Science and Technology Library

Chapter 898

When the fleet appears, it will bite the tail of the civilization fleet.

Big Mazu's rough face, with a treacherous smile, is the right time to choose.

In normal training, LAN asked them not only to train their personal strength, but also to deduce and direct the war.

Peacetime is an era of personal heroism. Personal strength is very important. In wartime, war generals are the most important talents. Under the pressure of the war machine, any personal heroism is useless.

LAN knew this well, so when he got to the galaxy, he began to cultivate combat talents.

A qualified general needs to have a pattern view and strategic judgment. These great Mazu are not lacking. He has received Lan's guidance. With his simple and honest face and dark heart, he soon has his own fighting style.


This is the evaluation given to him by people who have played with Da Mazu.

He is very good at sneaking attack and lewd. When Wang Hai and Wat wood fight with him, they all have a headache. In LAN's words, as long as you can win, you can do anything.

At the beginning of the battle, Da Mazu did not choose to enter the stellar system defense at the first time. Instead, he paid attention to the trend of the main fleet of the British immortal civilization, looked for the most appropriate time to enter, and gave the other party a surprise to get the biggest result.

When bodushu's main fleet entered the solar system for support, great Mazu saw the opportunity.

The other side's ships carrying war machines and elite are all in the front. Great Mazu knows that the opportunity is coming. So without hesitation, the space jump appeared in the rear of the main fleet of the immortal civilization.

In general, the stellar system in the state of war is in a state of preparedness. Every other distance, special equipment and obstacles will be arranged to limit the enemy fleet's flight in the stellar system, so the other side has to slow down.

Otherwise, the fleet will hit obstacles at the speed of light, and will stay here forever without their hands.

"Fire cover, assassin armor, up."

Da Mazu showed a treacherous smile, and let AI send orders to all assassins and armor divisions.

When the warship fires, countless missiles and lasers roar out, just like the black-and-white impermanent rope, directly attacking the fleet of the British civilization. War robots accelerate, surging like a tide after missiles and lasers.

Laser is like a life-threatening soul rope, into the fleet of immortal civilization. Fleet energy shield activation also limits the way in which the opponent uses laser return.

The missiles came one after another and sank into the fleet at great speed. The missile passes through the energy shield, explodes suddenly, turns into a huge fire group, and quickly engulfs two nearby warships. A steady explosion enveloped hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and nearly half of the fleet was enveloped.

The sudden appearance of the great Mazu made the British civilization fleet ready to attack the stellar system in disorder.

Through the dazzling fireball, Bordeaux was a little frightened.

It's a sinister guy who actually makes a sneak attack. The only possibility of this kind of sneak attack is that the other party has already ambushed, and they can see that they enter the nodes of the stellar system, and then jump to sneak attack.

"Turn on the defense system and release the war robots." Bordeaux started a full channel call.

Boduhu's eyes are a little scary. There are a lot of missiles in each other's eyes, but there are too many obstacles and weapons in the stellar system, and their speed is not fast.

There is a steady stream of antimatter bombs coming from behind, with different powers.

He could feel the tension in the eyes of the fighters around him. The opponent's strength is unknown, and the unknown danger is the most terrible.

The antimatter bombs and robots in the rear are catching up with the team. They are fierce enough to frighten people.

They are now in each other's territory. For them, they are more or less passive. Hundreds of thousands of warships, with orders falling, immediately slowed down, pouring hundreds of millions of war robots into space.

Although they have many war robots, boduhu doesn't have much sense of security.

Now he has no idea that he has just begun to conquer the galaxy. In this situation, he has determined that the immortals civilization will play the iron plate this time. Just a stellar system, there is such a terrible defense, even if the British civilization, can not do this.

All of a sudden, a huge cloud of light came from the far space, with a diameter of millions of kilometers, quickly enveloping the space battlefield. The dazzling light, a hundred times higher than the star, is extremely conspicuous.

The sound of the ship's alarm has been rushing, all of which has not attracted attention. The energy density in space is very high. The energy radiation can turn a planet into scorched earth.

