Science and Technology Library

Chapter 897

Space battlefield is a silent silent war film. There is no sharp air breaking sound, no shrill scream, and the gorgeous explosion depicts the prelude to death.

The collision of war robots, like the collision of two waves, broke out immediately.

Countless machines, like swarms of ants and bees pouring out of their nests, are stirring in the space one after another. Both sides are surging and fighting like a tide.

Seeing this scene through the shadow frequency on the spacecraft, the immortal civilization battle division a was shocked. Zhang ZhangZui didn't know how to describe his mood. Even if they are in the front line for a long time, this kind of crazy collision scene is the first time to see.

Even bodushu was surprised to see this scene. This unknown civilization is not as simple as they thought. No wonder Lishu failed to attack again and again.


In the shadow frequency picture, an antimatter weapon explodes. Within hundreds of kilometers of the explosion, the war robots are submerged by the terrible energy and radiation. A large number of war machines fail, explode and disintegrate in it, and the remnant shoots at each imagination. Each fragment has a very high speed and its power is thousands of times higher than the bullet.

Even if the war robot is the cannon fodder in the battlefield, this kind of scene still has the visual impact.

Some of the high-speed debris hit other war robots, some of which were flying and even damaged in the collision. This kind of high-speed impact in space has a kinetic energy as high as terror.

Almost instantaneously, hundreds of thousands of war robots were destroyed and exploded in collision.

The battle in space becomes more chaotic, and the defensive robots in the solar system, like tortoise shells, block the war robots of the British civilization outside the solar system.

"Snake eye two column, put the machine, increase the attack strength."

Bordouxiu continued to order that he should keep an eye on the situation detected by the detector and look for the deployment of the stellar system.

From the first column to the third quadrant, attack from the third quadrant:

the fourth column of snake eye army, attack from the negative X axis; from the seventh quadrant, attack from the second column.

Bordeaux repair orders, standby fleet start, disappear in space. Successive war machines, brutal battles, explosions, radiation and lasers have become the main theme of space.

In the chaotic battlefield, antimatter bombs explode from time to time, just like the sun suddenly appears in space, the burst energy and radiation pulse, as long as the protection of the war robot is slightly faulty, the robot can be completely destroyed.

In the third quadrant of the stellar system, after the first column of the fairy queen army entered the predetermined position, a steady stream of war robots were put into the stellar system from the fleet.

X negative axis

Quadrant seven

The attack around the stellar system started in full swing.

The large-scale attack encouraged the soldiers of the immortal civilization. The fortress just built saw the dawn of being broken at this moment.

There are fewer war machines in the space battlefield. Four teams are like four sharp swords, which pierce the first layer of robot tide in the stellar system, followed by spacecraft and warships, like four torrents flowing into the stellar system.

It's broken.

In the fleet of the immortal civilization, cheers were all around.

"Li Su, open the road." It seems that the stellar system is already in the bag.

"Yes, general."

Li Su was so happy that he did not want to let the fleet enter the stellar system. The first battle failed to take down the stellar system, but now we can only perform as well as possible. Otherwise, when we go back, his status will fall dramatically.

"Let them in first. Don't worry."

Black Hawk pays attention to the direction of the battle. He is the commander of the war in the star system of Hunter a4493. He simulates the scene of the war in real time through the virtual reality scene. In the solar system, he commands the star guard war remotely.

"Prepare for war violence."

The Black Hawk gives the order to AI. The war violence maniac is the War Robot form of war armour. When the personnel strength is not enough, LAN still chooses the war machine form of war violence maniac to garrison various star systems.

It's just that these are elite war robots, which are not the same as the cannon fodder robots they consume.

At this moment, the unconditional obedience advantage of the war robot is shown. The warship over the planet of Orion a4493 starts, just like the sleeping beast opens its eyes and disappears in place.

Where to go first?

