

All he needed was an apology, and then he promised them to give up the experiment, and they would leave and be happy, but Chen Mo didn't. He thought for a long time yesterday. Experiments have to be done, even if they are risky.

So I can only accompany them well.

Xiaoyu and Zhao Min are silent. Female general Mo and her daughter don't talk, and they eat breakfast with their heads down. They dare not talk.

Chen Mo smiled bitterly when he saw that they had not spoken.

That roar yesterday, I guess I cried all night, now I'm all angry and ready for the cold war.

Breakfast ended in a dreary atmosphere.

When Chen Mo didn't know what to do next, Xiaoyu changed her skirt and came out with a small bag. Zhao Min and Mo Nu also changed their clothes. The meaning was obvious, but they didn't mean to talk to Chen Mo and left on their own.

Chen Mo also hurried up.

The age of universe is coming, but shopping culture is universal.

Binhai city has now become a star city with a great variety of buildings. Under the influence of marching ant group, human beings on earth have gradually accepted the existence of aliens. In addition to human clothes, there are also some products specially designed for aliens.

On the way, I can occasionally see some aliens walking around.

When he arrived at the mall, Xiaoyu did not care, went shopping desperately, bought what he liked, and then shoved it into Chen Mo's head. I wish I could buy the whole shopping mall and wear Chen Mo down.

Chen Mo knows they are venting and follows them all the way.

Now it's OK. If you don't cry or make trouble, Chen Mo can't rest assured. However, the three girls seem to have a good temper. From the beginning to the end, they didn't say a word to Chen mo.

"Take these three heart-shaped stones to me."

Arriving at a jewelry store, Chen Mo's eyes brightened and fell on three colorful stones on the counter. This is the jewelry and jewelry material of alien civilization. There are seven pure colors of colored stones, which are crystal clear. This kind of colored stone can only be mined on dwarf planets, and the quantity is not much.

This kind of colored stone is similar to the jade of human beings.

The intelligent female life all likes this kind of bright gem, this theorem is universal in the whole universe, does not change with the species.

"Sir, you have great vision. These three colored stones are the best in the shop." The saleswoman smiled politely and took out the stone necklace.

"Put it on."

Chen Mo hands the shopping bag to Zhan Jia who is with him, takes up the necklace and looks at Xiaoyu.

Seeing her angry appearance, Chen Mo reaches out and puts the necklace on her.

"More beautiful." When he saw Xiaoyu wearing a necklace, Chen Mo appreciated it once. The color flow inside the stone was much better than the fixed shape and color of jewelry, adding a lot of color to Xiaoyu.

"You wear them, too."

Chen Mo puts the necklace on Zhao Min and Mo nu.

"It's a nice present for you."

Hearing that it was a gift, Mo Nu was a little surprised, but when she saw Xiaoyu and Zhao Min's expressionless face, she put out her tongue, immediately restrained her smile and pretended to be just like "cold".

"Do you like it?"

Xiaoyu took a look at her and relaxed a lot, but she still didn't have the idea to talk to him. She turned around and left Chen Mo in disorder in the wind.

When the waitress who checks out the bill for Chen Mo saw this scene, she immediately realized: "Mr. Chen, when a woman is angry, she should coax her. If she has a better attitude, she can recognize her mistake."

"Thank you."

After settling the account, Chen Mo hurriedly catches up with Xiaoyu. Whether Xiaoyu agrees or not, he takes her. Xiaoyu just struggles and lets him hold her. Cheeky, Chen Mo also grabbed Zhao Min's hand.

"Let go." Zhao Min pats Chen Mo's pig hoof directly. Xiaoyu has learned something about it. He breaks Chen Mo's hand directly.

"I shouldn't have yelled at you yesterday, I apologize to you," Chen said cheekily

The color of Xiaoyu's grievance disappeared a lot, and Zhao Min's face relaxed a lot, obviously he did.

"Give up the experiment, OK? We can promise you anything. " Xiaoyu's voice is a little hoarse with a plaintive voice.

Chen Mo is silent. The meaning is obvious.

Xiaoyu no longer talks.

Eating, shopping, shopping, watching movies, playing games, and other things that couples do on a date, Chen Mo takes them to play. If it was normal, they would be happy, but not now.They couldn't make a face of it.

Now it's more like a kind of company before leaving.