Science and Technology Library

Chapter 889

Crying is accompanied by the recovery of heart and lung, which is the instinct of new life. With the appearance of crying, Mo Nu has officially become a flesh and blood life.

The cry stopped.

Mo Nu is breathing in and out with a large mouth. Her chest is undulating and orderly. Her heart and lungs are fully awake. And her eyes are half squinting, just waking up, the light is still very exciting to her eyes.

Her half narrowed eyes couldn't stop her curiosity about the world.

For a long time, to adapt to the light, lying on the experimental platform, Mo NV slowly opened her eyes.

A pair of black and black eyes, flashing a little bit of luster, as pure as obsidian, under the long eyelashes, they are extremely flexible and flawless. Mo Nu's eyes turn and she looks around. For her, it's a totally different feeling to see the world through sensors, radars and cameras.

Chen Mo and Xiaoyu, Zhao Min, two women, appeared in her vision.


Mo Nu's harsh voice seems to be trying to learn how to speak. The language control of the biological brain is different from that of the machine body. Just entering this body, Mo Nu has not mastered the fluent language function.

”Silent Mogo. "

"It worked."

Hearing Mo NV clearly shout out Chen Mo's name, Xiaoyu smiles excitedly, as if seeing a great thing.

But they watched Mo Nu change from an artificial intelligence program to an intelligent life, and now to a real life. Chen Mo created a complete life from nothing. It's just incredible.

"How do you feel?" Asked Chen mo.

The prepared nano robot will cover the body of Mo Nu, and a suit of clothes will be formed to outline the curve of Mo Nu's body and cover the scenery exposed in the air.

"Very It's amazing, it's special. " Mo woman slowly raised her hand, looked at her palm, and shook it.

For her, the world now gives her a new feeling, which is totally different from the time of intelligent consciousness. In her cognition, everything was cold without temperature. Now everything is real.

With the help of Xiaoyu and Zhao Min, Mo NV sat on the experimental platform, leaning against Xiaoyu.

Now Mo Nu is like a newborn. In addition to mature thinking and control of the body, it is also quite a newborn baby. It needs to learn and adapt through the brain to fully control the body.

"Yes Mind Sensing. "

The ink girl's eyes are very pure. She tries to make the words clear.

She turned to look at the computer screen in the laboratory.

Chen Mo also followed her gaze. The quantum consciousness, which just stopped working at the core of the super quantum computer, leaps again, and massive data is frantically flowing into the intelligent core.

These horrible data amounts are the thinking consciousness data of Mo nu.

"Can you sense the core of quantum consciousness?" Asked Chen mo.

"Yes." Mo Nu nods gently.

Telepathy is found in the monkey's consciousness transfer experiment. After that, each pair has telepathy. That kind of connection is very special, and Chen Mo can't understand it. It can only be classified into super abilities that have not been fully interpreted.

"Consciousness Thinking Same. " Mo tries to speak clearly, slowly and intermittently.

"The same consciousness?"

"Well." Mo Nu nods gently, her eyes never leave Chen Mo's body, with attachment in her eyes.

It's clear that Chen Mo is a little surprised. Telepathy exists in the experimental stage. Experimental monkeys all have telepathy. Chen Mo can't explain it completely, but only classifies it into mysterious superpowers.

I didn't expect that now quantum consciousness and biological consciousness also have telepathy, and they are the same thinking, which is more magical.

But not for a while now.

Now the most important thing is to let Mo Nu adapt, rather than discuss research issues. After Mo Nu fully adapts, it will be much better to do research and exchange.

Zhao Min and Xiaoyu still hold Mo Nu's hand, knead it curiously, turn their heads and ask Chen Mo, "don't worry about this, Mo Nu is now successful in the operation, is it to go home to adapt to the body, or to observe in the laboratory?"

"Go home. I'm in good shape now." Chen Mo looked at the data of the instrument and said.


"According to intelligence, the location of the destruction of the bear wind battle group A is here, the galaxy."

His men were reporting news. Popovich stared at the stars around him, thoughtful.

At one command, Xinghe life quantum detector was opened, and the distribution of life stars in the whole galaxy appeared on the map with marks.

The galaxy probe has a detection range of one million light-years, belonging to the middle and lower level detectors, which are specially used to detect the life of galaxies. But here in Pisces and cetaceans, it's a better life detector. This is a small corner of the universe. The civilization system is not as rich as those of the top civilizations and the ports in the center of the universe.

A more advanced detector requires a large number of star coins to buy. The immortal civilization can't get a large number of star coins."Captain, we went into Galaxy exploration without saying hello. Once this is their territory, will it annoy them?" One of the men asked cautiously.

"Don't worry, Pisces and cetaceans. They can't provoke our immortal civilization."

Popovich was a little careless, and didn't pay attention to his words. Although they are not as rich as those advanced civilizations in the center of the universe, they have a little voice in this small corner, just like the land overlord in the countryside.

"Captain, there's a ship approaching."

A voice of surprise resounded throughout the control center of the exploration spacecraft, interrupting his thinking. All the team members were frozen in their faces and looked at the fleet on the screen in horror.


"Life on that planet refused to communicate with our team members and attacked us as invaders." The command center of the fleet received a reply from the crew.

They were attacked as invaders in communication with the animal civilization stars like the small universe.

The other side refused the choice of submission.

No surprise.

In the interstellar exploration, this kind of animal civilization chooses to kill, enslave, and raise the life of another planet, and it will think that that kind of situation falls on them.

They are also afraid of being enslaved and kept in captivity.

"Make sure they understand the language." Wang Hai asked.

"Confirm, we used the translator to input the twelve main animal languages of their planet, and then communicated with them. But they refused to communicate with me, attacked us with missiles and lasers, and claimed to kill us with nuclear bombs. "

"Destroy the intelligent life of this planet." Wang Hai gave a cold order.

"All?" Xian he asked.


"I see." Xian he orders to leave the command center.

No surrender is destruction.

This is the most efficient way to explore the small universe.

They need to take full control of the small universe, not allow any accidents, and no threat is allowed in the small universe, which is their most important core territory.

With the order issued, several spacecraft disappeared in situ, appeared in the star system where the animal like planet is located, and a steady stream of war robots landed on the animal like planet.

Along with that, there are nano robots.

A cold massacre is being staged on the animal like planet of the small universe.