Science and Technology Library

Chapter 869

The integrated team, starting slowly, is like a piece of precision parts, opening little by little, driving the operation of the whole mechanical system. Everything seems to be in order.

Originally, we were still discussing the situation of the sand table. The atmosphere was full and the voice of discussion was getting smaller and smaller.

Overlooking from the sand table, LAN's command team is like a foraging March ant, pushing towards Western Europe step by step, and also towards the hinterland of Asia in South Asia.

A word long snake, a torrent of iron and steel, in an orderly team, the opportunity to kill is revealed.

"It's interesting." Lin Shu stares at the action team on the sand table. The color of the sand table changes, which is very ornamental.

"It's not just fun." Li Lingfeng has a lot of dignified expression and can't turn his eyes. All around him are senior managers of the marching ant group. These years, the marching ants are strong and large. They have more or less been exposed to war.

They can feel the killing machine in it.

Zhao Min's expression is much calmer. Looking at the sand table and thinking occasionally, she is not good at war deduction. However, she has seen the sand table deduction of the operation Department of the March ant group many times, but it is the first time that she has seen such a large-scale and complex deduction.

"It's over." Chen Mo nearby said, "Wang Hai lost."

The speed of advance of the team laid out by LAN is accelerated, and soon the difference will come out. The speed of progress of the team becomes different. The vanguard team speeds up and inserts into the weak defense line like a blade. In an instant, the defense line is torn open.

Wang Hai seems to be a complete defense, and suddenly becomes full of holes.

Living forces are gathering and large battles are brewing.

Fell into the eyes of the staff who watched the battle, his face suddenly changed.

Even the management of the March ant group, who didn't know much about the war, realized the change of the situation at this moment. LAN's blue is expanding rapidly.


"Fifty major battles have been launched at the same time. There are countless small conflicts. It's a terrible overall planning ability."

Left thousand eyes stare at the sand table, almost fanatical, eyes full of admiration and awe. It's hard to imagine what a terrible monster it could be. If it's an enemy, it's a nightmare.

The defense line was torn open, under the LAN team's cutting, the battlefield was separated and became scattered.

"It's impossible. Can human computing power reach this level of horror?" One staff member lost his voice and said, "did Chen Mo let AI help him to deduce?"

"I know Chen Mo, he won't do it." Li Chengzhi immediately shook his head.

"Where are the two special teams going?" A sudden voice interrupted their discussion. Along the Arctic Ocean he pointed to, two teams broke through the Western European defense line and marched towards the hinterland of the Soviet Union.

The crowd looked up.

There are only two teams, breaking through the defense line and directly inserting into the hinterland. The two teams speed up abruptly, like a torrent of routs, like entering a no man's land.

The cold atmosphere filled the air, and all the participants were quiet. Zuoqian and the old people around him stare at the two marching teams, and the direction they are heading, which is a terrible sense of danger.

From the setting up of the war sand table, that team is undoubtedly the elite special team of fast March, which is the most prominent in the war situation of the whole line.

The sharp blue blade approached at an amazing speed.

In front of the blade, all the watchers changed their looks. In front of their eyes, the Soviet command post was located.


"How does he know where the other party's headquarters is?" Even Zhao Min was frightened by the amazing scene in front of her.

"It may be based on the comprehensive judgment of some obtained information." Chen Mo answers.

It's a little surprising to find the other side's headquarters.

However, LAN's judgment based on the information obtained in the fight is that it is possible to guess the approximate position of the other side's headquarters.

"Intelligence information is so huge, so fast, how can he do it alone?"

"Yes, the brain structure of each life is different. I can record all the information flowing at that speed. The key is how to analyze the information. LAN's brain structure is different from other life, with his unique thinking skills. In the universe, human beings are still very weak. " Chen said quietly.

For humans, this almost supercomputer like capability is incredible, but for the advanced life of the universe, it's nothing. If we think fast enough and have a complete layout and strategy, we can achieve this.

Although Chen Mo has not studied sand table exercise professionally, he has seen pig running. This kind of strategy game, like go, as long as there is talent, brain and layout are big enough, learning will be fast.


The situation of the war opened, and the global war was raging.

On the sand table of war, the situation of war is changing all the time. And all of this is in LAN's grasp. The scheduling, support, and medical treatment of combat logistics are of great importance.Huge campaign, meticulous command, it is inconceivable, can not imagine, LAN's overall planning ability to achieve what level. As the two teams approached the Soviet headquarters, the atmosphere became tense.

LAN squinted, his long and narrow eyes scanned the sand table, occasionally glanced up at the information, and then dropped a command.

The scale of the war is getting larger and larger. The two teams, which have gone deep into the hinterland, have successfully avoided investigation and made rapid progress towards the headquarters.

After a while, the two teams rushed into the headquarters of the Soviet territory like savage hungry wolves and ran into each other. This seems to be a war in a weak position, which collapses in an instant.

The sand table of the war is in a mess.

Red is disappearing at a rate visible to the naked eye, and all kinds of base facilities and living forces are waning.

"The headquarters has been terminated."

"The battle of the plain of Asia is over."

"It's moving so fast. It's on the Siberian plain."

"Far East rout, over."

The collapse of the Soviet Union stunned the spectators. There was no doubt about the outcome of Asia and Europe. Most of Europe and Asia fell into Lan's hands.

In the current world power distribution map, only the East Asia and North America belong to conspicuous red.

The power balance between the two sides has become very different at this moment.

However, the research and development of nuclear weapons has not yet been completed in the sandbox of the North American war, and the defeat of the Soviet Union has made the balance of war lose its last weight and completely incline to LAN's side.

Fifteen minutes later, the war rehearsal officially ended.


Many of the spectators breathed a sigh of fear.

If LAN led the war a hundred years ago, they could not imagine what kind of world the earth is now.

Too horrible coordinator.

They suddenly understood why Chen Mo wanted LAN to lead the battle Department of the March ant group.


Wang Hai looked at the end of the war, breathed a breath, his heart mixed.

He expected that they might lose, but he didn't expect such a tragedy. In the process, he felt like a newborn baby, led by his nose from the beginning to the end, with almost no resistance.

There was no sound around him, and everyone was dejected. It was their worst defeat. They were abused by a single person from the beginning to the end of their entire combat system team.

"Winning or losing is a common business of the soldiers. We have four games left, and we have a chance to win." Feeling the atmosphere is not right, Wang haititi spirit, Lang Sheng said: "next can't lose so cowardly."

In a short sentence, the morale of the Department of operations was shaken, and the eyes of the people around became sharp.