Science and Technology Library

Chapter 896

"They will give it to you."

LAN stared at the image on the screen and said to Da Mazu, with a smile, but this smile is very insidious. Even if Da Mazu and others who understand LAN saw this smile, they all shuddered.

Big Mazu rubbed his hands and said with a smile. "Instructor, will it be better if you go up in person? With your talent, those minions are a dish. "

Big Mazu quietly flattered, causing long Yue and others to turn their eyes. Big Mazu looks three big and five thick, but his brain is thick and medium, and he doesn't want to look so honest and honest.

"You know it's a minion, do you still use me? If you can't even figure out these minions, you know the consequences. " LAN grins at Dazu.


Great Mazu's throat moved and his body shook.

The pervert of the instructor, who has been taught, absolutely does not want to be targeted again.

"Can you do it?"

"Make sure you finish the task." Great Mazu saluted and left the war room.

The outer space is like a red stove, filled with brilliant explosions. The radiation range here, in the absence of armor, kills ordinary life in an instant.

Li Su's face was as ugly as the outer space.

So far, he has organized three attacks, but he has not captured one of the other's star systems.

The war machines and weapons in the stellar system are frightening. The number of war robots, antimatter weapons, ultra-high energy laser pulse weapons, space-based weapons and space weapons has reached the abnormal level.

any attack he will destroy in this star system is like a bubble coming close to flames.

It's just one of the star systems in the Milky way, not the headquarters of each other. It's not the stars in the other side's headquarters, so the defense force is so terrible. They have detected that there are millions of such life reactions in the galaxy.

Even if it is a fairy civilization, there is no such a terrible defense in the long-term operation and deployment of Pisces Cetacea.

If it is consumed in this way, the war robots of their fleet will not be able to break through the defense of the other side. If it is consumed, they will be passive.

He regretted accepting the task of the vanguard.

Bouldoux's hologram frequency has come, obviously impatient: "how long will it take?"

Li Su moved his throat with difficulty: "I don't know for the moment. The defense force of the other side is very strong. This stellar system is like a fortress. The war machines are constantly transported from the planet. Moreover, the defense is carefully deployed. I haven't seen such deployment before..."

Bodu's spirit cultivation is gloomy.

The whole team is paying attention to the situation of the war. If it continues like this, it will be a blow to their morale and the situation will be passive. If he goes back this time, his position in the immortal civilization will fall sharply, and he may face the ridicule of other opponents.

"That is to say, we can't attack?"

"No, put in the destruction weapon of stellar system, destroy the whole stellar system, and you can attack it." Li Su hesitated.

"Destroy the stellar system, I use you to say? What about antimatter and dark matter? Destroy the stellar system. What's the point of coming here? " Bodushu's hologram roared at Li Su. If the real person was in front of him, he would sweep it immediately.

After the roar, boduhu focused on the space battlefield, and immediately ordered: "you come back, I will go up myself, ready to attack."

The subordinates all around were awestruck.

Around the Lisu fleet, countless warships appeared. Each fleet was thousands of miles apart, and the black was pressing. The warships were opened, and the war robots were like hive breaking bees, converging in space.

The stellar system has a strong defense. It takes a lot of time to break through, but what they lack most now is time. Many outside forces are eyeing the unknown force of the galaxy. Moreover, the galaxy has detected many similar stellar systems, and it takes a long time to attack. I don't know when it will be big.

So the simplest way to break the defense is to make a strong attack. As long as the weapons and equipment are large enough and the number of war machines are large enough, we can completely break the star fortress.

All of a sudden, the war machines that stayed out of space swarmed into the galaxy.


Bitter star.

Kutian and kulong look up at the four kilometer high statues in the square, their expressions full of reverence and yearning.

The first one is Chen Mo's statue, dressed in battle armor and leaning on a big sword. It looks cool and handsome. The other three are the statues of Xiaoyu's three daughters. Behind Chen Mo's statues, they are all beautiful as fairies.

That's the king and the queen.

They are all the people of God.

Around the two people, the eyes of each bitter person, see the statue of Chen Mo, are revered.

The civilization of bitter star is not formed. In order to accept these bitter people as soon as possible, LAN brings his faith into the bitter star and shapes the gods and saviors in the early stage of civilization development, that is, Chen mo.

Because of the changes in their lives, they live in warm buildings that they have never seen before. They wear good-looking clothes, there are all kinds of unimaginable aircrafts before, and they can learn all kinds of knowledge. Even they saw with their own eyes that a huge city was rapidly forming under their eyelids.In the eyes of the bitter, all these are miracles.

With the promotion of holographic image, the construction of the belief of the bitter people is very smooth. After the promotion and the popularization of stories, today's Chen Mo is the God in the eyes of the bitter star people.

And the image is ingrained.

Chen Mo's stories, as well as the legends of Chen Mo and her three daughters, are deeply rooted in the newly formed culture and civilization of the bitter people.

Chen Mo, the God King, sent his soldiers to kill the demons who enslaved them, save them in the water and fire, build their culture, wisdom, city and life.

Chen Mo knew that when he became a staff, he could not cry or laugh. But Lan's method is really easy to use. The cohesion and centripetal force of the bitter star people are shaped in a short time, so that they can quickly incorporate the bitter star people.

These bitter people are also very smart. They are quick to open their minds and read. With the infusion of instrumental knowledge, they are now accepting the new world they know.

Today is a special day for the "God King" to recruit War soldiers. Those who are selected will become war soldiers to enter the starry sky, open up territory for the God King and resist foreign enemies.

This kind of opportunity is very rare. Almost every young miserable person has signed up for selection. If they are selected, it seems to them that loyalty to the king of God is a supreme honor.

Kuyao scanned the crowd below, looking very serious. He was a leader of the bitter tribe. He witnessed the Battle Armor Division slaughtering the orcs who enslaved them and releasing them from captivity.

Fortunately, he was chosen to study knowledge and writing and became one of the emissaries of the king of God. This time, he became an ambassador through selection. In the future, he will lead a group of bitter soldiers and serve the king.

This glory falls on him, which makes him happy and worried. He worries that he will not do well when he is next to the God King.

Now, with the help of AI and Wang Hai, he has made sufficient preparations for the selection of soldiers.

"Now, everyone is standing up. Are you clear about the selection rules?"

"I see."

All the bitter people nodded in the square.

"It depends on your luck. Don't be discouraged if you haven't been elected. Try to be elected next time. In addition to being a warrior, you can learn knowledge, become a researcher, and work for the God King. Now the selection begins. "

This selection was transferred to every corner of Kuxing through live video, in order to increase Kuxing people's sense of honor for this selection.

With Kuyao's announcement of the beginning, countless cabins landed in the square from high-altitude spacecraft.