Science and Technology Library

Chapter 877


In the training ground, Jingge and the robot demonstrated the action of fighting, over and over again.

Next to him is a little boy, about eight years old. His face is similar to Chen Mo's, that is, little nameless.

He likes to practice martial arts. Chen Mo asks Jingge to teach him. In terms of fighting, Jingge is better than him. It is undoubtedly the best to let Jingge be an unknown teacher.

Fighting with little nameless is a robot about the same height as him. Children of his age can not be so powerful as his accompaniment.

Because of his special physique, he has natural advantages, physical strength and strength. He is much older than his peers, and he is also very smart.

Nameless is a natural material for a technician. Because he has a strong brain, his passion for technology is not as high as that of the others, so Chen Mo and Xiaoyu didn't force him.

With his elder sister, Xiaoyu is not against it.


Two sets of armor came from the sky, appeared over the training ground and landed slowly. When the armour was opened, Chen Mo and Mo Nu came out of it.

Jingge and nameless both stop.

"Dad." Seeing Chen Mo, nameless wiped off the sweat on his forehead, his little face flushed and shouted to Chen Mo, a little happy.

"Well, is it hard to train?" Chen Mo touched his wet hair and asked with a smile.

"Not hard." Nameless firm shake his head.

Chen Mo gave him a thumbs up and said, "that's very powerful."

It's not hard to carry Jingge's training. Chen Mo has to wonder whether the little guy is lying or Jingge is too loose with his training.

"He works hard and has talent." Jingge took a faint look at the nameless one and apparently admitted that the student: "what are you doing here?"

"The space connector is almost finished, the space connector is finished, and you can connect the little universe's Manshan star."

"Well." Jingge nodded slightly: "come and fight."

As he spoke, Jingge tore off his coat and loosened his neck. Let Mo female take nameless to rest, Chen Mo takes off his coat and reveals the perfect muscles.


Chen Mo disappears in place and attacks first.

An hour later, Chen Mo was lying on the training ground, breathing heavily and feeling hearty.

Back to the earth, he was in the laboratory. He didn't fight so happily for a long time. Only when he trained with Jingge, he could use his superpowers recklessly.


Crape myrtle civilization small universe, violet star.

Here is one of the seven God level civilizations in the universe, Ziwei, the main star of Ziwei civilization. The high-level and main figures of crape myrtle civilization live on this huge and incomparable purple planet.

ZIWEIXING, a magnificent building, is the most prominent. The whole body is purple, engraved with ancient totems and inscriptions, as well as the conspicuous crape myrtle flower logo of crape myrtle civilization.

The plants around the building, mainly the purple flowers, the purple fluorescence on the leaves and petals, will decorate the surrounding into a dreamlike fairyland. The atmosphere is full of strange fragrance, very good smell.

Inside the building, an old ZIWEIXING man looks a little melancholy. In front of him is Ziyun, a fat man playing the Strategy Cultivation game and a sleepy young man.

The old ZIWEIXING people are not only the star owners of ZIWEIXING, but also the rulers of Ziwei civilization.

"Why not fight?" Zijunzhi hates iron but not steel.

Ziyun's face is clear and cold, but it doesn't fluctuate because of Zijun's melancholy. She takes the crape myrtle tea beside her and sips it gently. The purple eyes remain indifferent.

"No contest." Finally, Ziyun said three words lightly.


Zijunzhi has a headache about Ziyun's cool character.

"Tong Qing and Dan both arrange their means in advance. The competition is just in vain, and they may die in it." Ziyun put down the teacup, the voice is still cold, even in the face of the star Lord, the same.

"What about killing Zach's life? How about the investigation? "

"The investigation shows that it was the life of the transaction with Tong Qing that he escaped." Ziyun projects two photos of Chen Mo: "Zeqi will die. He should recognize him in shiganxing and be found by him."

Seeing Chen Mo's picture, Zijun is a little surprised.

"What do you mean?"

"The first time we saw him was in an experimental star of the three eye civilization. At that time, you asked us to go to the origin City Galaxy to find the small universe." Ziyun releases the image of Chen Mo fleeing from mercury, which is the image of Chen Mo fighting in free black ant battle armor.

"A senior armour division?" Zijunzhi looks at Chen Mo's battle shadow frequency.

"He is not a senior division, or not just a senior division. The first time we saw him, it was in qingshuixing. He seemed to be an ordinary life, but it felt strange to me. "

Ziyun recalls seeing Chen Mo for the first time.

This time, the fat man like a hill stopped playing and looked at Ziyun in surprise. The sleepy young man also became energetic.They know purple rhyme's ability, which makes purple rhyme feel special. This is the first time.

"He is like a red intelligent life, but he gives me a feeling of the same level."

Ziyun continues to pour a cup of crape myrtle tea.

"His armor is similar to that of a cat man who uses red matter to close the entrance to the universe. Before entering the black hole, zetsch used this shadow frequency to let me explain to you and reduce the punishment. "

"Why not explain?"

"No need, mission failure is failure, no excuses and reasons." Purple rhyme light said.

Zijun rubs his temples with headache.

Purple rhyme there are good, that is, the character is too clear and cold, not cruel enough, this character is very troublesome to the superior. The fat man who played the game and the sleepy young man talked, but he dared not talk. I admire Ziyun very much. I still have a cold attitude towards the star Lord.

"He may have the ability to develop technology."

Ziyun releases two other segments of shadow frequency, one is Chen Mo's 21 segments of shadow frequency, including Jingge battle armor. The other part is the shadow frequency of Jingge killing the dark forest civilization oder.

Jingge as like as two peas, they are the same as other colors.

"Give you a new task. The Intelligence Department of crape myrtle civilization will send you to find that life and come back with super power development technology. It can be done in any way, including by bringing him in. " Said Zijun with a sigh.

"OK." Purple rhyme lightly nods, puts down the tea cup, rises to leave.

Seeing Ziyun leave, Zijun shakes his head and sighs.

At that time, the purple emperor event exposed the reality of the decay of crape myrtle civilization, and the number of people who had the ability to awaken was less than one year. It's true that crape myrtle civilization is in decline, even if they don't want to admit it.

The crape myrtle civilization, which once created the war armor system, is the most powerful of the seven divine civilizations. Everyone is in awe. Now it is more like an old man.

Ziyun's talent is smart and intelligent. If she takes over Ziwei civilization, Ziwei civilization will not be a problem for a short time at least, but Ziyun's temperament is too cold to be suitable for the upper position.

I thought that after the small universe mission, I would let her accumulate enough prestige, and then give way to her, but in the end, there were changes, I lost the small universe, and I also caused various troubles.

After a look at the fat man and the sleepy young man playing the game, Zijun got more headache and turned away.

Only a few talents, one by one let him headache.

Until the disappearance of Zijun, the sleepy youth still looked like a "Beijing paralysis", listless: "do you think Ziyun has a chance this time?"

"Hard to say, that man doesn't look easy." The fat man shakes his head: "Ziyun's character needs to change. It's too cold, or it's not good."

"I don't think she wants to change." The sleepy youth muttered idly.

The fat man who played the game paused, nodded slightly, and some agreed with the words of the sleepy youth. The mess of a rotten empire is on a girl, and he is unwilling to take over.

"Go to Mermaid in the afternoon to catch mermaid?"

Hearing about the mermaid fishing, the fat man suddenly became spiritual: "last time I caught the mermaid princess, I was chased by the mermaid family for nine constellations. Do you want to go? It's a bit exciting, but I like it, hehe. "