Science and Technology Library

Chapter 890

The celestial exploration ship.

The battle headquarters of the solar system, LAN quickly determined that the spacecraft entering the galaxy for exploration is the explorer from the immortal civilization.

"It seems that the immortal civilization knows something."

LAN put out the information and star map of the immortal civilization, looked at the hologram, thought about it a little, then put the star map away. The mood didn't fluctuate too much.

"What shall we do now? Do you want to kill them? " Big Mazu laughs.

Now wat mu, Wang Hai and other people are developing the small universe. The big magic regiment led by him is responsible for the mobile defense and fighting of the galaxy, and is a militant. It's a little impatient to hear about the immortal civilization.

LAN shakes her head and directly breaks Mazu's Fantasy: "don't worry, the destruction of bear wind battle group A may make several cultures of Pisces and cetaceans notice our existence. When it's time to fight, it's time to fight. The longer the silence, the better for us. "

What they offend is several divine civilization. Before the arrangement is completed, once the location is exposed, the trouble will continue.

When LAN wants to drink tea, Long Yue puts down his communication instrument and interrupts him: "instructor, instructor Wang Hai comes to hear that there is a major discovery in the small universe."

"What discovery?"


LAN overlooks the life of this purple red planet, which is amazing.

This is a kind of human being enslaved and raised by the animal like planet. His skin is indigo blue, his body is slender and tough. He has a small feeler on his head, but he has no clothes on his body. He looks dirty like a savage.

Their ethnic group name is "bitter man", which is the name given to them by animals. Because the soil of this planet is bitter, and there is a bitter microorganism in the soil. This planet is also called bitter star.

"Top life."

LAN is surprised because the planet's "bitter man" is the top life.

This is a higher level of life than higher level life, close to God level life.

Top life in the main universe belongs to the "middle class" life. There are a large number of top civilizations and some powerful groups. The born senior war armour division, with the great potential of the top war armour division and the single top life, will be recruited and cultivated by the big forces.

This is undoubtedly a great harvest.

Human beings on earth need to use super power development potions on a large scale to evolve into divine life. At present, human beings are limited by scientific morality, so they are not suitable for using super power potions on a large scale to transform into soldiers.

In the space war, a large number of senior battle armour divisions are needed. The top life on the planet is undoubtedly the pillow sent by the March ant group when they doze off.

"There are about 5.2 billion orcs in captivity, 3000 communities in total. In every corner of the planet, like sheep, orcs will regularly capture some as food. According to the description of orcs, their meat tastes good, so they like eating very much. They are also cultivated in the animal like star, which is a high-end food material. "

Wang Hai reports the figures to LAN.

Listen to Wang Hai's report, LAN's eyes are sweeping on the human like body. He doesn't know what he is thinking. For a long time, LAN just says, "Long Yue, contact the boss."

At present, the development of the small universe is in the stage of hyperthermia. The defense of the whole March ant group is arranged by LAN, and Chen Mo is seldom disturbed.

The planet in front of us is a dense, frightened looking humanoid.

This scene, let Chen Mo some doubts.

"What's the matter?"

"The top life community is still an unformed civilization."

LAN gives Chen mo the information of humanoid.

"According to the records of the animal like planet, such bitter people are very intelligent, but they have been enslaved for too long. The civilization just in its infancy has been locked up and destroyed. Their wisdom is still in the tribal era."

"You want to?"

"We will take in the ethnic group of the bitter." LAN explained: "they are top-level life, quick brain response, born senior war armour division. Moreover, the bitter man has a long and tough body, quick action and is born a warrior. "

"You should be able to decide on this, and inform me, not to say it?" Asked Chen mo.

"We need some ways to make the bitter willingly loyal to us."

When chenmerton was curious, "what's the way?"

"Boss, what is the most effective way to accept a living group?" LAN looks at Chen Mo carefully and looks forward to his answer.

"Technology can control it?"

"It's slavery and control. They can't be convinced. It's useless. We want them to be mentally and consciously loyal to us. Instead of using technology, monitoring and oppression alone can sometimes backfire. "

Chen Mo thought a little and said, "faith?"

"Yes, faith."

"It's about me?"

Seeing Lan's smile, Chen Mo knows that he guessed right.

There are many contents of belief. There are beliefs in the free growing civilization of the whole universe. A person, fictional God, ethnic ruler, totem or something of special significance."Without belief in civilization and power, without the foundation of long-term development, it is easy to collapse. On the contrary, belief can increase cohesion. The country where the boss is located, China on earth, is a civilized faith.

In the whole country, all people believe not in a God or a person, but in the cultural will of the whole civilization, which is a kind of cultural cohesion. That kind of civilization level belief is the highest belief of the universe ethnic group. As long as there is a platform, the development of ethnic groups with civilization level belief will not be too bad. "

Said, LAN looked at the bitter man who was kept by the orcs on the planet.

"The civilization and ideology of the ethnic group of the bitter people are unformed, which is quite an excellent embryo. They haven't developed civilized faith yet. As long as we guide their faith and manage them with their own belief consciousness, they can be easily used by us. "

"How to guide?"

"Make the boss the god they believe in."

Chen Mo was shocked. He didn't expect that he would become the faith of other lives.

"I'm not a God, am I?"

"The word" God "is a vague concept. As far as I know, the God understood by the earth can call the wind and call the rain, move mountains and fill the sea, fly away from the earth, live forever and create the world. Boss, you can do all these conditions now. What's the difference between you and God? "

LAN points to the bitter man below.

"For these poor people, boss, you killed the beast like civilization that enslaved them, saved them from the fire and water, and you are their Savior. Give them a good living environment, help and education to make their life better and better. You are their God. "


Chen Mo looks at LAN and doesn't know how to answer. It seems that what he said is reasonable.

"I asked three ladies, and they agreed with me."

"What am I going to do now?"

"Kill some beasts, and then make a handsome and dignified image. I will select some bitter people to let them spread your achievements among the bitter people, and then make some incredible things for them, and then build your gods for them to believe in."

"How do I feel like I'm going to turn into a magic wand?" Chen Mo said with a smile.

"It's a good way, black cat and white cat. And we can be divine civilization in the future. They are also citizens of divine civilization. They also have infinite benefits for their ethnic group. "

Chen Mo is noncommittal.

At the same time, the news that shocked the universe Alliance came out, and the challenge between thunderbolt, the new king of thunderbolt civilization, and vivroyun, the speaker of black pupil civilization, won and lost.

Thunder beat vivroyun and cut off one arm of vivroyun in the battle.

News came out that the universe alliance was shaking up and down.