Science and Technology Library

Chapter 878

Xiaoyu is sleeping. When he hears someone calling his name, he opens his eyes and sees Chen Mo's familiar face.

"Lazy fish, get up."

"It's OK today. Let me sleep more."

Chen Molly took care of Xiaoyu's scattered hair: "I'm still sleeping after the sun is shining on my buttocks. I'll get up and have breakfast. Today's breakfast is made by Mo nu."

"You get up with me."

"Do you want to be hugged? How old is it? "

"18 years old."


Chen Mo almost didn't laugh, but he could only pick her up.

"How is mo Nu's physical progress?" On the dining table, Xiaoyu asked while holding porridge.

"The progress is within the plan, and it will not be long before it is completed. Now we are preparing the technology of consciousness transfer. When Mo Nu's body is mature, we can carry out consciousness transfer." Chen Mo said.

"By then, Mo Nu will be the real life. You can taste the taste of breakfast." Zhao Min is eating the bread at hand.

"Well." On the dining table, Mo Nu, who was teasing the little mother, smiled and answered.

"After breakfast, we'll go to Mars together."

"What to do on Mars?" Xiaoyu and Zhao Min stop at the same time and look at Chen Mo curiously.

"Last night, the space connector test was completed, and we are going to open the channel with the small universe and have a look together." Chen Mo said.

Outer space on Mars.

A circle with a diameter of 40 kilometers floats in space.

This is Chen Mo's third space connector.

Using the asteroids in the solar system asteroid belt as materials, the space connector is made of nano robots. The asteroid belt is rich in materials, so the construction speed is not slow.

Back to earth these months, the work of space connector has never stopped.

It's finished today.

Chen Mo is inside the spaceship, watching the spaceship outside. Jingge and LAN are beside Chen mo.

It's a ceremony.

The ritual of connecting them to a new universe.

At present, there are only seven known small universes. In the hands of seven divine civilizations, there is a small universe, which means a safe space for development, without worrying about the destruction of civilization in the middle of development.

"Are you ready for that?" Chen mowen's holographic projection, Tuoli, Tuoshan and Long Yue are all there.

"Ready, sir." Long Yue nodded.

After confirmation, Chen Mo presses the button in his hand. In the next second, an invisible ripple ripples in the space connector, which is particularly obvious under the space detection instrument.

The spatial frequency in the ring is changing, which is the spatial frequency in the small universe.

In an hour, the fluctuation of spatial frequency is gradually stable. On the image of computer modeling, it can be clearly found that the fluctuation in the ring of spatial connector is completely different from that outside the ring.

"The spatial amplitude is determined, the stability is 100%, the completion is 100%, and the spatial connection is successful." Mo Nu turns to look at Chen mo.


In the space ring, an invisible space ripple shakes away, and a spaceship appears from the ring.

This moment, cheering.

The door of space between the solar system and the small universe was officially opened. For human beings, this is a matter of changing fate.

Red crabs are shocked to see the spaceship appearing from the space ring. They are attracted by LAN. Half of the reason is that they want to leave the Lycoris system, and the other half is because of the superior conditions. However, when Chen Mo used the super power development technology to him, he was so moved that he decided to follow Chen Mo in the future. He saw the potential of his boss and had terrible skills.

Today, he knows that the boss has a small universe.

It doesn't mean

"It's crazy." Red crabs knock on their shells, exclaimed.

Wat wood's eyes were red and excited. Human beings on earth may not know what this simple connection means, but as a life growing up in the universe alliance system, he knows very well that another terrible power is about to rise.

The boss masters space curvature engine technology, super ability development technology, top-level battle armour technology, dark matter and anti matter extraction technology, etc. to develop strategic space weapons in the future, even if they lay the foundation of a great power.

"I feel the heat, the universe." Wat wood to the side of the great Mazu said.

The great Mazu was also shocked: "who is not? If God level civilization is found, it's terrible."

There was no big fluctuation in the expression of poison skin girl, but she was shocked in the heart, more shocked than last time when she knew that the boss had the ability to develop technology. Today's amount of information is a little scary. Their boss has an undeveloped small universe, which is enough to make any big civilization in the universe crazy.

Compared with them, Wang Hai and Black Hawk are relatively calm.

They have heard about the small universe when they contact the information of the universe alliance, and they know that this is a very important thing, but they are not deeply influenced by the system of the universe alliance, and they are not so shocked by the small universe.In their opinion, no matter how strong the boss is, it is reasonable.

"With this small universe, how about offending God level civilization?"

Even if LAN knew in advance that there was a small universe, he could not help being excited at this moment.

In the period of cosmic war, the divine civilization also relied on the small universe to seek refuge, so as to avoid being destroyed and declined in the war. A safe and stable development environment is the foundation of a strong civilization.

With this small universe, they can develop without fear of being noticed by the top civilizations, and then kill them.

Seeing a divine civilization rising, LAN's heart was filled with pride and ambition. When he was young, he also had a dream of dominating the universe. Later, he fell silent. Now that mentality broke out again.

Haze's long and narrow eyes have become sharper and more aggressive than ever before.

If once knew his person here, certainly knew, in those days that spirited LAN returned.

"At last, sir, I can see you."

When Tuoli sees Chen Mo, he runs towards him quickly and gives Chen Mo a standard salute. Today's Tuoli has grown up a lot and is more energetic than before.

"Hello, sir." The Mangshan management, such as Tuoshan and muting, paid a silent salute to Chen.

If it wasn't for Chen Mo, they would still be "savages" hiding in the mountains and forests. Maybe they would die in that disaster. Now, the Manshan people not only live a safe life that they never dared to think of, but also become more powerful than before.

Chen Mo is the God of the Manshan people.

"Hello, sir."

Longyue, Gusi and tengna look at Chen Mo with burning eyes.

Xiaoyu and Zhao Min look at Chen Mo with a smile, which is scary enough. Chen Mo just felt his spine was cold. When he met Xiaoyu and Zhao Min, he knew where the chill came from.

"At last, sir, we can see your hometown."

Tuoli is very excited. Chen Mo is his most adored person and half of his teacher. He would like to know all about Chen Mo's deeds, like the eager Star chaser.

"Check your training."

Jingge lengbuding stands out from behind Chen mo.

Hearing Jingge's voice, Tuoli's smile stopped abruptly, like a withered eggplant hit by frost.

Every time Jingge sees him, it's training or hellish. Who can stand it.

"Good madam." Tuoshan, muting and others saluted Xiaoyu and others, and Longyue, Gusi and others also saluted. This is the hostess, and the etiquette is not enough.


Xiaoyu smiles and nods. Zhao Min and Mo Nu greet all the people of the Manshan nationality.