The spirit of all the battle armour divisions is tense, and the operation of quantum radar is constantly on, always focusing on the war robots close to the fleet. But in the space battlefield, there are too many directly broken debris. If it wasn't for quantum radar, it would be impossible to tell whether it was the debris or the enemy.

Soon, Bordeaux felt something was wrong.

At the next moment, Bordeaux's face changed.

In the radar display, their number of warships is decreasing. The eyes of the calm boduhu began to appear a bit flustered, like the eyes of the snake pupil, with a thick fear.There was a surprise attack.

He is also a general who has enough time to immerse himself in the space battlefield. Through the information fed back by the radar, he has a complete outline in his mind of the changes in the battlefield.

It's impossible.

Bordouxiu's breath was rapid, and his fist was not consciously clenched.

As one of the generals of the immortal civilization, he has to face the whale civilization and the Pisces civilization. Today's status is that he fought in World War I. Now their warships are dwindling.

That's the time. Tens of thousands of ships have been lost and one tenth of the crew has been cut.

Why is that?

He was in great doubt.

Every subordinate on the warship is promoted by him from the battlefield. He has enough abilities. It's impossible to rebel, let alone be attacked quietly.

All of a sudden, boduhu thought of life. He quickly stepped to the spacecraft console and called out the radar detection information.

Still not.

Warships cannot be destroyed for no reason.

At this time, the alarm became harsh, the radar screen jumped away, the frigate beside the main ship exploded in the alarm, forming a huge light group, and countless wrecks flew towards other warships around.

"It's the assassin armor. It's impossible. Why didn't the quantum radar show it?"

Through optical radar, Bordeaux confirmed that a battle armour division had been separated from the wreckage, and made a sudden scream.

The captain of other warships was nervous, but countless wrecks made their heads numb. For a while, the commander of the warship was at a loss.

There are more and more light clusters exploding in space. Once a warship explodes, its antimatter energy will explode. Even a planet will be fragmented. The armor division and war robots in it can only be reduced to space debris.

There was a lot of confusion.

"Pay attention to the warning of the optical radar."

"My Lord, the explosive light in the battlefield is too bright. The other side is deliberately covering. The optical radar has little effect. The quantum radar can't detect it. They may be quantum stealth armor." Responsible for the tense report of the optical radar.

More and more warships blew up, which made Bordeaux's eyes full of despair.

Quantum stealth armor.

This is the technology of the best civilization.

Make sure that they have a quantum stealth armor. Boduhu knows that this battle is over. They have no power to fight back. What's funny is that they still want to conquer each other.

Bleak smile, dispel fear, hear the rapid alarm sound, boduhu's eyes are full of relief color, the only regret is that up to now, he didn't even see what the other side is.


The ranks of the immortals are like a heap of sand, with no order to speak of. Originally ambitious to come to the galaxy, I didn't expect that I couldn't even catch each other's turn. Now I'm throwing away my armor.

The warriors of the immortal civilization are all in fear.

They come from Medusa, Queen of the fairies and snake eye. They are one of the top three forces of the British civilization. They are also famous in Pisces Cetacea.

Now when they came to the galaxy, they were destroyed without even seeing what the enemy looked like.

The battleship of the British fairy civilization has no backbone at all. Fear spreads to the mind of every war armour division. They have only one idea now.


The warship is launched, desperate to accelerate away from the stellar system.

All of this has attracted the idea of Black Hawk. The order of interception is directly issued. The star system does not know the obstacles and war machines, and flies to the escape route of the opposite warship.

The explosion in the space of the stellar system is like a brilliant fireworks.


In the space of the galaxy, Jing looks at the information coming back with a dignified look.

The war has already begun, qi'erbo beside him has a face full of fear: "an's scout in the immortal civilization team has lost contact. Fortunately, we didn't go in. This unknown force is a bit strong."

Jing was silent for a while and didn't answer. They installed intelligence personnel in the ranks of the immortal civilization. The news just came back from the intelligence personnel was frightening.

They knew the combat effectiveness of the three armies of the immortal civilization. Jing was so worried just because they knew it.