Li Su stares at the light curtain. There are five earth like planets in this stellar system. One is alive, but it's all plants and animals. There's no civilization. One planet has a strong reaction of antimatter and dark matter. There is also a mechanical city on it, which obviously produces war robots. There are three planets that can see large-scale defense equipment.

For a moment, Li Su chose the fifth planet, where the antimatter reaction is strong.

I've never seen so many antimatter. They won the antimatter planet. Their credit is not small, let alone worry about the future.

Drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop

The rapid alarm suddenly sounded, which made Li Su feel excited. The reason why the alarm had jumped out of the holographic screen was that a spaceship suddenly appeared thousands of kilometers away from the fourth quadrant on their side, and a steady stream of war robots were appearing in the array, with only a few million of them."Such a small minion?" Li Su laughed: "kill them."

Under orders, the war robots that followed the fleet into the stellar system rushed towards the direction of the enemy's appearance.


Seeing the action Li Su didn't even think about, boduhu scolded him.

In terms of appearance, these robots are not cannon fodder robots. They wanted Li Su to make up for their mistakes. Now, Li Su is just a brave idiot. Sending him in is a huge mistake.

Although he was swearing, bodushu didn't move. These war machines of the other side are only coming out now. They must be the bottom cards. From the beginning to the end, he didn't see a decent team from the other side. The current team should be a special means for the other side to be stationed in this stellar system.

Judging from the defense of the other side, the strength of the other side is certainly not weak. He wants to know about each other's means, so the war in other star systems will be much easier.

As for Li Su's life and death, it was of little use anyway, and the issue of war damage was beyond his consideration.

When he arrived at the Milky way, he found that there was so much antimatter stored here that it was terrible. If he took down the Milky way, no war damage would matter.

The other side didn't seem to be in a hurry. The strange War Robot array in space was shaped like a net. It's definitely not easy to watch each other's movements. It takes a short time from the appearance of the robot to the completion of the formation. Obviously, the other side has already prepared.

In a blink of an eye, Li Su's vanguard team and all the war machines rushed to each other. There were not many war machines left to guard.

I saw the War Robot formed by the other side, suddenly stretched out two large guns, aiming at the wave of war robots flying in the past.

Outside the stellar system, Bordeaux frowned, full of doubts, but had many bad psychological premonitions. Soon, bodu's spirits changed.

Drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop

The crazy alarm, the warning that antimatter is activated, is on that special group of robots.

"Retreat, idiot." Bordeaux shouts at the communicator.

Li Su, who is in the solar system, also hears the alarm and looks terrible, but in his vision, the fire of the other side has been turned on. Countless antimatter bullets are coming over where they are.

Li Su was trembling. He had never seen so many activated antimatter bullets. What kind of force is the other side, the firepower of top civilization, but also so?

This unknown force is certainly not as simple as they think.

Bordeaux suddenly panicked.

The warship starts quickly and accelerates to the speed of sub light, hoping to reach the battlefield in the star with the fastest speed. Even so, it will take ten minutes to arrive, too late.

Antimatter bullets have sunk around the vanguard fleet.

All of a sudden, the space is full of light, and countless dazzling light clusters submerge the space, like countless suns appear at the same time. Without the help of machines, there is no life to stand.

Li Su felt as if he was in the middle of countless stars. His eyes were hurt by the endless light. He could not hear the ship's urgent alarm.

It's over.

The last two words appeared in Lishu's mind, with a dead face.


The warships hit by the anti matter proton bomb exploded in space. Thousands of vanguard warships and hundreds of millions of war robots were all in the center of the fire.

Explosion, disintegration, collapse.

The spark is gorgeous, but it makes the people who see it grow cold all over.

When boduhu saw the scene coming back from the radar, he fell into silence, and all the other men in the command room were quiet. In sharp contrast to the way the Milky Way began to be seen as a capsule.

When people pay attention to the explosion in the stellar system, the alarm of warships rings again. Behind their fleet, a fleet suddenly appears in the outer space of the stellar system.